2011 Ford F150 truck problems, I'm really PO'd


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
Detector(s) used
CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:
When I retired I gave my Cadillac to my older daughter, and purchased a used F150 pick-up. That Caddy wouldn't make multiple trips up my kilometer long dirt/gravel/rock driveway, and I needed a truck anyway.

The truck has been great, have had it 3 1/2 years now, and then the "notifications" began. First was low tire pressure, and I checked air pressure weekly to make sure they were properly inflated.

And then on a long drive to a nearby town, bingo! Got an engine problem notification, and lost control of the gas pedal. Turned around and came back home. The entire distance I drifted in speed, punching the pedal did nothing.

Cranked it the next day and all was well. But it continued to act up. I looked up re-calls and there was one related to the vehicle computer. At the same time my driver side rear turn signal stopped working. Replaced the bulb, still didn't work.

Local dealerships are questionable. So I took it to a different dealership for the re-call, and they stated they'd have to "troubleshoot" the problems.

Now to me, the sucker coming to the door, that sounds like "Cha Ching" = money coming to their door.

This was a more trusted dealer than the local ones.

So, the troubles began anew, growing more serious each time.

I went to a trusted private repair shop, replaced the computer and some sensors. The shop did a great job, the warnings backed off for a while but did return. Cost me some bucks there.

So, again, I'm trying to get my truck trustworthy - I can't even trust it to the end of the driveway at this point.

My repair shop told me I need a part that they've a customer on a waiting list for two months for apparently a sensor mounted on the transmission, so I have to go visit the LOCAL dealer I've been told not to trust.

I did that, the service technician stated I'm covered - on a waiting list, that the company which makes the part doesn't make them anymore.

So, I'm still researching this - I have to borrow Mom's car to go out, and repairs have cost too much already.

Can't sell it, can't trade it. Been pretty frustrating here the last several weeks.

Anyone with experience in this particular matter?

Sorry to hear about the issues your truck is having. Please don't dwell and get the mindset "what else can go wrong" just know that the back ordered part is the fix.

the more computer crap they put on cars the worse they are
When someone tells me about the backup camera they have I say just wait till it goes out

I think a nice old truck is the best bet

I think a nice old truck is the best bet

You betcha Jeff! I drove a nice Ford truck for more than a decade during my traveling years. Always got me there and just normal maintenance. This is a big generation beyond those days. Right now I just need to find out a part number for it = still looking.

I have to have a pick up w/ 4 wheel drive,, now that I live in the "Pennsylvania Wilds.
I purchased a 2004 Silverado that was well taken care of, (no rust), and only had 93,000 miles on it.
So far, I changed the power steering pump as well as a transmission line that leaked. I had my mechanic replace the tires with 4 new Michelins. I'm hoping that that is all I have to do to get through the winter.
Do you think it is a good idea to join AAA?
Hope you can get your truck up and running the way it is supposed to run

I am leary of newer trucks. I have a f350 that has 330,000 on it and is still running strong on original motor and tranny. Only done regular maintenance and nothing else. Older trucks are always better than a computer......

I've been overwhelmed in research and strategy for a while now, haven't been on TNet in over a week I'm sure - no interest here.

There is a recall with an extended warranty on the part, 16N02 – Molded Leadframe Extended Coverage – 2011-2012 Ford & Lincoln, June 16, 2016.

But the more specific one is TSB 13-04-09 on the The Molded Leadframe connector dated: April 15, 2013

So this problem has been known for 4 1/2 years.


However, unfortunately the part is need is the connector AL3Z-7G276-B

Unfortunately, the part ceased production some years back replaced by the AL3Z-7G276-D, which was immediately pulled from production - who knows the issue = no info found.

My needed part is unavailable today, I've ordered 3 times from vendors who advertised as in stock. All three refunded my money - part no longer in production.

My truck has sit for weeks now, I just said to heck with it and drove it to town & back today - the transmission constantly shifting.

I've been to three dealerships, with the recalls documented, they'll accept it in trade just fine - for about the $10k I owe on it - meaning I trade for a newer truck and pay full price with zero down payment - unless I thrown more money than the grand I've already spent trying to fix it into the deal.

Geez, I was a Ford Truck guy, expected better out of FOMOCO. This also impacts Mustangs and Lincolns, and probably more, really beginning in about '96 up to '13.

Each of the Ford dealerships, 3, had customers with the same issue and no fix.

SHAME on Ford for abandoning us.... but of course we're on a list......

I was a Ford guy but not now. Good luck and i still have my first truck 1956 Ford small window.

My experience when talking to dealers has been disappointing. Numerous times I was told that the part was in stock, only to be disappointed upon arrival at the dealership. This was with my motorcycle. I now require the salesperson to leave the computer screen and go to the stockroom and physically touch the part.

Ford is one vehicle I just won’t buy. Heck nothing they make even excites me at all. For me it’s all mopar. My old Dodge diesel has about 423,000 miles and is still running perfect! No engine computers whatsoever!

If I was you I’d check eBay for the part and if you come up empty, try calling a few transmission shops. See what they say. If neither of those pan out. Dump it and consider yourself lucky to be rid of it.

