Almost strangles the bank manager yesterday......


Bronze Member
Dec 26, 2007
The Dirty Shire
Detector(s) used
Whites DFX, and Whites IDX Pro
hey guys
wanted to vent about the beoch of a manager i had to deal with yesterday. In my area I have these banks that have the counters. Almost all the branches have sold me the bags except for this one. Anyways i figured it was time to russel some feathers so today i asked to speak to the bank manager about the bags. Out woddles this 4-10 250+ whale of a women, and before i can say a word she snaps " you cant have the canvas bags they are property of the bank". I replied i do not want the bags, but rather full coin bags, she says oo and replies that she can not sell me the bags because there service provider will not allow it. Know full well this is bs i call her bluff and explain that i buy bags from other branches all the time. She proceeds to him and haul and give me the run around, so i ask for the distric mangers # so i could inquire further. She tells me she does not have his number, again i call her out and say " you dont have your own banks distric mangers number" she says she will go get the number and she walks away. Now im in the lobby waiting, and waiting and waiting, finally out she comes. Know while she was in the office i heard her saying things like " this is ridiculous", i dont want to get involved" "you should call the other banks". She comes out and tells me that she spoke with him and he will be calling her right back. I explained that there was no reason for her to call, all i wanted was his number so i could speak with him myself. She ignores me and goes on to ask me why i want the coin. Know im pisses so i explain that it has no bearing what i want the coin for. Again she asked, what do you go through it and collect it, all rude and snotty. Again i reply alittle more stern, it has no bearing why i want the coin. Again she pushes " if you want it i need to know what you want it for". Finally seeing she would not woddel away from me until she got an answer i said with a straight face, " I dump them all in my bathtube and roll around in them". She gets all huffy puffy and walks back to the office.
She come sout 2 min later and says i spoke with him and he says the other banks shouldnt be selling them either so he will be calling them. I say thank you very much, however im still going to need his number. She gives me his number and says," you can call but he's going to stand up and vouch for this" i said ok and walked out before i strangled her.

I proceeded to call him, at first his sec. says he's not there. I said excuse me the bank manger here just spoke to him 2 min ago, she then changed her story to o he's her just not available. I said ok just put me through to his voicemail. I left a message stated i wanted to speak with him about this issue. Waited all day no response.
I called again today, now im pissed. I ask again for him, again she patches me through, this time no one comes back, i just get his voicemail. I now state that its ridiculous that no one has called me back and that if i didnt not hear from him by the end of the day, i would go over is head and take it up with the regional manager.
Guess what, and hr later i get a call. The gentleman apologizes and states that he was at a different branch and did not get my voice mails, (obviously BS) anyways he proceeds to apologize for the way she talked to me and said he will talk with the other banks about possibly letting me still buy the bags.
Sorry for the long story, just thought id vent

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I hope I'm wrong, but they will probably no longer let you buy the bags. The bottom line is that the hefty woman you spoke to is cherry picking the silver. It's happening in all the banks here and it is the primary reason that our boxes are so lousy. It's not all the tellers, but the vault and or bank managers that are the ones that search the bags for the silver.


Good for you. I like to hear about those taking a stand. Too many in society prefer not to make waves. I've always been adamant about standing up to these branch managers. They have always capitulated.

I understand you. I am a CRH but I work at a bank too.

Be careful

My Bank does not sell bags. One time a fellow CRH (Before my CRH times) insisted a lot
about buying the bags and got into a big discussion with the manager.
Also asked to talk with the Area Manager. The police was called and the CRH was
arrested with charges of assaulting a Bank Officer. The FBI was involved too since it is a Bank.

Darth Walker

Sounds like you went in with an attitude. You knew from previous experience they didn't want to sell you any coin.

As far as cherry picking in the bags, I doubt that happens. The bags should be sealed.

I am very nice each week I pick up my coin, asking the vault teller "is it still okay to order more coin; no problems?" Last week he asked me what I do with all the halves since I never bring them back. I told him I have a hobby of collecting old coins. One of these times, I will bring him in a sealed old half dollar to show him.

