BIG Coin Roll Hunting Week Ahead! Cant wait to see!


Bronze Member
Jul 20, 2013
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BIG Coin Roll Hunting Week Ahead! Can't wait to see!

I have a huge week of CRH coming up this week, and instead of blowing up the forums with all my finds I'm just going to post everything here. So after pulling out over 20 oz of silver last week, I hope this week produces just as well. So here's what I have lined up:

Going up north about 30 minutes for a photo opp, so I'm gonna hit up 4 banks up there.

Picking up 2 boxes of halfs from Pactrust (First time ordering with them so we'' see how they produce)

Picking up 2 boxes of half's from a new BoA I've never ordered from. And I'll be heading downtown with a friend all morning so we should be able to hit up 35+ banks.

4 Boxes of half's from a BoA that has previously produced very good. 40+ silver in my last box from them.

2 Boxes from a BoA right next to my house and also going to hit up another 20ish banks with my friend around our houses.

So I'm sure a lot of you are going to criticize me for going with a friend, but let me explain. All of the boxes are MINE, he gets non of those. We share the CWR at a 5:2 ratio, along with the loose silvers. I get the 5 and he gets the 2. I bring him along because he's been a good friend of mine for almost 8 years and I'm getting him into the hobby as well. He also keeps me company and can spot me money if I need it for my boxes/ CWR's. Sure I do lose some silver but I consider it worth it.

I really hope this week produces like last week! I'll be searching almost 3x the volume this week. Ill keep you all updated, Thanks for the support!

Total Silver so far this week: 2.786 oz
Post 2002 this week: 17
Amount Searched this week: $4279

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I cannot understand why someone would criticize you for that, what you are doing is admirable. Greed sometimes takes over when the all mighty dollar is at stake. I go in halves with a friend of mine all the time and we are both cool with that. Where are you Omega without being to specific? Nice Finds by the way. Good Luck. Dennis.

A lot of people criticize because I am loosing a small amount of silver. Any ways I am in San Diego Cali. Same district as Streetwalker What about you?

Texas here, Houston area. Also it is nice to be able to share excitement with someone else when and if you find something cool. Good Luck. Dennis.

My car, My car and I pick him up haha. and I carry 700-800ish cash while he only has 200-300ish usually. Funniest thing happened with us last week. We went into this Bank of the West and asked for half dollars. The lady said some old woman had brought some rolls in and they were really really really old coins. So we get in the car and we each have 2 rolls. I opened my roll and boom! A whole roll of 40%s. So now were super excited. He opens his first roll and its a solid roll of clad lol. Now he's super angry and I cant stop laughing. After we opened the rest of the rolls we both ended up with a solid roll of silver and a solid roll of clad. It was defiantly a funny time for those few moments though.

Thank you:)

Omega, as you might already know whenever you score Silver like you were saying that the little old lady turned in, be sure to ask for other coins such as dimes and quarters brought in by same person.

You know it haha. We asked the same teller if there was anything else and she said there wasn't. The only other stuff they had was MWR and we weren't looking for those at the time.

Thanks :D


I made it to 4 banks today. My run was cut short because I needed to meet someone for a craigslist add. Anyways here are the results of day 1!

Bank1: Skunk
Bank2: $21.50 Skunk
Bank3: Skunk
Bank4: $640 CWR!! 11 40's 12 post '02

Total Silver Today: 1.776 Oz


Bank1: $4.00 Skunk
Bank2: $24.50 Skunk
Bank3: $3.50 Skunk
Bank4: Skunk
Bank5: $79.50 (2 40%'s 5 post 02)
Bank6: Skunk
Bank7: Skunk
Bank8: Had 6.50 but only sold me 6. Teller slipped the other one into her draw at the last second. I was like "wana sell me all of them?" She said, "Whhhhat????? Noooooo? Here. $6.00 worth. this is all I have."
Bank9: Skunk
Bank10: Ordered 1,000 in halfs, picked up 500 because thats all they ordered from me, also told me they shut down my account because they dont wasnt to work with a minor- lol SKUNK! all 2001
Bank11: My usual $1,000 pick up on fridays, but I stopped by to get 500 in dimes, maybe my luck would be better with them, found 2 dimes in the box, teller also had a Buf for me :D

Todays totals:
2 40%
2 Dimes
1 Buff
1 Lost bank account

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Dude that is BS for them to shut down your account because they don't want to work with a minor... go back and speak with the manager and stand your ground! nice couple days so far!

Bank1: $4.00 Skunk
Bank2: $24.50 Skunk
Bank3: $3.50 Skunk
Bank4: Skunk
Bank5: $79.50 (2 40%'s 5 post 02)
Bank6: Skunk
Bank7: Skunk
Bank8: Had 6.50 but only sold me 6. Teller slipped the other one into her draw at the last second. I was like "wana sell me all of them?" She said, "Whhhhat????? Noooooo? Here. $6.00 worth. this is all I have."
Bank9: Skunk
Bank10: Ordered 1,000 in halfs, picked up 500 because thats all they ordered from me, also told me they shut down my account because they dont wasnt to work with a minor- lol SKUNK! all 2001
Bank11: My usual $1,000 pick up on fridays, but I stopped by to get 500 in dimes, maybe my luck would be better with them, found 2 dimes in the box, teller also had a Buf for me :D

Todays totals:
2 40%
2 Dimes
1 Buff
1 Lost bank account

And like fifty says if anything goes wrong always make sure youve got some extra rolls of clad in your pocket ;)


Worst CRH day I've ever had. Probably one of the worst days I've had in general in a long time.

Good things:
Got to spend 6 hours with an old friend
Looked though about 1k in halfs
Hit over 20 banks
Found 1 90% 3 40% and a gold plated
4 more BoA's said they would order for me next week

Bad things:
40 bucks for gas
Low silver production
42.50 dollar parking ticket!!! -_-
Loss of a day :/

Over all I'm not to disappointed, just a little ticked about the parking ticket, oh well. Hopefully tomorrows 4 boxes will do me better.

And I got about 15 free lolly pops today haha. YUMM

And I broke my ray bands today ^_^

And the bank that closed my account, didn't even have any lolly pops! -_-

Hopefully tomorrow will be better

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