gold nuggets

  1. Pegleg Smith Horse Thief 2.0

    Major Horace Bell was a "rawhide Californian," who wrote a stirring book about his life and times in the early days of the Golden State. Here's what he had to write about Pegleg Smith: Reminiscences of a Ranger; Or, Early Times in Southern California, by Major Horace Bell (Los Angeles: 1881)...
  2. i am so glad to be here..

    I am Umoru Lucky Zakari, i am into internet security and technology in West Africa, Nigeria, Lagos (edited by mod for rule violation)
  3. GOLD! Guess the Weight and WIN!

    This is open to ALL members of in good standing. This is California “Mother Lode Country” gold. Tell me the EXACT, TOTAL weight of these nuggets in Grams (0.00-grams). Contest closes at 7:00pm, Wednesday, December 23, 2015. In the event of a tie, first correct guess posted...
  4. The Golden Eagle Nugget - 1136 Ouncer from Australia

    Short video about the discovery of the Golden Eagle Nugget in Western Australia.
  5. Fun Tour de Gold. 5 Oz nuggets, bars, dore, dust, Coins All the table! $200k+ worth

    So we finally got our gold back from the gem show, took the post office 13 days to deliver what should have been 2 days...go postal service Yay! got scared it was gone for a bit!! Anyway, this shows some of what came in today. A nice dore bar. Placer nuggets. A 5 oz nugget. An Australian...
  6. Some Pickers Gold Nuggets

    Beep Beep....... Got to love that sound ..........Some Pickers
  7. The Peg Leg Smith Chronicles

    The Peg Leg Smith Chronicles - 19th Century Newspaper Articles Peg-Leg Smith.— Nevada Gazette gives the following biographical item, which is characteristic of this old mountaineer : Peg-Leg Smith, whose death was recently announced, as most of our readers are aware, was an old mountaineer...