Are You Ready For The "Walking School Bus"?


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2011
Southeast Arkansas
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Cache Hunting
I thought about putting this in "Comedy Central" ... but it's tooooo stoopid to fit there. Besides, no one would believe it were I to post it there.

In fact, I've seen the video with FLOTUS (First Lady Of The U.S.) talking about it (HERE).

I've looked at the page Department of Transportation's (yes, the one we support with taxes) new website HERE.

How stupid can people be? No, wait, it's FLOTUS ... she's supposed to be intelligent.

Damn! We used to call it walking to school or riding our bikes to school (read within the cited articles about the bike trains :laughing7: ).

Wonder how it will go over in the rural school districts? Maybe if enough of them got together they could make a walking 4X4 or a walking airbus?

A congress of idiots are running the world.

Oh, it's about kids being too fat?

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I was ready to delete this as Politics, But it's too stupid even for that.

But Please keep the Politics out of it, Or I will delete

I was ready to delete this as Politics, But it's too stupid even for that.

But Please keep the Politics out of it, Or I will delete

Can't be polyticks ... they are all on the short cheesewagon. (get it? Government cheese .... well, funny to me!)

No miss O I don't remember the sweet potato thing But I do remember Tom Jones with a Bratwurst in his pants. (Now now I took my wife to see him):laughing7:
If she had a Idea to put a treadmill down the length of the bus I'd .say that could be believable.

It ain't like she couldn't use a few hours now and then on one ...

Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is so funny or stupid about kids walking to school? Is it the name "walking schoolbus" that has you all in stitches?

How bout we try parents actually telling their kids to go out and play or heaven forbid taking a walk with them instead of not parenting and buying them video games instead to shut them up? We see how far Mrs.O got in her school lunch program trying to feeds kids arugula.Yeah...I can see it now, walking school bus through the ghetto.:laughing7:

My son's school does special sessions of walking school bus. It is pretty dumb when you think about it. Lots of sickos out there who would just love to get a hold of all the kids on parade. A bad scenario waiting to happen...

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is so funny or stupid about kids walking to school? Is it the name "walking schoolbus" that has you all in stitches?

FFLOTUS (Fat First Lady Of The U.S.) loves telling us what we're doing wrong. Maybe she could hit the gym HARD, then talk? Nope, just more "Do as I say, not as I do."

Add to that the "walking smorgasbord" the pedophiles will have passing their homes in the mornings and evenings.

I drove a cheesewagon for three years. 60+ kids every evening (thank goodness the parents drove many of them to school in the mornings).

Here's a fact: You can't get 10 kids together without some kind of drama ... and that's in a controlled environment. So, how does the bus driver handle it when Johnny and Randy get in a fight? While they break up the fight, will they see Susan as she leaves with the nice man who gave her a teddy bear?

Look! The less gooberment involvement the better. They only manage to screw things up.

FFLOTUS (Fat First Lady Of The U.S.) loves telling us what we're doing wrong. Maybe she could hit the gym HARD, then talk? Nope, just more "Do as I say, not as I do."

Add to that the "walking smorgasbord" the pedophiles will have passing their homes in the mornings and evenings.

I drove a cheesewagon for three years. 60+ kids every evening (thank goodness the parents drove many of them to school in the mornings).

Here's a fact: You can't get 10 kids together without some kind of drama ... and that's in a controlled environment. So, how does the bus driver handle it when Johnny and Randy get in a fight? While they break up the fight, will they see Susan as she leaves with the nice man who gave her a teddy bear?

Look! The less gooberment involvement the better. They only manage to screw things up.

no it won't quite work like that, they will all be on a Leash.
Tell me that won't leave scars. ?


I agree with CoilyGirl to a point. Leave parenting to the parents.
First time My kid would be chained up like that, Twist an ankle,
or whatever I could Dream up, They would be getting a Notice from a Lawyer.
Schools are supposed to teach from Books. That's it !

Yes they can be glad I don't have kids, Mine would be taught to "Rock the Boat"
& report every little scrape etc. :laughing7:

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FFLOTUS (Fat First Lady Of The U.S.) loves telling us what we're doing wrong. Maybe she could hit the gym HARD, then talk? Nope, just more "Do as I say, not as I do."

Add to that the "walking smorgasbord" the pedophiles will have passing their homes in the mornings and evenings.

