A First For Me....Update.. Military Tag Returned 10/31/08

Re: A First For Me....

Happy to say that I finally received that phone call from my local contact on Friday. The report was that the daughter of the soldier was so happy to hear of the military tag find, and that she could hardly wait to have it back in the family! :wink:
I got her phone number and called to see when I might return it, but got the answering service. :-\ Left my number with her and went on my way to hunt. Hunting at the newest site for a few minutes and the cell rings. It's her! She says she's on her way. Not five minutes later she and her husband pull up and we meet and greet and I hand her the tag. It was a thrill to see how happy that old tag made her. She must have already planned on paying me for it, as the next second she had her other hand coming at me with money in it. :D And you know, I couldn't even think of taking that money from her. I told her if I took it, I felt like it would take away from the sheer pleasure of my giving her the tag. The tag by the way was her Dad's, from the Korean war.


Also..notice her husband there on the right...well...seems he's one of the hunters from the 70's - 80's era that I am hunting behind! :-X :D I told him, "Thanks, for leaving me a few bits of goodies to find!" :D They did offer some great info on sites that Lisa and I are going to look into a bit later. :thumbsup:

Nana :)

GREAT! FANTASTIC! I bet you were beyond thrilled to see her face when you gave it to her!

Go ck out the leads she gave you no tellin what there is out there waiting on you to find I would bet a lot since one wondeful deed reaps bounty at some point!

Oh, this is really great news! Yep, check out those other leads, may be some hidden treasures left to be found.

:wink: RR

Excellent job Nana.....Has to make you feel good inside!!!!! :thumbsup:

That is so awesome that you tracked down a family member! I am hoping to have similar luck with a tag I just found the other day!

That deserves a big deposit in the Kharma bank!!! And I remember the days when all you used to find were bullets and nails......... I sure wish my finds would do an upgrade like yours have!!!!! Keep at it!


Shouldn't this be a honorable mention?A job well done :thumbsup:

Nana, that's just tremendous! So good you got to return the tags. That must be an incredible feeling; maybe someday I'll be able to return something that dear to someone.

Ya did good, gal!


Nana, Great finds and story. :thumbsup: I'm so glad you were able to return the military tag. You can tell by the look on her face it meant so much. You are a true sweetheart...

Great post Nana and nice job returning the ID tag! Any idea why it was where you found it? HH, Mike

Aww! Thanks ya'll! :)

Bavaria Mike said:
Great post Nana and nice job returning the ID tag! Any idea why it was where you found it? HH, Mike

She said that they had lived in the old house when she was a little girl. :) Seems there were quite a few different families in the area that lived there over the years.

Nana :wink:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Fabulous story Nana. Bet you'll be getting directions to more old sites than you'll ever be able to hunt. Kudos!

Dog Tags are really important. My mom has one of mine that she keeps with her at all times. I have my dad's who wore them in vietnam. Since he has passed away they mean even more to me. Good job!!

tpmrcp said:
Dog Tags are really important. My mom has one of mine that she keeps with her at all times. I have my dad's who wore them in vietnam. Since he has passed away they mean even more to me. Good job!!
Amen Brother!!!!

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