30.00 silver

first time recently * --not first time ever ---silver was about 50- once upon a time long ago. :wink: :icon_thumright: with the govt following the german style of economic fix of the 1920's (just print and spend more "non backed" money ) I see the same results as that fix made happen then -- so hyper inflation can not be far away --the massive amounts of excess cash floating about * will of course make its trade value in foreign exchange markets fall--- one can see it happening if one watches the dollar vs foreign money exchange rates

when it becomes worthless enough -- it will take a lot of money to buy just about anything (hyper inflation) -- its got so bad in germany --that they made million mark notes and folks had to bring in hands full of money to get a loaf of bread .

the gist of this is * metals --silver and gold will go higher in values as folks swap out worthless paper to gold and silver -0-thus how it "links" to your post -- sorry not high jacking the post but explaining the driving force behind the sudden rise in metal prices and why i think metals are going up to stay for a good long time .

Funny I was just watching a video on this Ivan. In this video there is some marketing stuff at the beginning and end I would ignore but listen to this guys message and you make your own conclusions.

I am sure MTS will come along and have some different opinions. I am not trying to be negative, just realistic of what we face in the coming years.

Not trying to hijack your thread johnls, but this is well worth a watch about whats going on. Breaks it down in simple terms.


I think it will crack $30 sooner than the 21st. I would not be suprised if it does so next week. Given that Silver was just over $17 to start 2010, I think it will hit $35 pretty early in 2011. I think I will be suprised if it DOESN'T hit $50 an ounce in 2011.

I completely agree with Ivan. I studied German History in college, and I think our government is basically doing the same thing that Weimar Germany did. The only difference today is that many other world governments are doing the same thing. As a side note, one of the German states even minted a 1 Billion (US Trillion) Mark coin in 1923.

whats kept the wolf from the door so far is the US GOVT ability to just "print more money" --since its the world reserve fund / IMF "money of choice" --as the US debt just keeps piling up that could change very easily -- and there are signs that it WILL occur before long as US debt holding countries are getting tired of the US just printing more and more money --thus watering down its worth anddevaluing the dollars / debt they are currently holding -- once they swap off to a differant standard than the US dollar as a world reserve money ( a commonly accepted money used for settling international bussiness transactions)--- the fecal matter will hit the fan , as far as the US dollars "new" value.

ivan salis said:
whats kept the wolf from the door so far is the US GOVT ability to just "print more money" --since its the world reserve fund --money of choice --as the debt piles up that could change very easily -- and there arwe signs that it WILL occur before long --then the fecal matter will hit the fan.

As the world moves away from the US dollar as a reserve currency things are going to get tougher and tougher. Americans are going to experience things that havent happened here since the Civil War.

Hard to guess, but before the end of this year for sure. I hope a correction happens soon though. I still believe that silver and gold will within 5 years hit levels that right now would shock most of us (or be looked at as absurd impossibilities by some here).

AGCoinHunter said:
Funny I was just watching a video on this Ivan. In this video there is some marketing stuff at the beginning and end I would ignore but listen to this guys message and you make your own conclusions.

I am sure MTS will come along and have some different opinions. I am not trying to be negative, just realistic of what we face in the coming years.

Not trying to hijack your thread johnls, but this is well worth a watch about whats going on. Breaks it down in simple terms.


I didn't take the time to listen to much of the video, but I believe things in our country, and most of Europe are gonna get really bad before anything gets better. No way to fix the jobs and debt situation here in the US without lots of economic pain (jack up interest rates sky high and cut off liquidity, stop most social programs, etc.). Even doing all that might not be enough though. If there is a way to fix things I would like to see somebody explain what it is.

I have read that some other countries (not the US) have recently begun seizing private pension funds to pay gov debt. I hope that does not happen here.

All above just my opinion.


I listened to the video and found most of the information factual, albeit peppered with a bit of fear mongering and exaggeration.
Once you add some of disinfo with the facts all credibility is lost as far as I'm concerned.
I would not send for his free booklets and certainly not pay for whatever it is he is selling.

AGCoinHunter said:
Funny I was just watching a video on this Ivan. In this video there is some marketing stuff at the beginning and end I would ignore but listen to this guys message and you make your own conclusions.

I am sure MTS will come along and have some different opinions. I am not trying to be negative, just realistic of what we face in the coming years.

Not trying to hijack your thread johnls, but this is well worth a watch about whats going on. Breaks it down in simple terms.


Nah, I'm not going to hassle you guys anymore. It's the Christmas season. Time to be jolly and spread good will to your fellow man. :icon_thumleft:

I'm thinking after the 1st, more poeple are in the shopping mood than investing right now. ;D

Rich Hartford said:
I listened to the video and found most of the information factual, albeit peppered with a bit of fear mongering and exaggeration.
Once you add some of disinfo with the facts all credibility is lost as far as I'm concerned.
I would not send for his free booklets and certainly not pay for whatever it is he is selling.

