A strong start - season 6

I have never said that... Why do you make that accusation? Why the personal attacks? It is very clear what I have said... The first published accounts of the oak platforms every ten feet was not made until the late 1860s at earliest. However I will stop engaging with you as I have no desire to get into personal insults with you...

Perhaps they felt it wasn't important. Perhaps they kind of wanted to make the focus more about the what the treasure could be. Perhaps they felt so close that they needed to keep their mouth shut. Perhaps it was reported but the articles are lost to time.

There are a lot of different possible reasons why things were done the way they were. You are missing the important questions. WHY make it up? Timbers every ten feet, blue clay, charcoal, coconut fiber. None of that would make me invest my money into the excavation. Would you? See we tend to think we are so much smarter than the folk of the 1700s but truth is, money was much more tight back then and spending it on coconut fibers would be considered insane.

There would have to be truth and pure evidence to invest. Now the counter argument:

Well, where is the evidence?

After a couple of hundred years where do you think it is? Gone. No one holds onto coconut fibers and timbers. Let me ask you this. Have you ever lost anything? I bet you have. And that was in your life time, not hundreds of years.

That is why the story, to me, is the evidence. Why make up such elaborate but yet, un-exciting details if you are trying to bilk someone. The whole goal of that is to take the money and RUN. Not take the money and hang around an island until you die.

Not sure you want me to read all of it as it contradicts what most on here think, but of course ya'll will say it is all lies...

There is a difference between willful lies and wishful embellishment. Most people who tell you they have seen a ghost or alien UFO are not lying. They are sincere . . . just very probably mistaken.

A pile of rocks made by a farmer clearing a field becomes a fortress ruin. A buried logjam or debris gradually filling an ancient sink-hole becomes a platform. A pier becomes a diabolical flood channel system. Costume jewelry or scrap hardware becomes a Bobby Dangler.

cw0909 You are in a class all your own. Now if you could only get us access online. I am still using your links posted on the Beale Treasure for County Records. Keep up the good work.

A couple of good finds from browsing the docs supplied above.

1863 - Correspondence to McCully
re: problems with digging,
more money required;
dissatisfaction with progress

1867 - Item - Report to Directors of the Oak
Island Company from John Browne re:
his attempt to find treasure in the money
pit the preceding two months and his
conclusion the there is no treasure

In 1845 he became manager of operations of
the Truro Company, formed to raise money for the treasure hunt by selling shares. The company began
digging in 1850, but by 1851 had run out of funds and ceased operations. In 1861 McCully was corporate
secretary of the newly-formed Oak Island Association of Truro, which was able to raise a large sum
of money. With a work force of 63 men and 33 horses, the Association made several attempts to solve
the problem of water flooding in the “money pit”. McCully wrote of these attempts in the Liverpool
Transcript, 16 October 1862. The work was unsuccessful, however; the money ran out and the company
folded in 1864. In 1866 McCully participated in a third company, the Oak Island Eldorado Company
[Halifax Company], which again raised funds and continued operations. But it also failed and closed
down in 1867.

3 stints, 5+ years and nothing.

WHY make it up? Timbers every ten feet, blue clay, charcoal, coconut fiber.....There would have to be truth and pure evidence to invest.

My own view is that something definitely happened on Oak Island... I feel the most plausible explanation I have seen is the one offered by J.Steele in her book "The Oak Island Mystery, Solved!" Her view is that the Money Pit was a Pine Tar Kiln that was part of a naval stores operation run by the Jesuits... Her explanation of the Oak found, coconut fibres, blue clay, swamp, Smiths Cove are all given in her book. I can recommend reading it if you are really interested in the history of Oak Island..

I am looking forward to seeing what the Laginas discover about Smith Cove and the drains.. I also am looking forward to seeing if the Laginas can find evidence that the swamp was man made..

I believe that it has been shown beyond any doubt that it would of been impossible for people to have dug the pit to 200+ foot with being drowned....

Not a single piece of evidence has ever been found of treasure being buried (below 10 foot - the old ladies story) in the money pit in all the hundreds of years of searching..

The Laginas have found nothing to support a treasure being buried on Oak Island....

I am fascinated by the story and have done extensive research on the old historic documents..

Most of the published accounts on the internet prior to the TV show seem to be based on the Readers Digest version of the story.. This version seems to mainly be based around the 1890s prospectus aimed at raising money for the treasure search..

After that prospectus was published most of the newspaper reports were based on what it said....