I drove a cheesewagon for three years. 60+ kids every evening (thank goodness the parents drove many of them to school in the mornings).

Here's a fact: You can't get 10 kids together without some kind of drama ... and that's in a controlled environment. So, how does the bus driver handle it when Johnny and Randy get in a fight? While they break up the fight, will they see Susan as she leaves with the nice man who gave her a teddy bear?

Look! The less gooberment involvement the better. They only manage to screw things up.

Are you even serious with this?

Are you even serious with this?

Very serious. The only ones being silly are the gooberment, FFLOTUS, and anyone who thinks this garbage is a good idea.

Any more questions?

WARNING: I won't lower myself to being "politically correct".

Jersey, how much sense does it make? We have our schools in lockdown conditions all the time now. But yet we are going to parade or kids around for every sicko to do with as they see fit?? Remember the kids and adults watching them are defenseless...

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

Jersey, how much sense does it make? We have our schools in lockdown conditions all the time now. But yet we are going to parade or kids around for every sicko to do with as they see fit?? Remember the kids and adults watching them are defenseless...

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

True ... a shooter could just sit on his front porch and pick em off 1 by 1 as the "bus driver" bleeds to death on the sidewalk.

Just think: No more need for a mass murderer to leave their home to kill schoolchildren. Just think of the fuel savings ... no more having to drive to a school across town to kill children. Yeah, we already know teachers and all other school employees have been disarmed before starting their days.


in a age when a child on the city streets is a target for pedophiles, drug dealers, weirdos of all sorts...having them walk together to school, , saving money on fuel and employee salaries, getting some exercise, socializing with the community...
yea, that is something to condemn...
those obama's

This plan makes absolutely no sense which is why its so utterly laughable.Bus drivers can barely concentrate on the road when students are disruptive but at least they're in a contained area. Chadeaux I swear you and I are always on the same wavelength because I immediately thought of unarmed school employees. Lets just throw our children to the wolves on the street! Good lawsy almighty.


in a age when a child on the city streets is a target for pedophiles, drug dealers, weirdos of all sorts...having them walk together to school, , saving money on fuel and employee salaries, getting some exercise, socializing with the community...
yea, that is something to condemn...
those obama's

Saving money on employee salaries? Are you serious?

Ask your local school's bus drivers what they earn. It's part time work. It isn't unusual to earn less than $12,000 / yr as a school bus driver with NO BENEFITS.

One Ohio school is looking for "drivers" for their walking school buses. These "walking school bus drivers" will start at $30,000 plus a benefit package worth up to $50,000 / yr. How is that saving money?

Exercise is good. Don't punish kids for playing in school. It's wrong to play most of the games we grew up with because they are either perceived as racist, sexist, violent, anti-whatever, etc.

Why not let kids be kids - as long as they aren't hurting each other - and they'll be active and grow up?

Because it would make sense, that's why.

Let me get this straight:

This is a bad idea because of the dangers that might be lurking around every street corner? Then you say that due to these ever present dangers, the fact that the adults who are supervising the kids are unarmed further makes this a bad idea?

Give me a freaking break...

You all know as well as I do that the only real issue with this idea is that Michelle Obama is connected to it.

We are talking about kids walking to school here. It's just an idea - not a mandate. You don't have to inject negativity and fear into every single aspect of life.

Let me get this straight:

This is a bad idea because of the dangers that might be lurking around every street corner? Then you say that due to these ever present dangers, the fact that the adults who are supervising the kids are unarmed further makes this a bad idea?

Give me a freaking break...

tempting .... but I must watch what I say here.

You all know as well as I do that the only real issue with this idea is that Michelle Obama is connected to it.

I would really prefer you wouldn't make this about her. Her head is much too big already (not literally, but she has what we cajuns call "the big head"). The reason it is a bad idea is because it's foolish.

We are talking about kids walking to school here. It's just an idea - not a mandate.

you forgot one word, goes at the end of your statement .... YET!

You don't have to inject negativity and fear into every single aspect of life.

No fear, no negativity. It is already stuffed with stupidity, so I don't need to add anything there .... kinda like a black president and a black attorney general complaining about how black people are being mistreated. It's like Jesse Jackson, what's his name 1 and what's his name 2 complaining about Trayvon Martin being killed for assaulting someone not black while ignoring Marly Lion's cold blooded murder by three black men while he was in his own parked vehicle. Does anyone else see stupidity in the inequality here?

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