
  1. Item NO. 2277 The Vanishing American Picture

    Can anyone please help me identify this found it in a old box that my Mom had and have no clue on what it is after a few hours of research.
  2. Could anybody ID this jar?

    In the attached pictures show the jar I found in a small dump recently. On the bottom, it is embossed with 5215, X, and 2-1. If anybody’s has any ideas on what it is let me know. Thanks for the help!
  3. Please help me on my questions for bottles.

    Hello, my name is Tommy, and I would like to know about more ways to find bottles. Since I dabbled in the hobby this year, I do not have much experience yet. I mostly metal detect, and that is how I found bottles, in two locations. At a 1980s house, which had a large shed likely dating back to...
  4. Help! Trying to figure out what this is!

    I've been trying to figure out what all this is and any suggestions would be a huge help! Mica infused?? :S
  5. ✅ SOLVED Is this a mint error? Or post mint damage of some sort?

    I found this in my backyard. It is a 1958 last year no mint mark wheat penny, but the rim on the obverse is insanely large We found things like dryer coins and spoon coins that look like this, except those had this large rim on both sides, while mine is only on the obverse. I would really like...
  6. Beautiful vintage blanket/throw

    I went to a consignment store yesterday and got a beautiful just like new blanket that I think is cotton, the label looks old so I am curious about it now. Label reads:; N.K. . . handwoven. If anyone knows anything can ya let me know? P.s.it was in a box of linens I bought for $1.00
  7. Help identifying Pewter Pitcher

    I got these Pewter Pitchers and I can't identify them nor are there any marks to distinguish. Can someone help me with figuring these out? Thanks
  8. I had a dream!

    Hello everyone! I am brand new here and to the metal detecting community in general. That being said, I had a dream today and I NEED to get started. I don’t even know where to start with metal detectors, but I know what I am looking for (generally speaking). I am looking for a metal detector...
  9. Help this new Rockhoundette Please......

    #Need #Help #IDing Alot of rocks/ minerals I'm a newbie Please...... Hi:sunny::sunny: I live in So Cal and I go to this Beach in Palos Verdes pretty often and kind of picked up hobby of rock/ mineral collecting. I rented alot of books from library to try to ID them with not much luck.:BangHead...