Beebs CRH Log


Jr. Member
May 5, 2013
Hello all - Getting back into hunting after a little break. I decided to start a log to keep track and really wish I would have done it sooner. A little background - I've been hunting off and on for a close to 4 years now. The breaks usually would occur when I lose my dumping bank. I am on to my 4th option. First bank cut me off after dumping like 30k in a month. One would let me bag up as much as I wanted then it went to 2k a month but the lady left and the new person wasn't digging what I was throwing. The 3rd was a casino that cut me off after 30k in 2 weeks. So on to the 4th that says they are okay with as much as I want to bring in but I can tell the lady wasn't happy after I filled the machine twice this week. See how far I can get away with it this time.

Results -
$500 box halves Loomis – skunk
$500 box halves Loomis – 1 worn 65
I did get a 66 and a 67 from the $12 in loose halves so I’m happy.
$250 box dimes Loomis – skunk
$250 box dimes Loomis – skunk
It’s been a while so I forgot about how I never find anything in boxes of dimes. I’m going back to customer rolled ones when I pick up my halves from now on.
$25 box cents Loomis –
6 Wheaties
4 Canadian
About $10 in copper that I rolled up and stored away
Picking up a box of halves and customer dimes today. To be continued…

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Stopped at the bank in the market during lunch.
$100 Customer rolled dimes - Skunk
Also four of the dimes were 5 pence so lost out on this one. I guess I should roll up my foreign coin and dump at a bank way out of my area. I have a box filled of random stuff I've been meaning to go through for some time now.

$500 box halves brinks - 1 64
Glad to get a 90%
Will start posting pics this weekend from past searches and current. Can't do it from work and can't figure out on phone.

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Did I just really find gold in a reject tray?

So I went and dumped the $500 today and there were some coins in the reject tray. I just pocket whatever's in there and look at it later. Usually foreign change and sometimes I get the lucky silver but gold?
Here's what I found
Yes, that's a silver dime 1964 and the weird one on the bottom stood out to me.
From what I can find its a 1700 to 1709 8 escudes lima from the 1715 fleet
Markings are:
L 8 H
7 0 5? Can't tell the last number.
The outside rim has been completely melted off and all the images are pretty much melted and distorted. The other side has the E marking showing it is gold and when I put it to a high power magnet it didn't stick at all. Is it a legit find? Taking to coin shop tomorrow to see what my guy says.

Went through the customer rolls I picked up yesterday
$150 dimes - 1 64
and another 5 pence

It's hard to tell from the pictures but that old Spanish looking cob may very well be a modern knock off for the tourist trade.

Check the edges to see if there's a protruding edge which would be the result of the mold marks.

I've dug a couple detecting and they had me going at first.

Regards + HH


Yeah, not sure what to think. It's really light, only 3.9 grams. I think it's real gold though. Heading to the coin shop shortly and to grab some halves at a bank that I've had luck with in the past. HH

They think it's a replica made of copper. I noticed a couple markings that could be the mold marks. They said to take it to this place but it's like 45 minutes away. I go up there every once and a while and will stop in next time I roll through. Until then, back to hunting.

$32.50 halves customer rolled - skunk
$10 bank rolled dimes - skunk
$285 customer rolled dimes - 1 57

$500 box loomis halves - skunk
$500 box Brinks halves - skunk
Working on a box of nickels now. Will post that when done but nothing special so far. I need to stop at some banks on way home for a teller tray find. Slow week.

$100 Nickels
1-1945 silver
1-1946 not silver
And a 2005 and 2007 Canadian nickel. The 2005 looks a little different.

$60 customer halves - skunk
$20 customer dimes - skunk

$500 box loomis halves - skunk

So the bank where I got brinks rolls now gave me a box of loomis. Hmmmm. These last 2 weeks I had found a bunch of coins with different marks. It's like I'm just getting other peoples dumps. I need to find more places for pick ups and try for some more banks for dumpings and up the amount.

$500 box loomis halves - skunk
$500 box brinks halves - 1 -65
Also found a 1987 that just popped out. I don't look for the NIFC coins anymore but I do almost have a full roll of the 1987 now. There were quite a few 2002 and up coins but they are all catch and release to me now.

$25 customer rolled dimes - skunk

I'm finding way less silver than I remember in years past so I ended up buying a roll of walkers. :)
Got them for a decent price on feepay.

The new bank informed me that the Federal Reserve is rejecting their half dollar despots so I'm going to start dumping more dimes on them. I have a weekly order of 1,000 in halves that I need to figure out what I'm going to do for deposits. My other dump spot updated their computer systems and it crashed all the coin machines at their branches so it's either roll and drop off or test the casino out again until that's all cleared up but it's been like 6 weeks already so they aren't in a hurry to get it fixed.

Went to casino and their coin machine now only goes up to $200 before it shuts down for the attendant and says that I now need to go to the cashier to give my ID for tracking purposes. I won $130 playing blackjack though so it was a good night.

$110 customer rolled dimes
found 2 - 64

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$100 customer rolled dimes

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