Bigfoot Expedition

Hey Cap Buzz:
Maybe I am STILL missing the point!? :o

I am saying that I would shoot, if necessary and mabe even not.
But, I am also saying it is indeed illegal.

It is illegal to shoot anything NOT in season in virtually all states, mythical and out of area beasts included. It may or may not be a very serious offense, which is why I would do it. Like ya all say, a hairy beast in the bag is more valuable to BOTH sides than a lame picture or campfire story.


I hope that it is not legal to shoot someone just because "They" do NOT! Vote !
:o I'm in Big Trouble ! :o

Gunny, what is your take on the lost Maximilian loot? And do you know of a good source for info on such.?

cptbil said:
I hope that it is not legal to shoot someone just because "They" do NOT! Vote !
? :o? I'm in Big Trouble !? ? :o
Hell, I'd be in trouble, too! :D
Nope, but I think what most folks are confusing is the difference between the
"Letter of the Law" and the "Spirit of the Law". It is not illegal to shoot Bigfoot
cause there is no law on the books prohibiting that specifically. The other laws
pertain to hunting game out of season... Bigfoot is not game if he is real. The more
likely broken laws would be illegal discharging of a firearm or so perhaps trespassing
depending on where things happen. But to say you can't shoot anything not in season
is not wholly correct.... mice are never in season, but is it illegal to shoot them? No,
the law comes in to the firing of the weapon and other legalities. Of course, this is
the states that I'm aware of, some other states may vary. Who knows? Politicians,
in their own weird ways, enact goofy laws and don't repeal out of date laws. Like in
the Commonwealth of Virginia.... if you come to a 4 way stop, you're supposed to get
out of your conveyance and ensure all other approaches are safe and clear for passage.
Now will a cop give you a ticket for not following that? Nope, not with all the four way
stops in the state! But that law is just one never repealed from back in the horse buggy
days. Can give more examples straight from the Va State Code book, but ya'l get the point!

Now let's worry aboyt the mythical beasts AFTER the cold winter kicks in!
Till then, I gotta go get my fix on detecting 'fore te ground freezes! :P

The big out here is self defense. Especially if you 'feel' threatened. Intent follows and may also play a part. In all the reports I've heard, the critter has never spoken, so if he lives, and does speak, the big question is will they put him on the stand to refute your story? If you get Judge Ito though, all bets are off.

Badger Bart said:
The big out here is self defense. Especially if you 'feel' threatened. Intent follows and may also play a part. In all the reports I've heard, the critter has never spoken, so if he lives, and does speak, the big question is will they put him on the stand to refute your story? If you get Judge Ito though, all bets are off.
Wander how bad Judge Judy would grill ya, too!

This thing will end up like those migratory owls, spotted frogs, desert tortoise's, pupfish and all those other filthy endangered beasties................

Vast areas of land will be closed off so this thing can live in peace.

And our access to what little "public lands" are left, will be taken away.

I say if you see them cap theml. :o :o

There's a difference!
Animals vs Man!
Why would Bigfoot ??? be treated any different than/from the Other Native Americans!
Taken off their lands, >:( "Rounded up" :o and put on "Reservations" ! :-[
Treated, ANY Other Way !
The American Indians have an excellent case, for/of "Discrimination"!

Big foot's (or feet in this context) are known and sighted world wide only by different name.?

Since I do not believe that I have a monkey for an uncle in my family tree, I refuse to believe this is anything more then another migratory animal that has wondered in from afar.

And will put on some environmentalist list of endangered species as soon as someone comes in contact with one and proves that it is real.

And then since these things have been reported over such vast an area.? All of that land will be put off limits to any mining, vehicles, MDing, THing etc etc etc.

And we will lose another freedom to an animal.

Now I might be persuaded to not shoot this animal if in fact when I had him in my sights and he gave me the finger, then I might consider it to be human since I get that form of communication from a lot of people.

