AT Pro vs. MX5 vs. A Few Others!! Just Curious what everyones thoughts are on these?


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
Fresno, CA.
Detector(s) used
Saving My Pennies ...........

For an XP Deus w/ 11" coil
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
AT Pro vs. MX5 vs. A Few Others!! Curious your thoughts on the best $500 range rig?

I know the detector you choose is really only good if you choose to learn and understand it and know how to use it regardless of what machine a guy has (Hell some cheap units find more stuff cause the user is one with his rig whereas the guy with the 1-2K dollar machine finds less cause he does not know how to operate it correctly, but I just want info on "the detectors themselves" if used properly) ...... I Know I will get tons of different answers and thoughts on all of this based on peoples current detectors, reviews, hearsay, past experience with a brand, Etc. Etc. Etc. ...... Just want to get some no nonsense thoughts and feedback on the Garrett and Whites in particular among the few others. Thanks for any constructive info you can provide. :icon_thumright:

So I am a new member and about 15+ years removed from the hobby. I used to detect with an Old Whites Eagle II and early Spectrum back when I was like 18-21 years old (occasionally used and old Garrett as well that my step-dad had) but my main unit was the Eagle II that has found me most of all my loot ... though the Garrett found me my oldest stuff by far when I used it).

I am now looking to get back into the hobby and want to stay in the $500 Odd Dollar range (give or take a hundred bucks or so) .... just can't justify spending 1K+ on a detector right now ... but I still don't want to spend $2-300 on a lower end detector and wish I would have got something better you know.

So the $500-600 range detector has some descent offerings and I will be getting something in that price category to start (I'll maybe jump to the $1K plus minelabs etc. if I spend a lot of time in the hobby again and can justify it, but for now it's got be a middle ground starting point).

So I have done some preliminary research and I will try to add all the metal detectors that are quality and well known and fall in this range and I would Love to get some feedback on your thoughts.

I will start by saying I am about 90% sold thus far on the Garrett AT Pro Spring Package ... it seems to be the most solid and well loved detector in this price range and has SO many reviews and videos and how too's to help out a new user ... I think overall I would do better and can learn more from that unit based on all the help I can receive online ... and the reviews are nothing short of stellar from what I can tell (give or take the random few bad ones, but that seems to about 1 in every 10 from what I have seen). I know they all have there pros and cons but this ATP seems to be the overall winner from what I can tell and the full 100% starter kit I can get from KellyCo that comes with the AT Pro, second 8x5 coil, both coil covers, Garrett Master Sound Headphones, Vulcan 360 pinpointer, detector carrying bag, Gator digger with sheath, diggers pouch, hat and a handful of other goodies as well ... All For $700 EVEN shipped to my door!!! Garrett AT Pro Sports Pack Spring Special Metal Detector For Sale - Kellyco Metal Detectors

So I need to take that into account as well that this ATP kit from KellyCo gets me out with Everything I need to start searching and digging for seven hundred bucks! :laughing7:

This though is the one that got me thinking and wanting to know more ... I like Whites a lot and would like to know the Pros & Cons more then anything between the Garrett AT Pro and this Whites MX5 ....
White's MX5 Metal Detector For Sale - Kellyco Metal Detectors

Details About Me, Where I Live and What I Like To Hunt: :tongue3:

I live in California, Soil is hit and miss depending on where you are at, and hard dirt most often do to our massive drought and hot weather most of the time here in the San Joaquin Valley.
I will be a 90% Coin hunter ... I live for old coins and want to find those more then anything else by far ... hell I prefer an Old Coin over a gold ring really.
I want to find gold and rings etc. of course and a Token is Awesome to find as well ... Love the old history of things like Coins & Tokens over anything else.
I am not a huge relic hunter but of course there is not much history where I live for the most part so that's not super needed in a detector.
I will probably never beach hunt so that is not needed at all really.
Having a very light detector is key as I have a Very Bad back (I am hoping I can actually take up this hobby again due to that).
Not sure what else you may or may not need to know for a better idea of what I like to hunt and where.

