xp deus metal detector

  1. Friday’s Finds 😍 xx

    So we managed a couple of hours on the windmill site last night! Conditions were perfect, what a joy to be able to do this here! xx I obviously secured the half hammered! Then we found lots more lead, some Strange lead in amongst the blobby bits, one looks like a seal, flat face in 4th pic...
  2. First evening hunt of the year 😆 xx

    So its now light and nice enough to get a couple of hours in in the evenings 😆 xx Lots of lead scattered about but in amongst it.. big old nail about 2.5 inches across the head, musket balls, neatly folded lead, button and a Cartwheel penny (1797) and a 1905 penny! And another gorgeous view...
  3. Today was about the views! 😎 xx

    So our favourite fields have at last been planted, so had to come Up with a new field, so choose this one, it is just outside the village, and is said the have once been the site of a wind mill… so we gave it a go! Lots of lead and iron signals, but little in the way of keepers, but super happy...
  4. Sunny Sunday xx 😍

    So after spending yesterday listening to lectures on the Bronze Age Settlements in our area, today we were back in the fields, misty start, but the sun soon burnt thru and had the most gorgeous day! Himself found this stunning key 😍 simply beautiful! xx then we have some mystery items, the lead...
  5. Today’s Treasure xx

    Absolute belter of a day out in the fields, the sun was out … 20 degrees, resulting in a veritable smorgasbord of offerings for your viewing pleasure! First a gorgeous little hammered, found by myself ( no id as yet) the a strange lead disk with the imprint of a hammered coin on it, a brooch...
  6. A Beautiful Bank Holiday 😎 xx

    An extra day in the sunshine today, so we went back to yesterdays field, conditions were perfect, sunshine, gentle breeze! We are truly lucky to still have these fields, but fear by next weekend the will be planted😬 xx So what did we find today… my absolute best was this tiny complete brooch...
  7. A Stunning Sunday! xx

    Another beautiful day here after heavy overnight rain. So we decided to head out to our favourite field, that has the Roman Road across it. I found this Tiny weight (?) He found the lead weight, we both found Thimbles, gorgeous buckles, 3 musket balls, a damaged Jetton, scrappy Roman, and a...
  8. A Beautiful View xx 😍

    Today dawned bright and sunny so we decided to try a field on the top of a hill, we have been wanting to try for a long time….. the result was stunning views… mixed bag of treasure! A long lost key with a stirrup key ring, an old spoon, 2 lead buttons, a few usual buttons, and lead in various...
  9. Slow Sunday xx

    What a difference a day makes! After yesterdays balmy action packed day… today wet, very wet, and only a few hard won finds! Best of the day went to himself with half a hammered… (no I’d?) buckles, nice little thimble… it’s tiny! Couple of musket balls, a damaged crotal bell, bit next to it...
  10. A Stunning Saturday in England! 😎 xx

    After a lovely week off work, finally we got to go swinging. Stunning warm sunny day after a pretty wet week, still no sign of the sugar beet farmers so we got another day in the fields just outside the village. I got a little scrappy Roman and bonus you can see a face (facing left), super...
  11. Monday Funday! Xx 😬

    Woke up to torrential rain… so delayed start! After yesterdays great day, we were back to the sticky mud after all the rain, went back to the same field and searched in earnest for the rest of the gold faster I found yesterday, no luck, but still some excellent finds for us both! gorgeous...
  12. Epic Easter Hunt… AKA Did I find GOLD ??

    So after a gorgeous couple of days weeding the garden and clearing leaves… it was time to head back to the fields of dreams 😆 xx What a day! The sun was shining and the fields had dried out beautifully! I THINK I found my first Gold….! No idea what it is… but it’s yellow… and that must mean...
  13. Swinging in the sun 😎 xx

    Finally a gorgeous day, even warm enough to shed a layer of clothing! I found this gorgeous coin, I believe it is a Magnentius Bronze Centenionalis ( AD 350 - 353) And himself found this 1856 French coin! How amazing is that😆 xx Usual mix of Buckles, buttons, a Ring, Roman Nail, Pot Leg...
  14. Today’s Treasure 😆 xx

    After a wet and cold week, we were excited to get out in the fresh air. So we went to the ex stubble fields that are now ploughed and disc’d, they are to be planted with sugar beet, but luckily for us, no sign of planting 😆 xx Quite a mix today, a gorgeous pair of shoes (pendant) large...
  15. Today’s treasure! 😆

    Despite the clocks changing marking the start of British Summer time, it was a cold and windy day in the fields! But we are hardly types, so undaunted spent the day searching for treasure for your viewing pleasure 😆 xx Gorgeous Queen Victoria six pence (1855) Spindle whorl and Bag Seal, just 2...
  16. Today’s Treasure xx

    Today we were back in the freshly disc’d stubble field…. it was a very chilly 3 degrees…. ! But we are hardy addicts so off we went! xx Some of my favourite kind of treasure came up, stuff I don’t know what it is… the little disk with a pattern on is lead … a possible blade… it’s 1.5 inches...
  17. Today’s Mixed Bag xx

    Today for a change we went to the fields next to the canal! Tons of big iron, and a few random modern coins… and an American Cent! Some musket balls, buttons, spoons, and a medal, cat brooch and part of a toy gun… all in all a very mixed bag! 😂 xx It made a nice change from beating the...
  18. Today’s Treasure 😆 xx

    Another gorgeous spring day so as we did my field yesterday Himself wanted to go back and grid the Stater area… so that is what we did, and yes He found another 🙄 xx A gorgeous Roman Fibula brooch, lead seal, buckles, buttons, musket balls, lead bits, I got a scrappy Roman and a toasted coin...
  19. Stunning Saturday in the spring sunshine 😆 xx

    Saturday dawned bright and sunny, very excited as we went to a field I have wanted to do since we started detecting, finally the sheep are off it and the electric fence is gone. This field had a Tithe Barn on it so was curious to see what we would find. I found this gorgeous lead weight, (217...
  20. Awesome Sunday (for Him🙄)

    Bit late with todays results because Himself found this little coin today and weve been in shock😂its a Celtic coin of the The Corieltauvi. South Ferriby Type dating from circa 10-20 AD Obverse: Stylised horse In other news… i found a hammered… some bits of crotal bell, a tiny pretty button...