It is only since 2014 or so the actual primary documents have been posted on the web.. Prior to this the source documents were not available easily to people writing about Oak Island..

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In 1861 McCully was corporatesecretary of the newly-formed Oak Island Association of Truro, which was able to raise a large sum of money. With a work force of 63 men and 33 horses, the Association made several attempts to solve the problem of water flooding in the “money pit”. McCully wrote of these attempts in the Liverpool Transcript, 16 October 1862....
I think this seems to be the most likely source of the U shaped structure in Smiths Cove...

"found an odd stone while assembling his equipment" translates...took a break to walk into the trees to take a wee. :laughing7:

That episode was very interesting.. Really enjoying the excavation of Smith Cove. It is quite amazing that this is the first time those 1860s reports of the triangle shape of the finger drains has been found. All the other reports suggested they were square (box shaped). I was also supprised that they were reported to only be the size of stiking an arm in them. Always pictured them being bigger.

It does appear they have found them. Hoping we will soon get some answers about them.

Have to wait and see with the stone. seems to me they were just chisel marks. I am sure the lazer will show if they are anything else.

Do not want to just seem to be criticising the show after a good episode.... But... you would of thought they would of checked the local historical society records long before now...

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Does anyone notice a somewhat slight jerkiness in the video on the oak island show ? It's not present during commercials ?
I've noticed this for several episodes at least. .

That episode was very interesting.. Really enjoying the excavation of Smith Cove. It is quite amazing that this is the first time those 1860s reports of the triangle shape of the finger drains has been found. All the other reports suggested they were square (box shaped). I was also supprised that they were reported to only be the size of stiking an arm in them. Always pictured them being bigger.

It does appear they have found them. Hoping we will soon get some answers about them.

Have to wait and see with the stone. seems to me they were just chisel marks. I am sure the lazer will show if they are anything else.

Do not want to just seem to be criticising the show after a good episode.... But... you would of thought they would of checked the local historical society records long before now...

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I will agree that is was a pretty good episode.

MP - neat how they finally found someone to see how far off straight the 4" holes are. Those last 2 were like 8' one way and 4' the other. That's a big discrepancy! Can make finding the actual MP and searcher tunnel 6 hard to fathom. What one did you find? Was looking for the MP vault but we found searcher 6 or vice versa. Neat still none the less. And it looks like they are bringing back the huge caissons again! What will they NOT find this time? Endless choices.

I did like that odd rock find, off in the woods, near the well, nobody ever saw this before? Like Caryl says above... I think he was watering the trees! LOL Don't think the lydar radar will show anything... just a rock that was split from another I will guess.

So the Lags have been there for what 10 years now and they still are going around looking for info? Did that lil archive place just opened last week? That info was never found before? Strange how it came to light in the same episode as needed? The "cool" article was from 1865 or so?
6' apart, 66' long, triangle drains with tons of coconut fiber covering them? They even change the pic from the square drains to triangle ones. I was gonna take a pic , should have. Fits in with what they are doing right now.... coincidence or great editing? Hmmmm :icon_scratch:
I do like all the action at Smiths cove but we still need who, why and when? Some pretty deep stuff being found. Will it get explained this season? I hope so.

I don't think I missed anything.... these were the big points in last nights episode.

Finding the start of the "Box drains" was an interesting find. From next week's previews, I'm guessing they don't continue back very far before ending, whether they were torn up by previous searchers or just a small mysterious feature which didn't originally extend back into the island.

Obligatory odd theory which has nothing to do with Oak Island (but we'll find a way to correlate): The shape of the box drains resembles the entrance of this church in Chapel Image . The Roman numerals on the logs point to Romans. The Romans spoke Latin. There is a mysterious inscription at the entrance of that chapel : "Terribilis est locus" (This place is terrible). "This Place is Terrible.

Obligatory conspiracy theory: The show's producers found it easier to construct the fake "box drains" by stacking some rocks against each other than to construct and bury a full square drain. Then all they needed to do was plant some fake matching historical articles in the historical society archives.

I will agree that is was a pretty good episode.

MP - neat how they finally found someone to see how far off straight the 4" holes are. Those last 2 were like 8' one way and 4' the other. That's a big discrepancy! Can make finding the actual MP and searcher tunnel 6 hard to fathom. What one did you find? Was looking for the MP vault but we found searcher 6 or vice versa. Neat still none the less. And it looks like they are bringing back the huge caissons again! What will they NOT find this time? Endless choices.

