bottle dumps

  1. perfume bottle?? need help with id

    small bottle with the "moon glow" on the bottom. I'm thinking perfume, nail polish, or some other cosmetic bottle. Any other ideas?
  2. historic maps and iphone commander compas works well for me.

    Hi All, somewhat of a newb here. Did a lot of gold hunting about 15 years ago with the Fisher Gold Bug. Not too many features on that machine. But then we were up in the mountains far away from trash and pop tops. Now I am using my Fisher ID Edge to search old home sites. I have found a nice...
  3. New bottle dump found

    I'm pretty new to bottle digging and this website as well. I'm from New Hampshire and Vermont, but I recently found a small bottle dump and I've slowly been digging it in my free time. I've found lots of medicine, ink, and whiskey bottles, and canning jars. A lot of common bottles but a few good...
  4. Bottle Dumps

    I didn't see a thread for this on this forum. So I thought it would be a good subject to start chatting about. I know that you can go to your local city building or courthouse and get maps to locate the old maps of properties. They show where the outhouses were and that is where people used to...