Angry divorcée refused this $974M check


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Mar 3, 2013
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I can understand her distress at the size of the check.... I couldn't live on that either..... NOT!!!!

Angry divorcée refused this $974M check | New York Post


Sue Ann Arnall Photo: Reuters

Now that’s rich!

A jaw-dropping photo reveals the handwritten $974.8 million divorce settlement check rejected as too skimpy by the ex-wife of a billionaire oil tycoon.

Sue Ann Arnall, 56, scoffed at the jackpot-size payout from former hubby Harold Hamm — CEO of the energy company Continental Resources — demanding more money because he was allowed to keep the bulk of his $13.5 billion fortune.

The check, penned in bubbly handwriting, was made out for a mind-numbing $974,790,317.77 on Monday. The couple was married for 26 years.


A divorce settlement check from Harold Hamm, chief executive of oil driller Continental Resources, to ex-wife Sue Ann Arnall in the amount of $974.8 million.Photo: Reuters

The sky-high sum was delivered to Arnall’s legal team on Tuesday, but was promptly turned away, according to Hamm’s lawyer, Michael Burrage.

“Ms. Arnall, through her counsel, stated that they were rejecting the . . . payment because Ms. Arnall did not want to risk the dismissal of her appeal by acceptance of the benefits,” Burrage said in a statement on Tuesday.

Arnall plans to appeal a November divorce court ruling that granted her $995 million, along with other assets worth tens of millions more, such as a California ranch and an Oklahoma home, her legal team said at the time.

But she claims she was shortchanged because she stood by Hamm loyally, working as an executive for the firm — and using her skills as a lawyer and economist to help it succeed.

Hamm is also appealing the November ruling, claiming the nearly $1 billion award is too high.

“[It’s] erroneous and inequitable,” he blasted in papers filed in Oklahoma County Court last month.

He claims he has lost billions in recent months due to plunging oil prices, according to his legal team.

Hamm — America’s 35th-richest person — had already paid Arnall more than $20 million during the divorce proceedings, which is why the check wasn’t made out for the full $995 million.

The check was written from the Harold G. Hamm Trust, which is based in Oklahoma City, and signed by Hamm.

The appeals will be heard by the Oklahoma Supreme Court.

Some women can really carry a grudge. I will say this a woman that would turn that kind of money down is in my opinion definetly unstable:laughing7:. This guy should definetly sleep with one eye open.LOL

yeah well the guy is worth 18 billion... and she claims she helped build it all... now if that was you and true...
Would you settle for 1/18th ?
That I thinkn is her point.

She's got to be 60 something, even if she lives 30 more years, she would have to spend 30 million/year.

He could tie it up in court for years, maybe that's what he's doing.

You know whats really friggin weird ...
They photocopied this check...
But that is not the weird part...
THEY ALLOWED it to be posted worldwide.
the info on that check is gold to some scumbag shyster.
I know they bloted out the # but only part. etc.

with gas prices and living in the Apple that is only 2 months worth of living cost right ?

Well, isn't marriage interesting?
He is paying for both sides of the legal battle as it progresses and the next billionaire in the making is already working on him, administering a love for the ages that "he never dreamed possible", and I guarantee you her picture is not as aesthetically harsh.

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she's a lawyer. no wonder the greed

Damn... I settled with my first wife for $50.00 p/week child support total for 4 kids. She paid for 2 years... then nothing!!!!

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