A Little Victorio Peak Tidbit for Yall

Got something for this thread

as with Drogo's Dad , My Dad as well worked on Whitesands at the exact time
the Military dug into V-P .

Pop's worked for a Civilian Contractor : " Land , Sea , Air " LSA inc.

His job as an Electrical Engineer , was to service the Radar Towers and associated units , The assignments
he was given each day ,,,, took him all over the Base , he covered more miles on that Base then any single
individual ever , ( with exception of those who came later with the same job )

Given the Fact he worked alone unsupervised , as a Treasure Hunter , he explored area's while on the Job .

His Duty Roster for each day , averaged out to take up about a third of His 8 hour day , leaving him
a lot of time to explore from the North End of the San Andreas , to the Southern Terminus of the Organ Mountains .

He as well worked with the Tribal Council of the Mescalero Reservation , where he met many of the Elderly Tribal People .

He made a lot of friends among the Tribe , as well as the Locals of the Settler Families .
White and Hispanic Both ( His wife was Hispanic and made many friends with the Local Hispanic populace )

Dad (Harvey Snow ) collected tons of information on the legends and locations , as an Avid Reader and Researcher , he was
more or less an Encyclopedia of Treasure Yore , for not only New Mexico , but across the States .

In time , once his Knowledge was recognized publicly , Many Seekers and dreamers as well as Journalist and Intelligence Agents
began to swarm him .

Rolling a bit forward in time , He lost his 14 year old Daughter to an Organized co-vert home invasion be Agents .
That event killed in him , any generosity with his Material he may have had .

Enter Oren Swearingen and the Mormon Church with their Organized effort to glean Information from my Dad .

The Dentist as my Father referred to him ( Dr. Oren Swearingen ) Showed a lack of sympathy and certainly no Empathy
toward my Fathers Lost of his Daughter due to the Attempts to steal from his home any Maps or articles
that may lead the Intruders to the Goodies .

Dad gave Oren an Ear , listened , and answered .
The Answer given to Oren , was to send him on a snipe Hunt , Hardscrabble Peak and the 1300 steps of a Cavern .

Much has been spit out of the Faces of people about that 1300 step cavern , Inclusive and progenitor of the lies , being Oren Swearingen
Himself , for the Fact that Oren was foolish enough to Send a Young Father of two , into the Mountains via an Ultra-Lite Aircraft
seeking the Entrance to a Cavern that may not to his knowledge , even exist .

That Young Man , with a Family of Wife with two small children , Died when he crashed the Ultra-lite in those Mountains .

Oren the Dentist , internalized , Rationalized this epic tragedy , to be the Fault of My Dad .

Revenge on his mind , Oren went after my Dad in any way he could think up .

Across the pages of these Forums , Sick individuals have carried the Torch for Oren and Have attacked my Fathers Name .

Agents of Provocateurs , were advised by me personally to leave my Family alone as well as the Families
of my Dad's Treasure Hunting Group , and still these sick people pursued their sick conspiracies targeting not only
my Dad's name and Reputation , they have as well attempted to Harass the Family members of other connected
people to my Dad .

I hold the Vassal , I alone , the information , the Key , the Knowledge and experience concerning these Treasure
sites located by my Father and his Group .

My advice was ignored , I asked , then commanded they stop , I pointed out I could easily return the Favor ,
and they scoffed .

Owing that a Display of how I could return the favor , was perhaps best , I used a demonstration upon these Sick people .
it was short , sweet , and easy to do . It should have got the point across that we are far from helpless in defending ourselves .

I do not intend to have to push back with a more impressive display , however , My Family and the Rest , have put up with
enough out of Sick Minds .
I will not be polite about it again .

We have lost loved one's , and Ignorance has used that to attack us .

We have had to give up known and found , recovered Treasure to a Government that does not protect us from
the Crimes they commit .

I now as a member of a new group for the past 9 years , can expose more deeds and facts then that Government
would want to surface .

POINT : read and enjoy , that's a Forum RULE , another RULE , do not harass members ,
My rule now : My Dad's name is not anyone's Toy , if it's played with , I will indeed play back .