So here are the ones that I have seen, read about, looked over threads here, and would consider potentially that are in this price range: :wav:

1. Garrett AT Pro (winning so far for me)
Garrett AT Pro Metal Detector For Sale - Kellyco Metal Detectors

2. Whites MX5 (Fan of whites and has good features, how does this compare to the ATP?)
White's MX5 Metal Detector For Sale - Kellyco Metal Detectors

The above two are top of my list but I would like to know about these others as well ...................

3. Minelab X-Terra 505
Minelab X-Terra 505 Metal Detector For Sale - Kellyco Metal Detectors
. Minelab X-Terra 705 (bit out of price range though)
Minelab X-Terra 705 Metal Detector For Sale - Kellyco Metal Detectors

4. Fisher F70
Fisher F70 DD Metal Detector For Sale - Kellyco Metal Detectors

5. Teknetics Omega 8000
Teknetics Omega 8000 Metal Detector For Sale - Kellyco Metal Detectors
. Teknetics Gamma 6000 (I would prefer the Omega 8000 though)
Teknetics Gamma 6000 Metal Detector For Sale - Kellyco Metal Detectors

I know this is a wide range of detectors, I'm just trying to cover what is all available in this nice sweet spot entry point price range is all.

I do prefer a screen with details on what it finds etc. ... I am a visual person along with reading tones and want something with a nice comprehensive and info filled screen if possible (I know the more expensive ones are what I want if I like that but once again gotta stay in the price range). I know I read the Tesoro Vaquero is a solid machine but lack of screen is not my cup of tea and not something I would consider.

So I would love to hear all your thoughts on the detectors I have listed above in helping me decide what to get (and comment mostly on your thoughts of the Garret and Whites cause those are the two in the main running with the ATP being the front-runner really). Like I said It's gonna take something massive for me not to get the AT Pro anyway based on Everything I have read and how perfect that machine is just by itself, and not to mention the price, and also the package deal I can get .... it will be a hard one to beat ... but still good to know about other machines as well.

Thanks so much and I look forward to all your replies. :occasion14:

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I haven't had experience with enough of those detectors to make a very informed suggestion - except - the Whites MX5 operates on the same frequency as the MXT, M6, DFX and the V series which means all the coils are compatible. I do use and like the MXT and the optional coils make it a very versatile machine so I'm considering the MX5 as a companion to the MXT.

So I got a great deal going for the main things I am wanting to start metal detecting!!!

Garrett AT Pro Sports Pack Spring Special:

Garrett AT Pro ... Stock 8-1/2x11 DD Coil W/ Cover
5x8" PROformance DD Coil W/ Cover
Master Sound headphones
Camo Diggers Pouch
Garrett 50th Hat

AND The extra's I will be getting with it ....

Garrett Pro Pointer
Lesche Digger W/ Pouch
& detector carrying bag

All For $750!!! (shipped out the door)

I Think this may be the deal I will jump on!

Good price for a whole entire set-up with everything needed top of the line stuff with the extra coils etc.???


Still wanting to know more about these others though and how they compare.


Looks like a sweet deal. Only thing you may want to do down the road is upgrade the headphone or maybe even pickup the water proof headphones for water hunting if you end up wanting to do that.

Looks like a sweet deal. Only thing you may want to do down the road is upgrade the headphone or maybe even pickup the water proof headphones for water hunting if you end up wanting to do that.

I'd avoid the Garrett branded waterproof headphones, as there is no volume control and they are piercingly loud. The Gray Ghost Amphibians for the ATP are a much nicer choice.

I'd avoid the Garrett branded waterproof headphones, as there is no volume control and they are piercingly loud. The Gray Ghost Amphibians for the ATP are a much nicer choice.

Ya I have been looking at the different headphones and the ones I actually decided to get at some point we're the Gray Ghost Amphibians since they have the standard waterproof plug needed on the AT Pro and they have Killer reviews and look very nice (except for the Massive volume knob on it

Plus I will never do any kind of under water searching but it's awesome to know the Garrett is a rig that when it starts raining a bit outside I don;t have to take cover at all! :) I can just keep on huntin An Diggin!

