wagon wheel

  1. what type of wheel ?

    Hi, I've been "oak islanding" in the swamp area on my property. It has been so dry that the "lake" dried up. I took this opportunity to scan it. I found a plow point and part of an iron kettle, but then I found about 2 1/2 feet down what looked like part of a wagon wheel. I took a trace of...
  2. what type of wagon wheel is this?

    Hi, I've been "oak islanding" in the swamp area on my property. It has been so dry that the "lake" dried up. I took this opportunity to scan it. I found a plow point amd part of an iron kettle, but then I found about 2 1/2 feet down what looked like part of a wagon wheel. I took a trace of...
  3. Good finds at Stage Coach Stop

    My family farm in North/Central NJ has multiple cellar holes throughout it (1890 acres) but one I just hit for the first time today. I have been told that this particular foundation is what used to be a pre-colonial stage coach stop and was burnt down by the British during the Revolutionary War...