R. Allen Snow

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I'll vouch for Gully, coarse he IS a used car salesman ??? Seriously, remember that I have first dibs on his boots if he ends up with a collapsed Spanish mine leaving just his boots sticking out.

Well he had better not end up that way, I don't care to be having to dig him out and then try to pack him out of there! He is just too plain BIG and I have to watch my back! :laughing7: Kidding aside I would have to second that vouch for our mutual amigo Gollum. And since my amigo Real de Tayopa has called dibs on his boots, then I call dibs on his files! :tongue3:

Please do continue, interesting posts.
:coffee2: :coffee2:

Quote :

Get this point across just to let you know , as Gollum always states

Here again ::::::~~~~~~~~~~ " Much has been spit out of the Faces of people about that 1300 step cavern , Inclusive and progenitor of the lies , being Oren Swearingen Himself ,
for the Fact that Oren was foolish enough to Send a Young Father of two , into the Mountains via an Ultra-Lite Aircraft
seeking the Entrance to a Cavern that may not to his knowledge , even exist . ~~~~~~~~

end quoted Text ~~~~

The Sociopath will Rationalize their defunct actions through Placing the Blame upon their Victims .

Obviously Oren thought to swindle My Father out of information ( I was present )

Dad , as a Man should meet the Devil , Gave the Devil his Due .

Oren with his cheeks aflame with smile , marched off believing he had a Treasure in hand , swindled out
of a Simpleton .

The Snipe as Bait . Oren chased it .

His perception of my Father being , that Dad was an easy target , a fool ,

That Young Man was in the Mountains at Orens instruction and behest , on an Ultra-Lite of all


Oren Fails to accept his Guilt , no ,,, a Sociopath will always pass the blame to others .

To Oren, Dad caused that Guys Death ,
To Oren as well , retribution was in Order for Mr. Snow

( Again ,, I was there )

Oren in total disrespect of a Dead Man ( My Dad ) got busy posting his self deluded Lies about my Dad , all
over the internet ,, Obsessed , Deluded , Deranged as he was ,, I understood his Bent intentions and allowed
it to pass .

It's what a Man does , he lets menial nonsense pass away back into it's dark corner .

However , be it understood , no respect is due a Dead Man who has Disrespected another Dead Man .

Be it as well Understood , That I have the choice to exac

Well, I had to bump this to the top to say "mystery solved." The author who interviewed my dad was none other than John Clarence. I've just started reading "The Gold House" trilogy, and to my surprise on the page of acknowledgements my dad's name is mentioned prominently. I know it's him because we have a kind of unusual last name, and his first name is unusual for our time (maybe not so much when he was born in the 1930's). That's enough for you treasure hunters to figure out who he was (I won't confirm it).

Anyway, if anyone still cares, it was John Clarence that interviewed my dad in the 1990's.

I'm anxious to see if, as I read through all three volumes, if my dad gets credit for the information he provided. I never thought in a million years that my dad could possibly have provided enough information to actually have his name appear in the acknowledgements.

So I've gotten to the first few chapters of Book Two of "The Gold House". My dad is quoted for a couple of incidents, but I have not run across the story I started this thread with as of yet.

The author mentions that my dad told him several "other" stories, so why didn't this one make it to the book?

My guess is, it's for two reasons:

1. Probably my dad didn't remember or possibly didn't know the names of the people in the incident I related. The authors have been meticulous in their documentation and a story without names just becomes hearsay. I also allow for the possibility that after nearly 20 years the "Mandela Effect" may have
caused me to remember the story as actually happening to my dad, when in reality it may have been an incident told to him by someone else at White Sands Missile Range. Again, that would have made it hearsay without names to document.

2. Probably the authors didn't want to bog the book down with a myriad of people's "war stories" concerning Victorio Peak, and so only the most relevant and documentable incidents that further the authors' narrative made it into the book.

Still, I remember my dad telling me the story I related on many occasions. I always had the "wow" reaction every time he told it.

Once I finish all three volumes, I may try to contact Clarence and see if he has any notes on other stories my dad may have told him.

