Be aware Washington miners

Thanks Oak
fer how long have we bin warning the others, far to long
California is a cancer, and long over due for a change

Thanks for inserting truthful comments into this evil man's propaganda campaigns, Ron. If he had any honesty, he would say something like "we are trying
to re-pristine our forest and watersheds, and dredgers are noisy and stir up silt, which is icky-poo-poo in our minds. Plus they are blue collar people which we elitists wish would just go away and leave us alone to contemplate nature." If it comes to violence, I would like to see this guy at the top of the list - pure

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I remember this () from almost a year ago when he was spreading his particular brand of () during the ore. dredging matters. He must be a psychopath, with absolutely no conscience. How do you use an educated mind to pour constant lies out to the public ? The end totally justifies the means with this worm.

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Where does this idiot think the materials for his car, computer and smart phone came from, some compost pile? Even my 7 year old kid knows what isn't grown is mined.

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Please watch the language...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

theres NOWAY to rationalize what these wacoenviromentalists think/say/ or do! they keep blabbering on even though scientific studys prove them wrong!but they keep flapping their lips anyway!

To my fellow prospectors and miners:
I see they have allowed Mr Ferris out again.
Please do not disturb or upset Mr Ferris by responding to his mindless scribbles.
Because as you prove him wrong, which makes him madder. He in his own mind will try to respond to you with more mindless scribbles. Then he gets so confused in his own mind that……well we all know what happens then.
Keep in mind that poor old Mr Ferris, who couldn’t make it in the real world on his own.
Has resorted to bottom feeding off other peoples money just to try to make it in life.
As he realizes that the bottom feeding is running out, Mr Ferris tries more mindless scribbles to stir the pot. Just to see if it will bring more bottom feeding.

Thank You……..for not upsetting…Mr Ferris

Mark H.

Ferris would fit in perfectly with the eco-terrorists Earthfirst. Don't confuse dolts with the facts. They are childishly, summarily opposed to any consumptive use of our natural resources. It doesn't matter if our activities have been proven time and again to be benefical or not.

People like this are becoming all to common these days. Environmental/animal rights "watch dog" groups depend on massive doses of emotional controversy to keep the misinformed yet often well meaning public throwing money at them. The last thing they want are facts and sound science clouding the picture they're really trying to paint...that would sure be bad for business. Of course they all claim non profit and fortunately for them, those generous salaries and benefit packages are usually exempt. A new breed of leach(I wonder what Darwin would think)

The fellow may be a bit off center, but the threat posed is for real. When
if comes to a court case, it's always a crapshoot, no matter if the chap
is wrong, or whatever. You never know how a judge will rule.

Suction Dredging One of my other priorities this session was banning suction dredging in Washington’s critical habitat areas. This mining technique uses gas-powered machines that vacuum up sediment, allowing miners to separate the gold and metals from the remaining gravel. Unfortunately, wild salmon and steelhead spawning grounds are also caught by the vacuum. I highly encourage you to read an article written by a 36th district constituent Dr. Kim McDonald, Cascadia Wild Lands,explaining the harmful process of suction dredging on our fish and streams. Oregon and California have placed a moratorium on suction dredging as they examine the harm being done to wild salmon and steelhead runs. Idaho has banned suction dredging in rivers and streams where wild fish runs are at risk. We’re the one remaining state in the Pacific Northwest’s lower 48 states that allows suction dredging and we do not monitor compliance with the minimal regulations on the books. We have received dozens of e-mails from people throughout Washington who support this bill. Even though it did not gain a hearing in its House committee, I will be carefully working this issue during interim in preparation for next session.

Thank you for taking the time to read this legislative update! I’ve been hearing from many of you about a wide variety of issues, and I greatly appreciate your advocacy. Please don’t hesitate to call my office at (360) 786-7860 or e-mail me at [email protected] if something’s on your mind. Your voice in Olympia, Gael Kim M. propaganda site below for Washington State legislature to stop placer mining.

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