Are You Wearing A Mask Yet?

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I know, i use to wear the same masks while wood sanding and cutting dry wall as well as cutting concrete, face was still covered with the dust after removing the masks and covid19 is 10 times smaller.

Sigh.... I've seen the meme and all I can do is shake my head. I hate meme's.

The virus travels via moisture. The ability for moisture to be trapped is in no way comparable to dust. I don't care how fine dust is compared to moisture particulates. Whether it's an N95, cloth mask, paper mask, cheap mask, bandana, or a freaking paper will reduce the amount of moisture going into the air from your mouth. Reducing moisture when you breathe/talk/laugh/sneeze/cough will reduce the spread of the virus. How much, you ask? Well, that's something truly debatable. What isn't debatable is the fact that wearing a mouth covering will reduce the amount of moisture in the air thus reducing the spread of the viral particles.

For the record, I'm not really a "masker" myself. However, I do wear one when I'm around others wearing a mask. Why do I wear a mask around others? I do it to because they are scared of the virus. We are living in tough times (screw 2020) and I don't see any reason to cause people more stress than necessary. On average, I wear a mask about 20-30 minutes a day. I don't believe masks should be mandated but I sure as hell wish people would be more civil, caring, and selfless. I think it would go a long way.

Not a single person has said anything to me yet for not wearing a mask, as far as assaulting me for not wearing a mask would not be a good idea, assault is assault and treated the same, best to remember Florida is a stand your ground state.

I should have updated you all, as to DO NOT sanitize your mask with Lysol, lol.
Only took 2 times to figure that one out... stupid pandemic had me not even thinking... :BangHead:
That was waaayyyy back, whenever, though.... it's all good now... :laughing7:

I will NOT wear a mask outside! I find that ludicrous!
There's enough space, even in most metropolises, everyone can safely stay a distance....
Something I've always advocated, as I've never liked ppl right up on me, anyways.
Also, I make an effort to stay away from others, too.
Especially if they look like idiots!
If I go metal detecting, I don't wear my mask at all down to the beach.
I'm getting in the water, where I'mma gonna keep it? :dontknow:

I wear the thing in stores... and I'm in & out, no dilly dallying...
I hate shopping anyway, too, so no loss here.
I have encountered a few in stores not wearing masks,
I stay a little further away from them. :laughing7:

Here's some just recently quietly updated cdc statistics....

View attachment 1866160

I'm still staying armored up, though, when inside with the pubic... :laughing7:

View attachment 1866161
:hello2: :laughing7:

Sigh.... I've seen the meme and all I can do is shake my head. I hate meme's.

The virus travels via moisture. The ability for moisture to be trapped is in no way comparable to dust. I don't care how fine dust is compared to moisture particulates. Whether it's an N95, cloth mask, paper mask, cheap mask, bandana, or a freaking paper will reduce the amount of moisture going into the air from your mouth. Reducing moisture when you breathe/talk/laugh/sneeze/cough will reduce the spread of the virus. How much, you ask? Well, that's something truly debatable. What isn't debatable is the fact that wearing a mouth covering will reduce the amount of moisture in the air thus reducing the spread of the viral particles.

For the record, I'm not really a "masker" myself. However, I do wear one when I'm around others wearing a mask. Why do I wear a mask around others? I do it to because they are scared of the virus. We are living in tough times (screw 2020) and I don't see any reason to cause people more stress than necessary. On average, I wear a mask about 20-30 minutes a day. I don't believe masks should be mandated but I sure as hell wish people would be more civil, caring, and selfless. I think it would go a long way.

Is there any other virus that travels that way?

So if I contract Covid19 the current survival rate for America is 97.1%, the survival rate for my state is 98.1% and for the county I live in it is 98.9%.

One more time for those who don't yet get it. Yes, many people survive, but do they survive and are able to function as they did before getting sick? I survived, but I have permanent lung damage, or at least the docs say it may well be permanent. I now need to use an inhaler several times a day just to walk around and it takes a really good day to be able to mow my small yard, and I am six months out from initially getting sick. I am not the only one with long lasting and possibly permanent damage, there are many thousands like me. Some have long lasting lung problems, some long lasting heart problems and some with brain problems. There are also survivors whose life savings have been wiped out by medical bills. Yes some walk away unscathed, but there are many survivors whose lives are changed for the worse. TH, I think you should also do something about those who insult our Canadian members, it is uncalled for and plain unpleasant.

This thread doesn't trigger me. It disgusts me.


Are the questions too difficult for you? I asked how you figure that if I don't serve you by wearing a mask, how come you think I'm the one that is being selfish. Instead of being greatful that most of the people around you are willing to wear masks to protect you, you figure that those around you are obligated to protect you. It is as if you think you are entitled to be protected by others. Meanwhile you want to punch somebody in the face and assault them for not observing the entitlement to protection that you demand from others.

So how does that work?

Is there any other virus that travels that way?

Yes TB is one and Hepatitis A,B,C are other's. It always makes me wonder why these some of these folks are so concered about the WUFLU go to such extremes when the aforemetioned afflictions have been with us much longer and are in some cases more prevelant and certainly as or more so communicable
My guess would be that WUFLU receives much more "press" and of course the political correctness of it all.

