british columbia

  1. British Columbia Discovery passage area

    Looking to get ahold of Daryl Friesen as I have begun to hit dead ends in my research, not looking for easy answers, but I believe he can point me in the next right direction as I believe he has been down this road before. Based out of Campbell River and fulfilled my dream of purchasing a...
  2. New Video Bedrock Crevicing on the Lower Fraser River

    This was filmed earlier this week on our bedrock claim on the Fraser. We found some gold and had a great time. Thanks guys.
  3. cant give away specific details

    Im finding it hard to ask questions without revealing specific information about our project, i think mostly im curious if anyone else here has investigated any underwater gold cashes. your experience would be invaluable. Also, if there is anyone who reads this and is familiar with the early...
  4. :boots: Looking for new hunting grounds

    Hello everybody! I just moved from Vancouver Island to the mainland of Vancouver and I am just dying to find some new grounds. Preferably creeks or anything.. I dont know anybody who hunts in Canada for indian artifacts let alone in British Columbia.. Thought id just give a shout out...
  5. Northern BC - day in the life

    This is a quick story about a visit last year to a new claim in Northern BC. I had researched the area and was able to acquire a claim on a tributary to one of the main gold creeks in the area. The tributary had some history and it looked really nice on the topo map and Google Earth. Access...
  6. Gold Prospecting in British Columbia

    So we braved the pouring rain the other day for a chance that maybe we could find some gold and satisfy our craving for the yellow metal at last.. Gold nuggets were the dream but this was the reality... Its raining really hard film and pics a challenge... The Little Bear pans for gold and...