But I will just have work with the stock Garrett headphones for the time being .... this thing is gonna cost me to much to start, gotta wait to start upgrading things.

After further research tonight I basically decided on the AT Pro I think ... as if I hadn't already decided on it already really :p .... that Whites MX5 is the only thing holding me up I think.

But man how can I pass up this deal on the Garrett and get all the great accessories I listed above as well.

So I got a great deal going for the main things I am wanting to start metal detecting!!! snip All For $750!!! (shipped out the door)

So basically it sounds like you got a pretty good deal. You got a second coil and a hat for about $55 less than me. I payed $818. (plus about $12 in gas and a stop at the Chicken Coop to get a basket of Smelt)

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Its looks like you have done your homework with this all.

I think that would be a good deal for the package, and maybe ditch (Sell) the stuff you really dont want.

the Lesche, the Pointpointer and teh 5x8 Coil, are he main things i personally would keep....maybe the camo pouch

But you could sell the rest of them and recoop some bucks...

I have used the large coil in the past, and it works, but i think teh smaller is the way to go with this machine

I just bought an AT pro, and for the price, I'm NOT really impressed. I believe a lower end detector could do the same things as the AT pro, except get dunked. Look into the Fisher F5! You can get it a lot cheaper than the AT Pro. Contact the sponsor, "Metal detecting stuff" and ask him for his best price. I'll tell you now, it's unbeatable!

I just bought an AT pro, and for the price, I'm NOT really impressed. I believe a lower end detector could do the same things as the AT pro, except get dunked. Look into the Fisher F5! You can get it a lot cheaper than the AT Pro. Contact the sponsor, "Metal detecting stuff" and ask him for his best price. I'll tell you now, it's unbeatable!

Well from your "totals" it looks like you barely detect, which means i doubt you learned to use the machine correctly, or at all. Every year with my ATP, i pick up new things about it

Well from your "totals" it looks like you barely detect, which means i doubt you learned to use the machine correctly, or at all. Every year with my ATP, i pick up new things about it

I know my machine, trust me.

I accidentally hit send. I know my machine, I've been out for around 11-12 hours this year with the pro.

haha...Im sorry....But are you really saying

YOU KNOW YOUR MACHINE? with 11-12 Hours of Use?.....I really hope you don't think things happen that quick

Lol ... Ya I gotta agree with diggin above here ... When I used to detect many years ago I knew nothing about a machine in 11-12 hours!

That's like two trips worth ... If that's all the time you have logged in on that AT Pro it's a guarantee you knew nothing about it, and definitely not enough to give it any kind of feedback or review.

Thanks for the advice though on the Fisher F5 ... I'll look into it if it's in my price range.

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I got my at pro as an upgrade from Garret's bottom end ace 150 and have never regretted it once! On average I detect about 15 hrs a week easy and yet still learn new things everyday I'm out! Sometimes I think it's not just the hours used but the frequency of use that really drives home what your machine is telling you -- all that being said I love my at pro but it does have some design flaws to speak of in my eyes it could have been made a little stronger as it will feel rather flimsy at first and the stock earphones are just plain cheap! However in the price range it's in and the weatherproofing it has it's really hard to beat!! I've never used any other brands but am sure there's better detectors out there but like I said for that price I have never regretted it!! Mine is named Mabel and that lil biatch finds coins like a champ , in saltwater, in mud, on the beach, anywhere I go she works just as advertised! Even without ever owning any of the other higher end detectors I gotta think they will all have their own flaws depending on the user and place used but the at pro is a coin hound for me on my highly mineralized salt laden lil island! Time on the machine whether in the front yard or actually in the field is the only way to truly discover the potential of your detector! The at pro loves silver and quarters at least that's what screams at me the most here lol! I only have the stock coil with no cover and I literally beat the sh** out of ole Mabel on the daily and in the past six months or so since I got er (knock on wood) no problemo's here! Whatever your choice , practice often, don't be easily discouraged , and when in doubt, dig it out!! Happy huntin from the keys!!