Rich I agree with you as there was some stretching and exaggeration on the presenters part. But I don't discount his entire message because of that. The parts I found intresting about his message was the normalcy bias on the part of wealthy Jews in the 1930 German state. How they believed that "it cant happen here." As we all know, it did. Also his discussion about inflation in Great Britian during the 1970's. I always wonder what were situations like in countries before a collapse. I think the coming "collapse" you will see here will be similar to what GB experienced. I think this presentation provided useful insight into that. His attempts at fear-mongering are an attempt to get you to buy his materials but there is useful information to glean from it in-between. Like I said to begin with, listen to it and make your own conclusions.

I think it will hit $30 in mid-February 2011 and will probably hit $35 in late 2011 or early 2012. I think there will be serious resistance and profit taking at the $30 level, so it will be difficult to pass or sustain this level until the selling is done, especially since silver is now heavily influenced by the SLV exchange traded fund.

If your investment horizon is for the next three to five years, gold would probably be a better bet. I think that will hit $2000 by early 2012.

For what it is worth I was in a coin store today and I heard the owner talking to one of the workers. He had just got off the phone with either a wholesaler or national dealer and he told the worker to lower what they are paying on 90% and 40%. Apparently the national guys are getting flooded with junk silver now due to the recent high prices and thus are lowering what they pay the local dealers for it.


I am sorry but if you people are wishing the dollar falls apart with our economy will follow, and throwing the rest of the country into anarchy so you can make a quick bucks off you piles of silver and gold. If this really happens (which I hope to god does not) are you really going to be safe selling your gold/ silver, also with the talk of other countries that are in the hole across the world what kind of paper money will you be paid with that won't fizzle out with the rest of the world. I say this becseu I know even from the economic crisis when we cough the whole world catches a cold, when we fall the whole would will follow.

Look I know I sound a little harsh and I know most of us just like making money more than the next guy, but hoping for our country's system of currency to fail seems UnAmerican, because you want us to fail as a nation so you can make quick money.

As for the prices of metals I think when they hit 30.00 then it will go back to a correction stage.

imacer said:
I am sorry but if you people are wishing the dollar falls apart with our economy will follow, and throwing the rest of the country into anarchy so you can make a quick bucks off you piles of silver and gold. If this really happens (which I hope to god does not) are you really going to be safe selling your gold/ silver, also with the talk of other countries that are in the hole across the world what kind of paper money will you be paid with that won't fizzle out with the rest of the world. I say this becseu I know even from the economic crisis when we cough the whole world catches a cold, when we fall the whole would will follow.

Look I know I sound a little harsh and I know most of us just like making money more than the next guy, but hoping for our country's system of currency to fail seems UnAmerican, because you want us to fail as a nation so you can make quick money.

As for the prices of metals I think when they hit 30.00 then it will go back to a correction stage.

Your post seems to assume that any of us here have any control or power over the dollar or economy, as if those wishing silver and gold go up are somehow responsible for whatever happens to the dollar and/or economy. I don't think anyone on this blog works for the fed reserve or congress, but I might be wrong.

Next, let's assume that the economy and dollar are heading lower and/or into the crapper. If that were to happen, where would you like your assets to be? In dollars, stocks or PMs? You would want them where they would serve you the best I would assume.

Many here have been investing our precious "dollars" into PMs for years to the dismay of our friends/families. Now, said friends and family members are telling us we were right and wishing they had heeded our advice. Does it feel good to be right? Yes. Does it feel good to see our investments going up? Yes. But none of these feelings mean we wish that the world/economy/dollar will go to hell in a hand basket.

But if one believes that said things are going to happen, why not position oneself into a commodity/investment that will protect ones assets the best way possible. Will the country evolve into Mad Max type land? I don't think so. But I do believe there will be protests (nice word for riots), lots of unemployment and the same type of things that happened in the Great Depression. However, nowadays, the US populace generally doesn't have the same morals, work ethic or demeanor as our grandparents, etc, had in the depression, thus the results of what we could get now might be worse in many ways.

So go ahead and call us un-American for owning gold/silver and for feeling good we are doing our best to protect ourselves and families if you wish, but don't be a buzz kill for those of us who made good choices and feel a bit of gladness that we were right even though everyone around us thought we were foolish.

Just my opinion and 2 cents.


no normal human being would wish for the us econonmy to tank so that their silver or gold coins / metal they got will be usefull as trading money * --that crazy --

but since the normal "little man" has very little to no real influance as to what occurs on the world money trading markets -- all we can do is prepare for the fiscal storm thats going to occur if the current fiscal policys contine --(the wealthy sure as heck are already doing it) --if one knows a massive flood is going to occur shortly -- is it not wize to by a boat?--or should one wait until its too late and drown in the flood waters -hoping someone will pick them up?

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