Sniffer said:
I was one of those stupid people who started smoking, by the time I quit I was up to 3 packs a day
now, I can breathe better, I don't stink, I enjoy eating again. I'm glad I quit.

Same here sniffer, 2-3 packs a day, coughing my lungs up, smelling like an ashtray.

Now I breath better and save a lot of money.

I don't mind smokers and being around it, although I do wish my wife would quit for the health reasons. Her cough just seems to be getting worst and worse everyday.(not to mention it wakes me up at night) :-[

I'm glad for all you nonsmokers!

After reading this, decided to start rolling my own. It's turned out to be quite a pleasant experience: I'm smoking about 1/2 as much (no nicotine level 'doctoring' in RYO tobacco), pretty well stopped hacking, and enjoy the flavor much more. Not to mention, I'm saving over 1/2 the cost and denying my state govt their recent $1.00 / pack cigarette tax hike ;D


I have a sign at the front door of my home that states: Yes, you CAN smoke here, if I can sh-t in your shoes first!

Smoked for 25 years. Have quit for 25 years. Like the quitten years better.

The coffin nails have gotten to be real expensive these days... it's a great reason to quit. They never have done me much good, that I can think of. They sure have cost me a bundle of money over the years, if I were able to count it.

I did notice some time back that the smokes tasted different. Just figgered they had been re-formulated after being sued for pumping them up with additives for the nicotine delivery system like they talk about in that "Insider" movie.

A couple years after that we noticed the durn things went out every time you set them down. Never had done that before. They were always good for a long fuse on some firecrackers !
Figgered that was some new formula again, to get us to buy more smokes...

Then we learned about FSC...
ALL cigarettes in Kalifornia are FSC.
It's three paper strips that are glued on the paper before the smoke is rolled up to make it go out if you're not puffin away like a banshee.
The added toxic chems are in the glue.
Thanks a lot, big gubment !

Well, we're on our way to the chantix, but pretty leery of the side effects. Whew ! Got one situation going,
and a possible solution has noted side effects that might include suicide ?
C'mon guys... can't you cook up better drugs than that ?

We went to the roll your own tobacco, and it's not bad, but you end up with more paper in relation to the tobacco than with the tailormades... unless you buy one of those tube machines.
I can roll a pretty nice lookin coffin nail, so I've passed on a fancy machine.
Don't want to spend those extra bucks for something I rally don't need.

THEN they went and bumped up the tax AGAIN !
On ALL cigarette tobacco.
P'd me off and I bought a pound of pipe tobacco for $15, got out the whittlin' knife and a couple of drill bits and made me a pipe when I found out pipes can cost as much as a used metal detector, or even more !
Come to find out cheap tobacco is just just about the same as cheap shoes... and they smell about the same when you set a match to them...
Good thing is there may be HUNDREDS of different tobacco blends to choose from... if you got big bucks.

I don't.

So now I'm figgerin how to mix up my own blends here at the table and I'm learning a thing or two about 'backy.
Maybe not much, but some... and I've seen where I can beat the gubment out of another nickel, too.

I'm gonna get me some seed over the 'net and grow the plants here in the back yard.
There's quite a few to choose from and it apparently grows like a weed.

All told, maybe I oughta take the chantix !


time for a big tea party and a second revolution, boot every single moron in this administration out of office asap, fire them this is way out of control, end their 100% money grubbing days ,no life long terms in office anymore either, for any of them!!!!!!! a disabled veteran said that ( me )


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