1/9 - 1/14 **115 Keepers** My week in review


Bronze Member
Apr 11, 2011
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have been uninspired to post the daily finds lately for obvious reasons. Anyways it was a good week overall, it started out ok Monday, then a phenomenal on Tuesday & Wednesday. However once Thursday rolled into town it was all downhill, but at least there were a few keepers on the tailend. Tues/Wed accounted for 81/115 of the keepers!

So without further ado, here is the short version, read on for the daily details if it please you!

Total Searched
59 Boxes - $29,500 Halves
$855 dimes

92 x 40%
23 x 90%
3 Dimes
21.997 Troy Ounces

Long Version
Monday, January 9th - Didn't have many orders for this day, just the bank by my office and I threw in a box of dimes as well.
Box 1 - Skunk
Box 2 - 1969
Box 3 - 1964, 1966 x3, 1967, 1968 x4, 1969
Box 4 - 1967
Box of Dimes $500 - 1964-D, 1964
CWR Dimes $300 - 1961

Tuesday, January 10th - 8 boxes from one of my best producing banks of late proved to be no exception and a fantastic way to get the week rolling. Lots of enders, I forgot to record most of them.
Box 1 - 1964 x2, 1966, 1967 x4, 1968 x2, 1969 x2 (1 rev ender)
Box 2 - 1965, 1966 x2, 1967 x3, 1968
Box 3 - 1964
Box 4 - Skunk >:(
Box 5 - 1964, 1965, 1967 x2 (1 rev ender), 1968
Box 6 - 1959-D BF, 1966
Box 7 - 1957-D BF, 1964 x2, 1969 x2
Box 8 - 1966

Wednesday January 11th - I was stoked I had 14 boxes today ALL from the same "chain" just different branches as Tuesday!! Turned out to be a good hunch!!!
Bank 1
Box 1 - 1964, 1966
Box 2 - 1967
Box 3 - Skunk
Box 4 - 1967, 1968

Bank 2 - all the 69's were BU some of the only 40%'s I've ever seen where you can actually still make out some of the copper in the edge vs. it looking another shade of grey/black
Box 1 - 1964 x3, 1965 x3, 1966 x6, 1967 x3, 1968, 1969 x6 (this box had 3 reverse enders, i forgot what years they were)
Box 2 - 1952 BF, 1965, 1969 x3
Box 3 - 1964, 1968
Box 4 - Skunk

Bank 3 - Found my first WL since sometime in December here, was nice to see her pop out!
Box 1 - 1968
Box 2 - 1936-S WL, 1968 x2
Box 3 - 1951 BF, 1962-D BF, 1967, 1968
Box 4 - 1964, 1967, 1969 x2
Box 5 - Skunk
Box 6 - Skunk

Thursday, January 12th - The skunk is BACK in town officially !!!
Bank 1
Box 1 - Skunk
Box 2 - 1964 (rev ender), 1966, 1967, 1969
Box 3 - 1967 x3, 1968
Box 4 - Skunk

Bank 2 - Big ouch here, same bank as Tuesday....I guess I hit a new pallet or DC.
Box 1 - Skunk
Box 2 - Skunk
Box 3 - Skunk
Box 4 - Skunk
Box 5 - Skunk
Box 6 - Skunk

Bank 3 - Ouch again!
Box 1 - Skunk
Box 2 - Skunk
Box 3 - Skunk
Box 4 - Skunk

Friday, January 13th - Another brutal day, thank goodness for alcohol
Bank 1
Box 1 - Skunk
Box 2 - 1967
Box 3 - Skunk
Box 4 - Skunk
Box 5 - Skunk
Box 6 - Skunk

Bank 2
Box 1 - Skunk
Box 2 - 1968
Box 3 - Skunk
Box 4 - 1967, 1968

Saturday, January 14th - Slight reprieve today, ended up with a few keepers
Bank 1 - boxes 2 and 3 the finds were in the same roll both times interestingly enough
Box 1 - Skunk
Box 2 - 1962-D BF, 1967
Box 3 - 1963-D BF, 1967

Bank 2
Box 1 - 1965, 1967
Box 2 - 1964, 1967

Bank 3
Box 1 - Skunk
Box 2 - Skunk
Box 3 - Skunk
Box 4 - Skunk
CWR Dimes $55 - Skunk

Just shy of 2 keepers per box....I'm happy with the week overall since in this hobby you have to look at the big picture not just some individual days that really sucked.