Are you saying that OUR? Govt. would pull some "sneaky, underhanded trick" like that!
You know, a couple of years back, They were caught "Planting" Endangered Mountain Sheep" in the Mountains of Central New Mexico!
They tried to LIE Their way out of it.
Until...A rancher/miner told them, that he had them on film!
Only Then did they admit it! ;D
Really! An Outstanding, Upright Group, ::) we have Working for US? Huh? :-\

Ya I'm afraid so. And not only the government.

I like to mess with the tree hugger's. ;D

I was THing near a small town in Northern California.

I heard that the local chapter of the Sierra club was having was having a "pot luck" dinner. So I decided that I should attend just to let them know how much I like what they do. ::)

And I totally freaked them out with the "pot luck" dish that I brought.

I took an old desert tortoise shell I had picked up in the desert years before. And was now just a wall ornament in my camper.

On the night of the "pot luck" opened a can of clam chowder. Poured it in the inverted tortoise shell and covered it with foil. And took it to the function.

When it was time to eat, I proudly displayed my creation and announced it as being "desert tortoise stew", served in natures very own soup terrain............I had the serving spoon resting in one of the tortoises leg slots.

I explained that next to the banana, the tortoise was natures perfect food, coming equipped with it's own cooking pot, serving dish and of course spoon holders.

These people were freaked to say the least.

I mean what happened next was almost Biblical. There was gnashing of teeth and I swear I saw people tearing their clothes.

It is amazing how people who claim to love animals so much can be so hateful towards their fellow man................ ::)

I would imagine most of them are still dependant on Prozac..............

Posted on Thu, Nov. 03, 2005

Bigfoot's deep woods mystery alive and well in East Texas


Knight Ridder Newspapers

JEFFERSON, Texas - It's dark deep in the Piney Woods.

In the stillness, on a moonless night, the silence is suddenly shattered by the dry snap of twigs under the weight of footfalls.

Ponderous steps.

Two feet. Big ones.

A heartbeat - your own - is thudding now, pounding like a tribal drum calling Kong to the gates.
To most of us, it's folklore, tall tales best told beneath the stars, amid the flickering glow and swirling firefly embers of a crackling campfire.

Last year, one supermarket tabloid proclaimed "Bigfoot Baby Found."

What distinguished the account from other Bigfoot hoaxes was the claim that the infant creature had been left, of all places, outside Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch.

But some reasonable people remain believers. Even though tabloid fiction makes them vulnerable to teasing and ridicule, they insist "something" is Out There.

What they have seen and reported, they say, isn't some Halloween prankster wearing a gorilla suit but a giant unclassified primate, curious and watchful, that walks upright and roams the woodlands and creek bottoms, mostly at night. Viewed for only a second or two, and rarely photographed, Bigfoot is as reclusive as Greta Garbo.

Sasquatch, or Skunk Ape, is mostly associated with the Pacific Northwest. However, the creature has been spotted in every state except Hawaii.

Most sightings in Texas occur in the backwoods of East Texas, where folks like the Carlsons live, alone, happily secluded behind "Private Property" and "Keep Out" signs.

Dressed in denim overalls, J.C. Carlson is a mountainous man, almost 7 feet tall, with a mustache and bushy white beard.

His work boots aren't as large as Bigfoot's print, but almost.

J.C., like others, has heard the raspy nocturnal howls. Carlson and his wife are certain that foxes or bobcats didn't steal the 28 chickens from their homestead on Big Cypress Bayou over three nights this summer. They found no carcasses. No trace of blood.

Taking a break from chopping timber, J.C. lit a smoke and leaned against the bed of his red pickup.
"There's somethin' out here besides us," he declared.

Katherine Carlson returned home late one night this spring, headlights splashing across the rutted one-lane dirt road that meanders through thick pine-scented woods. She stopped to open the crossing gate. Usually, her dogs jump out and play. Not this night. Sassy and Wally remained inside the cab.
In the darkness, Carlson encountered an overpowering foul odor.
"It's wasn't a skunk." She knows the smells of the woods.

"Rancid," J.C. said of the stench. "It's like gettin' behind a gut wagon, in the summer."
"Worse," his wife said.