Well I own an ATP and I've put a bunch of hours on it and I agree with detecting pro . In my opinion it is a mediocre machine and I for one wouldn't go all out on recommending it to someone .

And why might that be? Always good to state WHY it's mediocre and you would not recommend it?

Way to many positive reviews to ignore ... And nothing seems to compare in this class or price range.

I know this no Minelab E-Trac or something like that but what is going to be any better for $550? (KellyCo's lowest price for this machine)

So then what is your recommendation in this price range then???

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And why might that be? Always good to state WHY it's mediocre and you would not recommend it?

Way to many positive reviews to ignore ... And nothing seems to compare in this class or price range.

I know this no Minelab E-Trac or something like that but what is going to be any better for $550? (KellyCo's lowest price for this machine)

So then what is your recommendation in this price range then???
Well for one thing I replaced my BH with it and the ATP in preformance simply has not impressed me. It's depth is not great and it's recovery speed also is similar to my old BH. As for positive reviews well let me give you a negative one ; mine went in for repair after having owned it for only 4 months and i'am not alone. I feel Garrett pumps so many of these out that their quality control is suspect . And I know their customer service is great , well it stinks when you are without a machine for 10 days and you have to pay for return shipping and the thing is only 4 months old.
As for price if you compare the ATP with the extra 5x8 coil ( which for me is a necessity being a cellar hole hunter) the price becomes comparable to the T2 SE which in my opinion is a far superior machine and which will be my next detector.
Remember I own an ATP and I am being bluntly honest with you . Unless you need a waterproof machine buy something else ; wait a few months and save your spare change I wish I did.

Well for one thing I replaced my BH with it and the ATP in preformance simply has not impressed me. It's depth is not great and it's recovery speed also is similar to my old BH. As for positive reviews well let me give you a negative one ; mine went in for repair after having owned it for only 4 months and i'am not alone. I feel Garrett pumps so many of these out that their quality control is suspect . And I know their customer service is great , well it stinks when you are without a machine for 10 days and you have to pay for return shipping and the thing is only 4 months old.
As for price if you compare the ATP with the extra 5x8 coil ( which for me is a necessity being a cellar hole hunter) the price becomes comparable to the T2 SE which in my opinion is a far superior machine and which will be my next detector.
Remember I own an ATP and I am being bluntly honest with you . Unless you need a waterproof machine buy something else ; wait a few months and save your spare change I wish I did.

I do appreciate the info on your experience and what you dealt with ... bummer to hear that you had a rough time with your ATP within a few months after getting it.

Not to sure about the depth things or recovery times ... I would think maybe a little more time with the unit may yield some better results ... I hope to to be able to get the most out of mine.

I have to totally disagree with you when it comes to the "price" portion of the AT Rp vs. the recommended Teknetics T2

I can get the AT Pro with the the extra 5x8 coil and both covers, headphones, Pro-pointer, Lesche digger, detector bag, camo pouch and hat to top it all off for $738 shipped!!!

The T2 SE runs $900 (can be had for about $850 though) and that doesn't include anything else like the 100 dollar pro pointer, good digger etc. .... I had a quote done on a few machines and this was one of them cause I do believe you that it is a great machine and many have said that but it would cost me just over $1k for this unit and the couple extras!

Almost a $300 difference for me between the ATP and T2 SE .... so they are not comparable in price whatsoever ... if I was going to spend 1K on a rig I would 100% be going with a Minelab before the Teknetics ... I want a Safari but just not in price range unfortunately and neither is the T2 SE.

But I do agree that maybe waiting is possibly worth it but I am new back into the hobby (been over 15 years) and I can't justify in any way spending over $1,000 on a new set-up .... maybe if I detect as much as I hope I will I will look at upgrading at a later time to a Minelab since thats the one I want more then anything.

Just to many people have told me that this thing is a crazy solid unit for my price point and I hope I have a little better luck with mine if and when I do decide to get one.

Thanks though for your feedback as any and all thoughts are always welcome! :)

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