Best Silver Haul of the Year feat. Big Silver


Gold Member
Sep 26, 2005
Puget Sound
Detector(s) used
Equinox 800, Whites DFX
Hey folks!

I take off for a multi-week vacation with my wife tomorrow so today was my last chance to squeeze some detecting in on the home front until mid-late September.

Forum member Lucas (NoThisIsPatrick) and I got out to Seattle and hunted an area that goes back to the early 1900s. I got there a little early and started swinging to see if it would be worth hanging out at.

Right off the bat I was getting some early 60s Memorials which is usually a good sign. Less than 15 minutes in I’m getting a tight 10-48/12-48 at 2-3 inches. Those of you CTX users know those can be magic numbers.

I scoffed in my head and was like, “yeah right, there’s a silver half right here near the surface in the midst of all this trash.” Well, I cut the plug and sure enough!


Not only that but it was a spill. I could see a silver dime in the hole with it. I took that photo thinking that was it. I wandered away for a minute and came back to swing over it and realized I walked away from more targets!

There was an additional Rosie, Wheatie and a nearby tax token (not sure if that was part of the spill) as well. I hunted there for a while longer and picked up some more goodies including my 4th silver of the day, a 44-D Merc.

Other cool finds from that site included a gold-plated pocket watch fob with a patent date of 1903, a vintage “Boeing Airplane Company” (BAC) tag and a green marble which was in a hole with a 1960 penny.

I tried one last site before calling it a day where I found another wheat, a modern saloon token from Orlando, Florida and a Susan B. Anthony dollar.

All 7 Wheats date to the 40s/50s.


Thanks for looking and happy Labor Day weekend all!!

Upvote 46
Whoa!!!!! Wicked nice spill kid!!!! I’ve never found a Ben!!! Barbers and walkers, but no Ben’s. Good job brother, you’re catching up to your brother.........................kinda(;

Haha thanks Joe! I’m trying to make up in quantity what he finds in quality. 🤷🏼*♂️

Nice , congrats. Benjamin r hard too find

Wash, I haven't been on here much, lately... I see your still having a fantastic year... Ben Franklin's are tough to find, super, with other silver, too.. Basssmann

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