Since my dad was already an old man when Clarence interviewed him, he may have spilled the beans on some things that Clarence might have thought were dancing too close to classified material to publish. My dad is deceased, so I can't ask him.

I believe Drogo's story. I read an article about Victorio Peak many years ago. The article contained before and after photos of Victorio Peak and the incident Drogo mentions. The after shot looked like an armored division had crisscrossed the hill. The search took place in the 1960s. The speculation and rumor at the time was that LBJ confiscated the gold.

I believe Drogo's story. I read an article about Victorio Peak many years ago. The article contained before and after photos of Victorio Peak and the incident Drogo mentions. The after shot looked like an armored division had crisscrossed the hill. The search took place in the 1960s. The speculation and rumor at the time was that LBJ confiscated the gold.

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, my dad was very much an insider at WSMR, and that right after all the Victorio Peak rumors ran rampant several senior Army staff retired suddenly and mysteriously according to him. IINM some of the reviews of "The Gold House" imply that LBJ may in fact have refused to run for re-election because he had all that gold and could retire wealthy. In other words: it had nothing to do with Vietnam affecting his popularity and he was probably more than happy for that "cover story". I have not reached that point in Book Two of "The Gold House" yet. It's the thickest of the three volumes, but I've been reading reviews and the Victorio Peak plot eventually involved both LBJ AND Richard Nixon. In fact, as it stands right now (IINM) LBJ got most of the gold and Nixon got the scraps. What's an interesting coincidence is that shortly after Nixon's involvement the ban on civilians owning certain forms of gold was repealed. What an amazing co-ink-i-dink. And it had nothing to do with Victorio Peak, right?

I guess I should wait until I finish "The Gold House" before posting any more, but these reviews and write-ups previewing the book are part of what got me interested in the first place.

Oh, and it seems there are a number of mysterious deaths associated with people who "knew too much". For example, Swanner who wrote his name and serial number inside the cave and was evidently on-site excavating the mountain died unexpectedly of a sudden painful and fatal condition.

Why is it that untimely and suspicious deaths always seem to follow these heavy duty political schemes, a la LBJ after JFK's assassination, the Clintons, etc.?

Read Richard Belzer's "The Hit List" for the people who mysteriously died because they might have been too close to the JFK assassination.

How stuff like that relates to this thread: my dad was always "cagey" about what he knew. He always cautioned that if the wrong people talked it was a big desert they might disappear in. That's one reason I waited so long to delve into this subject: my dad has been dead for nearly a decade, now, and I wanted to locate the book authored by the man who interviewed him before admitting to what I know. In other words: I wanted to wait until an author made the intrigue at WSMR public knowledge before I said anything. As soon as I knew of the existence of "The Gold House" as a three-volume set I was pretty sure this had to be by the guy that interviewed my dad, just on his statement, "I've got too much material for one book. I'll have to write an encyclopedia." Well, he and Whittle did. Not that anyone cares anymore or that I'd be in any danger, but being the paranoid type I am, I decided to wait. You know what they say, "Paranoia is just a heightened state of awareness."

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Food for thought. In the realm of "this is what treasure does to people," I've been considering the 27 skeletons in Victorio Peak that were tied to stakes in the floor and left to die.

Everyone thinks they were Apache victims, and they may very well have been.

But here's a thought: what if they were the people who hauled the gold into that cave for the "owners" in the first place?

In my previous post I talked about suspicious deaths of people who knew something of the Army operations at Victorio Peak. What if the 27 skeletons were the "first wave" of "dead men tell no tales" and were in fact victims of "knowing too much" when the gold was hidden in the cave way back when?

I've not read yet of any detailed description of the skeletons, so that's why I'm speculating.

The people who originally stashed the gold there would have had an incentive to prevent people from talking. There's nothing like getting laborers to hide your treasure then leaving them to guard it through the ages. Creepy.

Truly Victorio Peak contained a cursed treasure.

And evidently there are still undiscovered caches that Doc Noss buried in the area to hide them from Charley Ryan, the government, and others.

So if you're trundling through the New Mexico desert someday and you trip over a bar of gold, thank the Lord and Doc Noss for your find--but be sure to look behind you for who might kill you to get it.

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