Yes TB is one and Hepatitis A,B,C are other's. It always makes me wonder why these some of these folks are so concered about the WUFLU go to such extremes when the aforemetioned afflictions have been with us much longer and are in some cases more prevelant and certainly as or more so communicable
My guess would be that WUFLU receives much more "press" and of course the political correctness of it all.

So,would masks on all of humanity stop this?

One more time for those who don't yet get it. Yes, many people survive, but do they survive and are able to function as they did before getting sick? I survived, but I have permanent lung damage, or at least the docs say it may well be permanent. I now need to use an inhaler several times a day just to walk around and it takes a really good day to be able to mow my small yard, and I am six months out from initially getting sick. I am not the only one with long lasting and possibly permanent damage, there are many thousands like me. Some have long lasting lung problems, some long lasting heart problems and some with brain problems. There are also survivors whose life savings have been wiped out by medical bills. Yes some walk away unscathed, but there are many survivors whose lives are changed for the worse. TH, I think you should also do something about those who insult our Canadian members, it is uncalled for and plain unpleasant.

If you are referring to me as insulting our Canadian members, I wasn't. I was merely stating facts...sometimes facts hurt. Get over it.

Yes TB is one and Hepatitis A,B,C are other's. It always makes me wonder why these some of these folks are so concered about the WUFLU go to such extremes when the aforemetioned afflictions have been with us much longer and are in some cases more prevelant and certainly as or more so communicable
My guess would be that WUFLU receives much more "press" and of course the political correctness of it all.

TB and other diseases are coming over our Southern border from non vaccinated people. You would probably feint dead away to know what diseases are entering our Country.

One more time for those who don't yet get it. Yes, many people survive, but do they survive and are able to function as they did before getting sick? I survived, but I have permanent lung damage, or at least the docs say it may well be permanent. I now need to use an inhaler several times a day just to walk around and it takes a really good day to be able to mow my small yard, and I am six months out from initially getting sick. I am not the only one with long lasting and possibly permanent damage, there are many thousands like me. Some have long lasting lung problems, some long lasting heart problems and some with brain problems. There are also survivors whose life savings have been wiped out by medical bills. Yes some walk away unscathed, but there are many survivors whose lives are changed for the worse. TH, I think you should also do something about those who insult our Canadian members, it is uncalled for and plain unpleasant.

I quoted odds, just like out of 328.4 million Americans 2% have had the virus, 98% haven't. I also know people who had the virus and had no lingering after affects, maybe it has to do with any underlying health conditions.

Due to my age I am in a high risk group but I don't sit and worry about it. My immune system is in pretty good condition, part of it is due to the Asian diet I eat and part of it has to do with the super foods I eat and have been eating for decades. We regularly eat salmon, chicken, moringa, ginger, garlic, pomegranate, almonds, citrus, broccoli, spinach, kale blueberries, we cook with olive oil and I drink lots of ice green tea with fresh calamondin juice every day. I also take 1000 mg of vitamin c daily plus multiple vitamins, fish oil, Iron daily. I use miracle berries to sweeten things instead of sugar. Eat a berry and it makes a fresh lemon taste like lemonade, makes many things taste sweet.

I see no posts that violates our rules, no insults to any members.

So if I contract Covid19 the current survival rate for America is 97.1%, the survival rate for my state is 98.1% and for the county I live in it is 98.9%.



Cases which had an outcome:
4,438,628 (96%)Recovered / Discharged

207,540 (4%)



[FONT=&quot][h=1]Coronavirus Cases:[/h]693,040

Stop right there. Are you saying that since you cannot persuade your neighbor that you want to send men with guns to take his money and force your will upon him?

Let me guess, it's for the greater good.......

I read your comment and wonder "How did guns come into this reasoning?"
Oh right-silly me.
Guns=virus the number infected-death rates.
Gee a two fold problem ya have-good luck resolving either problem.
Yup the numbers speak for themselves, not made up, facts are facts.

...that's why you folks up north, bow to the queen...we don't.

Some seem still haven't gotten over it. :laughing7:

Just read the facts-who has more issues, deaths, infections.

Queen has zippo influence on our daily affairs actually.

But seriously bend er' over and me's will :lips:the dark side of the britches any day-before I'd set on me knees and listen to what is being offered up south of the 49th.

So,would masks on all of humanity stop this?

I seriously doubt it, disease is spread in more ways that by your breath aloe. I mean maybe if "all humanity" wore bio hazard suits and we cleaned up all the waste, garbage and trash and burned it day and night, killed all the disease trasmittig might stop disease from spreadiNg but how are you going to do that. I'm a REALIST I KNOW Human Nature. Besides this virus is on the order of "germ warfare', how do you stop hostile nations from devloping biological weapons such as this?



Cases which had an outcome:
4,438,628 (96%)Recovered / Discharged

207,540 (4%)



...the death numbers are highly inflated...

" Besides this virus is on the order of "germ warfare', how do you stop hostile nations from developing biological weapons such as this?"

That statement right there says it all, Tom!

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