🥇 BANNER A Coin Spill for the Ages: Spanish Silvers, Large Cents, and a massive Old Silver!


Gold Member
Mar 6, 2014
17th century
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX 3030 & XP Deus
Primary Interest:
The day started at sunrise with me hiking through the dark woods. You see, I snuck out at 6am and before any of my 15 Thanksgiving guests awoke. After a 3/4 mile hike I arrived at my target site. It turned out to be a complete bust full of beer cans and illegal dumping.

So instead of going home I hiked to a spot about a half Mile away I've had my eye on for quite some time. It had great features; next to a good river, had high ground, and fertile soil. There was no record of a home existing there according to 1841 and later maps, so this was a complete gut hunch. Upon arriving I find an indentation at the high ground, which turned out to be a cellar hole. It was hidden as you can see...


Here's the well...

I turned on the machine and I hear iron, dig a few and find hand wrought nails. Here's a hand-wrought rose head nail which were used up to about 1800. Bingo! Great sign...


Without much luck with non-ferrous targets, I work my way around to the front, and then to the other side. I get a jumpy signal that was double hitting, and thought I had surface trash. I dig it and out pops a 1800 Spanish 1-real!



A video:

I'm quite excited and after a 10 minute intermission I rescan and find another target...and out comes a 1/2 reale. Wow!

A video:

Excited now, I swing around the hole and have another hit...a Large Cent! Nice...

Next hit brings the biggest surprise of them all. It was choppy and grunting, but a high was coming through. I open it up and almost fall right over...


A crazy video:

Staring back at me was what looked like a Spanish 8-real! I pull it out and low and behold it's an equally large French coin: a King Phillip 5-Franc monster silver!!!! The size of this coin is amazing - about the size of a Spanish 8. I'm still shocked when I look at the coin.

Wow. If this isn't what dreams are made of I don't know what is...

A minute or two later I dig yet another large cent and this ended my best coin spill ever.


If I learned anything from this, it's to go with your hunches. Cross your fingers and get out there and hunt.

Good luck and good hunts everyone!


Happy belated Thanksgiving!

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Upvote 163
After 3 years of being on Tnet, thought I had seen it all.....
And a Colonial coin spill gets me thinking of maybe 2 or 3 toasted keepers....
But no, you score 5 gorgeous coins, and the hair on my arms are on end as I read this post.
You ARE the bastid of the bramble!!!
I am going to go back and watch the videos, when I'm done, I'll expect to see your hand holding the goods on the Banner.
Congrats my brother, ya done good!

Congratulations scrappy. I would love to find a stash like that. Awesome! :notworthy:

this is my kind of relic hunting scrappy. i work the same way. glad to see this one paid of so HUGE. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, thx. Huge is correct. I looked it up and saw its ~3/4 oz. of silver.

Wow scrappy sounds like Christmas came about a month early for you. Incredible find. Definitely the stuff we all dream of, and what keeps us all swinging and digging. Thanks for the inspiration. And congratulations. I wold probably be fondling those coins for the rest of the month at least.

Wow - what a day you had Steve!! I'm quite impressed with those Spanish silvers and the coppers, but the 5 franc coin takes the cake. Never seen anything that like ever posted on any of the forums. Looks like you really have something to be thankful for, and I'm sure your incredible find must have taken the edge off having all that company occupying your house. Congrats again man!!

Helluva great hunt Scrappy. That's one you're not real likely to best unless you find a jar full of Eagles or Double Eagles.

Lol. I'd gladly take one eagle. That's one still on my list;)

do not call 911--- that was not an earthquake >>>>>>>>>>>> just me falling off the chair :notworthy: and they said there was no winner in the lottery :laughing7::laughing7:----'cept fer SCRAPPY :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:

Dude I can't keep my bottom jaw up! It keeps dropping... What is the percentage of silver on that big ole franc??

That there is straight up bananas!! Utterly epic, a slam dunk banner hunt. I love the time capsule-like window into what was circulating then. Perhaps it's a stretch, but given the finds in total I'm wondering if that could have been buried after the bank panic of 1837? I'm also only aware of one other 5 franc coin being posted on here, and if recollection serves it wasn't as beautiful as that.

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Wow!!! What an awesome spill! The Spanish & LCs are awesome but my favorite is that big French coin! Sweet

Hellofa spill. I wish my hunches paid off like that.
Some nice coins you got there.
You are makin me want to go do some exploring.

INCREDIBLE :headbang:. What a spill man. A couple years ago I found that 1 real, 2 reales, capped bust half spill and it was a feeling I'll never forget. I can only imagine how pumped you must have been. Thanks for keeping me up to date as I've been stuck inside with no hunting for 3 weeks now. :occasion14:

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Winner winner turkey dinner!
That's a post!
Congratulations on those recoveries ,your gut instinct gets a shout out too!

Hahaha! Yep, it was a winner. Killer finds are like beautiful women; we cant have them all the time, but when we do, it makes it all worth it!

Cheers buddy

I don't know if people watched my video, but I sounded like a flabbergasted insane man. For me, it was one of my most exciting finds ever. Cheers and thanks for looking bud

I didn't even get to watch them yet but I will and look forward to it. When I seen your post flabbergasted was the word that instantly came to mind. It doesn't very often! Haha
Great finds especially the big silver! [emoji106]

Wow, what a Sweet hunt you had. I think my guest would have been dinning with out me if that was me.
Awesome hunt with some killer silver!! Congrats and hope this is just the beginning!!

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