After reading up on this issue, forget eBay. There is a program update for the computer, looks like all it does is prevent it from going directly to 1st gear while at higher speeds. Basically hiding the issue. This part has to become available sooner or later. Myself, I’d be looking for a better truck...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

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I'm a Ram guy but won't engage in brand trashing, things can and do go wrong with any brand.

I'd advise going to a Ford truck forum and asking around there if you haven't done so already.

I'm a Ram guy but won't engage in brand trashing, things can and do go wrong with any brand.

I'd advise going to a Ford truck forum and asking around there if you haven't done so already.

They all have issues. The difference is the frequency of issues and how they are handled.

The best customer care I’ve ever experienced was from Honda...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Well, my last Ram which I recently sold was a 1996 that I bought in 2002 and used until 4 months ago with 280,000 and still running fine.
Current Ram is a 2002, and that is modern to me ,,, So customer service when it comes to vehicle warranties is something I know zilch about.

Sound logic X-ray...

Ford has many non recalled problems ,and plenty without even a service bulletin. Probably all makers do.

Ford forums have answered multiple problems with my 08.
Problems that speak volumes about quality issues in design and in engineering.
The brutal reality? If you get 5 years out of a truck ,Ford is impressed with themselves.
I like my truck.
Will not continue the long run of Ford ownership( 4) next truck though.

http:// http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&redir_esc=&client=tablet-android-asus&source=android-launcher-search&v=141278776&qsubts=1510002904067&q=2011+ford+f-+150+throttle+quit+responding

http:// http://www.google.com/search?client=tablet-android-asus&hl=en&source=android-launcher-search&v=141278776&q=2011+ford+f150+transmission+shifting+randomly&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwik1OvasqvXAhWKMyYKHUWAAKsQvwUIGSgA&biw=1280&bih=800

I bought my 1994 Ram in 2002. No warranty. However they have warranted a few small issues. My 2010 Weangler I bought new and the one warranty claim I had was promptly handled. Now they extended the warranty on the clock spring and front brake lines. Though I’ve had no trouble.
The two new Subaru’s I’ve bought have been excellent as far as warranty issues.

Now, I’ve dealt with ford on a few major warranty claims. All over a few thousand and one that was over $10,000...
They refuse to warranty these without a fight.
Just google what Ford 6.4 diesel and Ford warranty looks like...
Not pretty...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Sound logic X-ray...

Ford has many non recalled problems ,and plenty without even a service bulletin. Probably all makers do.

Ford forums have answered multiple problems with my 08.
Problems that speak volumes about quality issues in design and in engineering.
The brutal reality? If you get 5 years out of a truck ,Ford is impressed with themselves.
I like my truck.
Will not continue the long run of Ford ownership( 4) next truck though.

http:// http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&redir_esc=&client=tablet-android-asus&source=android-launcher-search&v=141278776&qsubts=1510002904067&q=2011+ford+f-+150+throttle+quit+responding

http:// http://www.google.com/search?client=tablet-android-asus&hl=en&source=android-launcher-search&v=141278776&q=2011+ford+f150+transmission+shifting+randomly&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwik1OvasqvXAhWKMyYKHUWAAKsQvwUIGSgA&biw=1280&bih=800

Your links seem to be dead

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

First, I'm sorry to hear about your truck. One thing comes to mind, is the part available at a junk yard? I have done very well at junk yards over time. If it's part of the transmission itself, as I am not familiar with the part, you might have to get a transmission. My Chevy Equinox did the lights all over the place thing, its a 2009. 145k miles now. It was a wheel sensor, cost $450 and fixed the problem. I took it to a private shop I trust.

If the truck gets to be too much of a headache, it maybe time for it to go, what is the mileage? I had a Dodge Shadow once, put 333,000 miles on the poor thing before I gave it to a relative to play demolition derby with. It was so old it creaked going around a corner.

I have a 2011 f150 3..7 litre , After the warrenty expired, I replaced,the belts,coolent tank {water pump,starter, at 163thous.miles}.My computer does act up sometimes. I purchased the truck new with 7 miles on it. My engine light is currently on,but I ignore it,as everything else works.Sopmtimes the low oil light comes on,I refill,and it still acts up.
Their is a button on the steering wheel colum that can be used to set the gas peddal fixed,so you dont have to put your foot on it.Re-pressing the button re-leases the gas peddal to normal use. Hope this helps.

Your links seem to be dead

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Course not ,they are Ford links!

They work for me. When I edited them with one http removed they worked yesterday. Not sure why it shows two http's before each link now ,but should only be one before each..

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I've just about said screwit. I drove it to town this morning to vote. It got me home. I'll drive it until it leaves me hitchhiking.

I've been considering junk yards for weeks now. Trouble is, I'd have to buy the transmission assembly to pull the part off it. I've already spent a grand on fixing it, and ain't going to spend no more!

I've the V-6 with the 6R80 6 speed transmission. They advertise much higher mileage than the 15 mpg I average. My next truck won't be a Ford.

Edit: I've been all over the Ford forums. They have quite a few victims without a fix from Ford.

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