Katherine didn't glimpse a Bigfoot, but in the eerie moonlight she sensed a lurking "presence" that left her speechless.

She figures, why not tell her story? "People already think I'm crazy," she says.

The couple live near the dark waters and moss-draped cypresses of Caddo Lake, where the "B" movie "The Creature From Black Lake" (1976) was filmed. This summer, an alligator living in a slough near the Carlsons' place disappeared. J.C. observed that his cows and goats stopped grazing in the woods at night. They remained huddled near the house, beneath the glow of a mercury vapor light.
"Critters will tell you when somethin' isn't right," J.C. said.

His wife did the only thing she knew to do. She telephoned Charlie DeVore.
The Texas Bigfoot Research Center implies a campus, or structure. There isn't one, at least not yet.

TBRC is a network of about 40 people from all walks of life who are dedicated to finding Sasquatch living in the Lone Star State. The group was founded six years ago by Craig Woolheater, the 45-year-old office manager of his family's plumbing company in Dallas. He claims he saw a grayish-haired Bigfoot walking along a deserted highway in Louisiana one night in 1994.

The group has a Web site ( and telephone number (877-529-5550) that greets callers with a recording:

"If you have a sighting to report, please leave a message with your name, number and the best time to return your call."

About 150 Bigfoot sightings are reported each year.

"That doesn't count the jokes, like people who say, `I got raped by Bigfoot,' or those who are way out there, and think it's an extraterrestrial," Woolheater said.

"There are so many credible people who say they have seen the thing. They have absolutely nothing to gain by making up a story. If even one person is telling the truth, there's something out there."
Several times a year, TBRC investigators venture into the forests and conduct field studies, hoping to validate recent sightings. Dressed in commando camouflage, they carry night-vision cameras, listening devices and thermal imaging units. Deer hunters use deer fragrance, and bottled deer urine and deer calls (one is the K'Mere Deer, Model KM 100) to lure the animals. Bigfoot researchers put out pheromone chips designed to entice the great ape.

Late at night, they activate a call blaster, which emits loud recordings of Bigfoot "vocalizations."
Charlie DeVore joined the group after a mysterious incident five years ago when, in Charlie's words, he "had the stink put on me."

Armed with a coon-hunting light, the 65-year-old retiree was walking through the woods near his home late one night, accompanied by five dogs. He felt safe - unthreatened - until the smell engulfed him.

DeVore looked down. His four-legged companions had fled. "These are dogs that'll attack anything," Charlie said.

Two years later, he attended a meeting of Bigfoot enthusiasts in Jefferson and met several people who described similar incidents.

DeVore now feels certain the smell was that of some yet undocumented species of bipedal hominoid afflicted with a body odor problem no brand of drugstore roll-on or spray deodorant can eliminate.
After Katherine Coleman telephoned DeVore, her neighbor, Charlie and three fellow researchers camped for two nights near the site of the "smelling." They turned on the call blaster. Bigfoot didn't appear, but they heard its cry, and detected movement in the woods.

"You can hear it walk," DeVore said. Charlie tried to re-create the experience, with sound effects.
"Crunch ... (pause) ... Crunch ... It's not a deer. It's not a dog. Or a hog. It's a two-footed somethin'."

Bigfootologists estimate that at least 2,000 Bigfoot live in the United States.

That's six times the population of Bigfoot, Texas, named after William A. "Bigfoot" Wallace, the 19th-century frontiersman and legendary Texas character. Bigfoot, it was said, never told a story he couldn't later improve upon.

The Texas Parks & Wildlife Department requires more than anecdotal evidence before the state agency will take Sasquatch seriously.

"To conclusively prove ... Bigfoot in Texas, we would need an image that included details to show us that it was not a doctored or edited image in any way, or we would want a body itself," said Duane Schlitter, who oversees the TPWD's Nongame and Rare and Endangered Species program.
"The latter would be the extreme, but many doubters will be hard to convince. As a romantic scientist, I would like to be around when and if one is ever found anywhere."
No Bigfoot remains - bones or bodies - have been discovered.