I hope for your sake the other branches aren't told to stop selling, but, if they do stop, it is entirely your fault.

Sounds like an interesting gamble. To get one more bank to give you bags you risk losing all the ones you already have. I am curious to see how it ends.

I have some banks that give me bags from the machine, but other branches of the same bank refuse. I have asked the banks that refuse every so often hoping there is a different vault teller in charge, but they always say no.

I have never said to them "Sally down at the main street branch lets me get the bags, etc" for fear that they will stop Sally from giving me the machine bags.

For me personally, I would not risk losing several golden geese to get one more. If the banks decide CRHers are more trouble than they are worth they could put a huge stop to the hobby real fast via fees for buying and/or dumping anytime they want, or stop the practice of selling machine bags.



What Jim said - bad form.
Every branch is different.
Avoid the whale and make it a dump branch.

You're skating on thin ice.... :laughing7: I've had 2 accounts closed under me, and I never even took it to a level you did... :dontknow:

Bottom Line: The branch manager can do ANYTHING they want, ie...refuse deposits to closing your account....for NO reason at all, at a whimm :icon_scratch:

I am with the rest you have to pick and choose your battles wisely. I understand it is rediculous to not sell you the bags but you may have shot yourself in the foot. When there is a teller or manager who is that adimate about not selling coin and ask why you want them...she already knows why and she wants them for herself IMO. As for calling district manager over this... once again it was probably too far. You have to ask yourself if you were the district manager and someone called you up being that pushy would you want to help you? That manager may now be abliged to call the other banks and say no more!! More over he may even give the banks heads up about the attitude you presented and the tellers will form an oppionion of you as soon as you walk in and ask for halves. Just my thoughts. Can't say that I have not fought a battle before I could never have won either.

Golden Silver

You have (had) a good thing being able to buy bags, most if not all of the banks in my area can not sell them to me. Be nice, never walk into a bank ready for a fight.

its easy the whales bank becomes a dump bank for all your pre sorted junk ;D

Joanner said:
Sounds like you went in with an attitude. You knew from previous experience they didn't want to sell you any coin.

As far as cherry picking in the bags, I doubt that happens. The bags should be sealed.

I am very nice each week I pick up my coin, asking the vault teller "is it still okay to order more coin; no problems?" Last week he asked me what I do with all the halves since I never bring them back. I told him I have a hobby of collecting old coins. One of these times, I will bring him in a sealed old half dollar to show him.

I hope for your sake the other branches aren't told to stop selling, but, if they do stop, it is entirely your fault.

Some banks seal the bags when they come off the machine,others don't. Banks that don't have counters, break the rolls, empty the contents into a bag,and seal them when they are full.
At some banks the managers slice open the sealed bags,search for silver, and then rebag the coin.
It doesn't happen at every bank but it is not uncommon to have the bags cherrypicked. I've seen it happen right in front of me.

I always, mean ALWAYS when they get mean go out of my way to be friendly and NOT aggressive- threatening in my language twd them; refuse to let them get my goat- or give them the impression I'm ticked in any way.

obediah said:
I always, mean ALWAYS when they get mean go out of my way to be friendly and NOT aggressive- threatening in my language twd them; refuse to let them get my goat- or give them the impression I'm ticked in any way.

I try to do the same, but every once in a while I slip.

That story about putting them in the bath tub is hilarious and i actually heard that yesterday. I went to pick up my boxes and a customer of the bank asked what are you going to do with all those halves and the teller helping her responded with he is going to put them in the bathtub and roll around in them. The opposite of your story my teller was covering for me.

Hope all goes well and


Bummer - I think the whale is going to win here. I have never been able to get any bags from a machine so consider yourself lucky. It may be the area you are in but around here I always get the same answer and this included taking it to another level. Granted I wasn't in a pissing contest with a giant whale and the mangers stated they would talk to their supervisor (don't know if they really did). Agree with most here that you may have picked the wrong battle when you already had it going good. Hope it turns out ok and they don't all turn on you.


Great story man! You almost had me reaching for the popcorn and soda :laughing9:

Keep fighting for our cause. :notworthy:

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