2020 was a rough year for me


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2014
mid western ARK
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
XP Deus with 9"LF and 9" HF Coils and 600 Equinox with stock and 6" coils
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Yep. it was kind of a tough one for me. a lot of problems healthwise and physically. Surgeries, a cornea transplant, back issues, kidney issues and other things like just being able to walk because of balance issues and depth perception. Got the cornea transplant Nov 12th, will take about a year to heal but can already tell that it has made a difference. still very cloudy but nothing like it was before. Then, Thanksgiving, my wife who works at the high school, brought home the Covid. I already had a bad sinus infection plus what ended up being strep throat so the covid hit me hard. lost about 40 lbs and am still super weak. But survived. didn't get to metal detect one time last year although wanted to. didn't do a lot of things. managed to take the boat out one time back in June, was trying out a new moveable seat up front. leaned to much to the right and went into 30 feet of water. lost my glasses and of course toasted my phone. ist time ever to fall out of a boat. But the good thing was the VA finally figuring out that my cornea was sagging badly and within three weeks had the transplant, not at the VA but nearby. Hoping that the docs are right and this will help with depth perception, vision and balance. These made my crippled right foot a worse problem. So, the new year begins, cold and raining but it begins. Plus, the wife had a knee replaced so I had to do my best to keep her taken care of. Getting older and dealing with these things are getting harder than they ever used to be but that is life. Wishing the best of the new year for all of you

Dang ! I thought My year was Ruff :icon_scratch:

Good Luck in 2021 & remember ! once we hit Bottom, Things can't get any Worse :coffee2: and You were at least able to Post that .

Happy New Year :occasion18:

DL hang in there, 2021 will be better for you and your wife!

Sounds like it can only get better from here. Good luck in 2021.


Here’s to a GREAT YEAR to you and yours!!!!

There IS something good to be seen every day despite our realities.
The trick is to be looking for it.

That picture was taken at 5:02 PM
I sent it to a friend who responded with a similiar photo taken at 5:02 PM 10 miles away! It was fantastic. Almost exactly like the photo in real life. It quickly faded away minutes later.

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The knee replacement should be something positive!!!
It can make a HUGE difference. Wish my grandpa was able to have that done.

appreciate the concerns and well wishes. The wife is doing mostly better with bad days here and there but nothing like before. I am finally eating, maybe too good but things are tasting better. Still very weak but that will take time. I am feeling pretty good about the cornea transplant, still pretty cloudy but so much better than before.I had Lasik done back in late 90s and this caused my cornea to sag big time and totally distort my vision. Never dreamed about a cornea transplant helping my vison or ever seeing better out of that eye. much less getting taken care of by the VA. I even managed to make a couple of self bows for the first time, now I might be able to see to shoot them. also made some river cane arrows plus backed the bows with bamboo that we have growing behind the house. did this while struggling to see what I was doing LOL. But it will be so nice to swing a detector again and hear those tones.

I hope you are able to get out detecting in some more in 2021, you definitely had a rough stretch in 2020.

It takes strength of will to do what you have gotten through and accomplished. On top of all that you were there for your wife. Hope you’re out swinging the detector soon.
Best of luck in 2021 to you and family!

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