Best spot on earth for nugget hunting?

Wildcat said:
Undoubtably Western Australia, then Victoria, then North Queensland. Yes there are many Aussies who make a living from it. Jonathon Porter is one. Check out Aurumaustralis. He has been doing it for years and has been lucky enough to find many huge nuggets, but he works darn hard for it and spends months at a time away from home.

The Cat
I would venture to say that finding someone who will admit making a living at gold guggetting whould be harder than finding the nuggets!! TTC

Having been around the goldfields since 1977 I have heard of many people who have had lifetime finds. I have had some nice finds too but not enough to live on. It is still happening but you have to put the time and effort into it and even then there is no guarantee that you are going to be lucky as well. For your interest, here is JPs website.

The Cat

I would say South America I live here in Ecuador and you not only look for gold but artifacts you can sell to the museams in the country the Artifacts. There are no medal detectors in this country if you sit on a park bench in gold town anywhere in ecuador that mining is going on people will approach you . Want to take you to look for artifacts or gold.
Now you have to be street smart and know how to read people. But if your in Good shape and have some cash to carry you through till you get the lay of the LAnd. You can make it here hunting Gold.
But its not easy and you have to be smart I have seen allot of guys come here thinking they are Indiana Jones and think the natives are stupid and they don't last long.
If a native takes you to a good spot and you do well Give him Half the word gets out you can pick teh best places
You will go on many a wild Goose chase trust me .. Natives think MD will find gold no mater how deep and how small so you need to Qualifiy . They other thing is when they say its a 2 hour walk figure 4 or 5 .
Don't assume you will find any Gold close to the Hotel. I have a place I can get 2 grams aday of dust with a sluice near a hotel But it took me half a year to find that place .
Living is cheap here and mining areas are generally pretty shabby .
The weather is great and teh NAtives are fun I love teh Miners here they are Tuff good natured folks .
Treat them fair and they will find you all teh Gold you can look for in a life time be cheap with them and
I cannot Garrantee you will last long.

This is a very interesting thread--lots of good points made. I tend to like the idea of hunting the gold that's near you, that you can get to, but I have wandered quite a bit over the years chasing the gold.

Landfar has some very interesting information. In fact, there's a ton of wisdom in what he says. In my early years of hunting for nuggets I was always rarin' to go, and didn't always give the locals the attention or courtesy they deserved. Once I learned that if you'll slow down and just listen to people and genuinely be interested in what they're trying to tell you, I learned much, much more about where to go in those new areas to find gold. I also learned the lesson that the more generous you are to people that give you hot tips, the more hot tips you'll get!

Great thread guys.

All the best,


best gold detector

This is a very interesting thread--lots of good points made. I tend to like the idea of hunting the gold that's near you, that you can get to, but I have wandered quite a bit over the years chasing the gold.

It is still happening but you have to put the time and effort into it and even then there is no guarantee that you are going to be lucky as well. For your interest, here is JPs website. (Deleted by mod rule violation)

All the best

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