I did like that odd rock find, off in the woods, near the well, nobody ever saw this before? Like Caryl says above... I think he was watering the trees! LOL Don't think the lydar radar will show anything... just a rock that was split from another I will guess.

So the Lags have been there for what 10 years now and they still are going around looking for info? Did that lil archive place just opened last week? That info was never found before? Strange how it came to light in the same episode as needed? The "cool" article was from 1865 or so?
6' apart, 66' long, triangle drains with tons of coconut fiber covering them? They even change the pic from the square drains to triangle ones. I was gonna take a pic , should have. Fits in with what they are doing right now.... coincidence or great editing? Hmmmm :icon_scratch:
I do like all the action at Smiths cove but we still need who, why and when? Some pretty deep stuff being found. Will it get explained this season? I hope so.

I don't think I missed anything.... these were the big points in last nights episode.

There is no doubt the Lagina clan have searched every archive in Nova Scotia over the years. Not to mention, Crowell and Helcock have as well as amateurs. Especially Chester, it's just across the Bay from OI! They knew exactly what was there, the visit was just for cinema as is a lot of the show. The episodes are made of footage shot all over the Summer, hence Rick's beard length changing from scene to scene. I have no idea why the show tries to edit it to look like everything takes place in a few day's time. It's stupid if you ask me. I wish it was more documentary style instead of reality TV.

But, as I've said before, I don't think they plant things. The doc is likely legit and does help fill in the picture. I wasn't a fan of last night's episode personally, far too much time on a rock that is likely nothing special. I like where they are going with Smith's cove though. Hopefully these guys actually document everything so the searchers of 2144 can dig them up again.

I wasn't a fan of last night's episode personally, far too much time on a rock that is likely nothing special. I like where they are going with Smith's cove though. Hopefully these guys actually document everything so the searchers of 2144 can dig them up again.

I agree on the rock; it's notable, but the explanation could be as simple as a decorative rock being transported from a building demolition project somewhere else. The coverage of the laser scanning sequence was an exact duplicate of the earlier rock laser scanning sequence.

Could it be egyptian ?


But it was a good episode !

These certainly look like coconut fiber. I know it has been found before.. But it does add first hand evidence that the drains were covered with the stuff and credibility to older reports. It certainly is a hardy material..


These do look man made. With that newspaper article of the shape it looks to be one. It does not really look natural. If they find real evidence of "Ancient" (pre 15/16 Centaury) that would be cool. (I do not believe it was burying treasure but something took place on oak Island)

You do wonder what other historic research they have seen but are not being shared because they do not agree with the narrative of treasure...

Still the exploration of Oak Island is very interesting... It is a fascinating story still going over 200+ years in history....

Just had the 3rd episode of season 6 over here. Love the show but like any reality programme I only believe half of it. Do I think treasure was originally buried there? Absolutely. Do I think it's still there? No, my guess is it was recovered and taken away long ago. Still good viewing though.

I will agree that is was a pretty good episode.

MP - neat how they finally found someone to see how far off straight the 4" holes are. Those last 2 were like 8' one way and 4' the other. That's a big discrepancy! Can make finding the actual MP and searcher tunnel 6 hard to fathom. What one did you find? Was looking for the MP vault but we found searcher 6 or vice versa. Neat still none the less. And it looks like they are bringing back the huge caissons again! What will they NOT find this time? Endless choices.

I did like that odd rock find, off in the woods, near the well, nobody ever saw this before? Like Caryl says above... I think he was watering the trees! LOL Don't think the lydar radar will show anything... just a rock that was split from another I will guess.

So the Lags have been there for what 10 years now and they still are going around looking for info? Did that lil archive place just opened last week? That info was never found before? Strange how it came to light in the same episode as needed? The "cool" article was from 1865 or so?
6' apart, 66' long, triangle drains with tons of coconut fiber covering them? They even change the pic from the square drains to triangle ones. I was gonna take a pic , should have. Fits in with what they are doing right now.... coincidence or great editing? Hmmmm :icon_scratch:
I do like all the action at Smiths cove but we still need who, why and when? Some pretty deep stuff being found. Will it get explained this season? I hope so.

I don't think I missed anything.... these were the big points in last nights episode.
I was also surprised at the deviation since they were using the "sonic" drill .. I would not be surprised if they were using a conventional drill rig , they are notorious for meandering off of plumb . The archive place has been searched long before last week , one of the researchers stated that in a FB oak island group The information has been public since the 1860's. It was only brought forward to coincide with this weeks "discovery"

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