Hunters have never shot and killed one.

Bigfoot, fortunately, hasn't wandered onto a road and been struck by a car, like the Sasquatch character Harry in the movie "Harry and the Hendersons."

Another group, North Texas Skeptics, is, well, skeptical.

"Bigfoot is a great story, and a wonderful bit of folklore. Nothing more," said John Blanton, a Skeptics member. "It's a biological absurdity. Real creatures, unlike the fictional Bigfoot, do not exist alone. They have parents. Their parents have parents and so on. At the very minimum, there has to be a tribe ... Where is the Bigfoot tribe?"

How could supposedly thousands of these critters have eluded captivity and remained hidden from human observation for a century or more?

Doubters say the cultural phenomenon is kept alive by misidentification of known animals, wishful thinking and fabrication of evidence.

DeVore is undaunted, committed. He patrols Big Cypress Bayou alone, paddling his canoe through the shallow, murky waterways. One day, he hopes to get lucky and snap a clear photo of the enigmatic creature.

"I'm not trying to prove anything to the world," he said. "I'm proving it to myself." Charlie's curiosity far outweighs any fears.

"If it wanted to hurt me," he said, "I'd been dead a long time ago."

The Texas Bigfoot Conference is not like a "Star Trek" convention. Groupies don't show up dressed in costume.

About 500 serious-minded people attended the fifth annual event in October, a two-day seminar that featured lectures by a who's-who of the Bigfoot world. Speakers included field researchers, cryptozoologists (the study of "hidden" animals), a forest archaeologist, a latent fingerprint examiner and an associate professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University, Jeff Meldrum, who delivered an hourlong evaluation of alleged Sasquatch footprints and their inferred functional morphology.

Chris Murphy, author of "Meet the Sasquatch", analyzed the most famous, and controversial Bigfoot evidence. In 1967, the late Roger Patterson shot a 16mm film that captured images of a 7 1/2-foot-tall hairy ape/person striding along a riverbank in Bluff Creek, Calif., near the Oregon border.
It is the Zapruder film for Bigfoot enthusiasts.

Murphy showed the beast in freeze-frames. Even though the authenticity of the film is hotly contested, he concluded that the muscle definition clearly proves this Wooley Booger was the real thing.
"I'm 100 percent convinced," Charlie DeVore said. So were others who browsed the exhibit tables.

Bigfoot plaster footprint castings. Bigfoot CDs. Bigfoot books, with titles like "Out of the Shadows" and "In Search of Giants." Bigfoot T-shirts.

Meanwhile, deep in the woods, the Carlsons wonder and wait.

"One night we'll find somethin' standing in the road lookin' at us," J.C. Carlson predicted.
His wife said she hopes so.

"I'll say something next time."

Such as ...

"I'll ask who he is, and if I can help him," she said. "I know what it's like to be different in this world."

Meanwhile, deep in the woods, the Carlsons wonder and wait.

"One night we'll find somethin' standing in the road lookin' at us," J.C. Carlson predicted.
His wife said she hopes so.

"I'll say something next time."

Such as ...

"I'll ask who he is, and if I can help him," she said. "I know what it's like to be different in this world."
:D :D ;D ;D :o :o

Sorry Bigfoot sightings in this state...Kansas. Now, there ARE big, hairy, sasquatch types here...but they have their own trailers.



All the Bigfoots here in California like the other Native Americans now have and Run Gaming Casinos.

HOLA: I have just reviewed the big foot series and noticed two replies to my previous post.

1) I have never heard or know of anyone shooting a big foot. To do so would be a moral crime in my opinion. It would have to hold under the self defense laws of the various states. You must back down if possible. In the case of all of the supposed sightings and attacks, it left you alone once you retreated or left it's territory. SOOO?

I have yet to hear of an injury from a bigfoot. The throwing of stones, which you do to scare off a coyote or whatever, could equate to firing a warning shot.

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills, legends & shibboleth's)

lol ;D,, wonder what that guy wipes his a*s with dead rabbits or even live ones...

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