1826 Capped Bust Half Dollar Found: 8-24-2008

Oct 19, 2007
born in 3 sisters, tx. now living west of tilden
Detector(s) used
X-Terra70, X-Terra 50, Ace250, Ace150, GTI 1500,GTA 1000 Ultra, Tejon, Vaquero
Hea Fellow Tnetters

South West Texas produces some BIG SILVER

I woke up this morning and said hec its not raining so i turned on
the computer and check the Radar to see if there was any thing
showing up on it which is part of my daily routine, so i saw nothing
in the forcast so i decided to get out today @ a old house that has
produced a couple Nickels and several Wheaties and went over
there too hunt.

1st target was a 1951-D Wheatie then nothing except dang trash
for way over a hour and one half then hit my second target
anouther Wheatie 1955 then about 2' over i got an over load signal
so i lifted the coil to see what it could possibly be and it had tobe
some kinda Iron target that was close to the top of the ground so
I went back too hunting & diggin more trash up pulltabs, s-caps
and some can-slaw, then i decided to head towards the back side
of the old house where ive found the best finds at the house. I
decided to work right next too that old porch since ive never
checked it out, keep diggin up more dang junk then right @ the end
of the porch BANG that X-TERRA 70 went to squaking really LOUD
so i kneeled down and cut a U shaped plug and opened it up &
rechecked the target location the machine gave me a VDI of 46 @
7-8" deep
so i started to dig & used my gold scoop to remove the
dirt onto my towel, only dug on the outsides to make shure i did
not mess what ever was in there, i scanned every scoop of dirt
w/ the coil till i found it and out popped a 1826 .50¢ BUST Half
i got up & started too jump around after i ran it under
some water from the truck yelling out

but still @ 4" deep the dirt was still like concrete.

1826-Bust Hald Dollar-100.jpg
huntingsite101-old house.jpg


Upvote 0
Re: Today's Finds

Nope, sorry, too rich for my blood. I'm not allowed to find something that nice out here in Denver. Banner Baby, perhaps? Man, I'd be wearing that coin down to the other side by fondling it. You'll be staring at that thang for a good long time. Maybe you should just send it to me, for safe keeping, of course. Congrates,

Re: Today's Finds

Congrats. That is one awesome half dollar.

Re: Today's Finds

Congradulations on a great find Dave, Well done !!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Re: Today's Finds

Oh Yeah!!!!

What a great find. :thumbsup: Makes all of that trash diggin' worth it.

Re: Today's Finds

Good hunting my friend! I'd have been doing the chicken dance for SURE!!! <grin> Way to go!


Re: Today's Finds

Nice find man.

Wait till that all dies down. There should be some more goodies there.

HH Jer

Re: Today's Finds

I can't even imagine finding a large silver like that. Heck, I've never even seen one of those halves before you posted it. :thumbsup:
AWESOME find!!! :icon_king:

Alright Dave! :thumbsup: Congratulations man. That is one great find.

I really hope that you keep finding more great things around that place.

Banner material - ;D

Man that's a nice coin! Congratulations :thumbsup:


Holy Cow!!

What an awesome coin find!!
I bet you haven't taken your eyes off of it since you found it!!

Major Congrats!!

Dad burn it Dave! Beautiful half.......
I'd love a great old house like that to hunt...

Keep safe and keep diggin'...


That's it ! I am going to Tex. Nice find.

Wow. That is awesome. You don't see many of those come out of the ground.

I will be more than happy to be bumped from second to third on the banner. That half is definitely BANNER worthy !!!!

Great Job !!!

Brian in MA

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