Attached are pictures of:
January week 1 (recycled from last week OMG I'M BUSTED !!!)
January pile with week 2 added

HH to all in week 3 of January & Best of Luck !!!


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Upvote 0
Very good totals. Im working up to that sort of volume but I think I need to increase my working cash a bit, into the 4-5K range. Awesome work.

Incredible volume! 59 boxes in one week. Tanner and I search 2 boxes a week plus some CRH, you searcehd more last week than Tanner and I will search in 5 months.

Great Job!!

Keep on Searching
Dan and Tanner

Awesome finds. you did great, keep up the hard work, volume sure pays off!

Sorry to bug you, I don't want to sound like one of those "pics" people, but would you mind posting a picture of the $500 box of dimes?

Here in the east, there is no such thing as a $500 box of dimes, they are all $250.


Quite impressive! Q & Q quality and quantity.

May I be the first to buy you a beer.....and an a couple Aleeve.

Added a funny pic I meant to add last night of the leaning tower of cardboard Pisa.

Sorry to bug you, I don't want to sound like one of those "pics" people, but would you mind posting a picture of the $500 box of dimes?
I added the tower of cardboard picture :-) Sorry it is already gone Bboy. BofA sells $500 dime boxes here, they are clear rolled Brinks, the $250 dime boxes are actually "half boxes"

May I be the first to buy you a beer.....and an a couple Aleeve.
Anytime you're in town! You can keep the aleve though ;D

you get right outa town man those numbers are crazy!
Thanks AGBlex!


Nice Job! Keep on rolling. Fantastic week.

HH Dave

fantastic finds, keep on CRHing.

Nice boxes.. way to power through the skunks.

I did 6 boxes myself this week and got some to make up for that really bad week. I was so not into CRHing that I procrastinated and did it over the weekend. Really good week for up here.

Box1: Skunk
Box2: 1 40%er
Box3: 1 40%er
Box4: 1 40%er
Box5: Skunk
Box6: 3 40%ers

For course, my numbers pale in comparison. LOL

The only boxes of dimes in my area that i can get ahold of without specially ordering are $250 brinks clear wrapped boxes of dimes, never saw a $500 dime box. Thanks for specifying.

nice going BH! Your volume is always impressive to say the least. And your dedication & perseverance to this hobby is sure a great inspiration.

Always like reading your posts and seeing those great pics too! :)

Keep at it & H$H!

BuffaloBoy said:
The only boxes of dimes in my area that i can get ahold of without specially ordering are $250 brinks clear wrapped boxes of dimes, never saw a $500 dime box. Thanks for specifying.

Nothing special. They're square and open down the middle and the lettering is green and says "$500 dimes" on it. Similar to Brinks style brown halves boxes except that it opens down the middle and the lettering is green. The rolls are stacked sideways. What I don't like about them is that the box hold 11 rolls in a row not 10 like one would expect in the $250 boxes. Brinks lost their contract out here with BoA supposedly so I won't be seeing them in the future which is a bummer.

WOW BH that is some volume and nice vein you got there. Was told this Friday at one of my dumps that they are going to charge me 10% from this time foward. :angry5: So I guess I will not be dumping at that location any more. Congrats again!


SFbay keep up the volume as best you can....you'll hit the paydirt if you do....I got a feeling!

Sultan - Do you have an account with said bank? I don't think they can charge you unless you comply to it. I think the OCC has rules against excessive charges for that, it doesn't mean the bank won't try every scare tactic in the book to try and discourage you. They do have the right to cancel your account though.

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