Boulder Anomalies in New Mexico

Hello Red Desert, post # 13

These two photos do not look like the same place at all. "The same circle of trees in 2 different photos.....that's interesting."
Yet of one were to carefully examine the photos--In the first photo post # 13--look at the unusually shaped ( dead )tree in the top right corner of the photo
Then look at the second photo in post # 13---there is a unusually shaped (dead ) tree--in the bottom --center--of the photo
So the first photo--on the left--the photo was taken at the bottom of the hill
So the second photo--on the right was taken at the top of the hill--lookingdown

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Hello Red Desert,

How do you use the above font's --do enlarge or draw on a photo?

I realized--the location--Red Desert--selected--appears to be a cache site--look carefully--at opposite's--white and black stones--white and black faces,
faces --made with black and white stones.

Attached Thumbnails

The past few years I have been visiting places where I have dredged. The way things have changed is unbelievable . The trails are no longer visible and the rivers and streams are different. This has all changed in 40 years..
Photo 1 I have silver bars buried 1 plus feet deep.
Photo 2 I have the same thing but a stronger signal...Art

DSCF1596-Barton-B2.jpg 1.jpgDSCF1596-Barton-B4.jpg 2.jpg

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Barton, haven't had time to finish looking at the photos, I'm sure there is yet more on the 1st pic. We are busy at the moment with yard/garden work, but thinking back on the black circles for these 2 photos, it was a concentration of signals. Used a black circle on the 3rd photo, but didn't have the same feel as #1 & #2. I'll finish inspecting the photos when get the time. Black is a color I don't use often, it's a signal more like a black hole, a concentration of signals, so usually will be only one spot in a photo.

I retook Arts red square in field post # 4

I retook the photo today including the top of the cactus for a reference


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I retook the photo of Okie Dowse rmarked at the top of the hill

While it looks different the white stone at the bottom of the boulder
on the right side can be used for reference


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I retook the photo of the red square Art marked in post # 4

Since the red square was on the edge of the photo
( to the right of where Okie marked a location )
I moved further back to include more land area in the photo

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photo--red square--further back

I included more area in the photo--since the red square posted in --post # 4
was on the edge of the photo


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Barton, this is the same area, bottom right moving to center.


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I like this part, thought there might be a turtle on the right edge here.


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Top left same area (moving toward center).


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Hello Red Desert, post # 13

These two photos do not look like the same place at all. "The same circle of trees in 2 different photos.....that's interesting."
Yet of one were to carefully examine the photos--In the first photo post # 13--look at the unusually shaped ( dead )tree in the top right corner of the photo
Then look at the second photo in post # 13---there is a unusually shaped (dead ) tree--in the bottom --center--of the photo
So the first photo--on the left--the photo was taken at the bottom of the hill
So the second photo--on the right was taken at the top of the hill--lookingdown
So, they are similar looking sites, but not the same location. Out of time for tonight, can't wait to inspect the other photo.

Red Desert, Post # 32

Yes they are of the same location--the same unusual shaped dead tree is in both photos

One photo is from the bottom of the circle of trees looking up
The other photo is from the top of the circle of trees looking down

Red Desert, Post # 32

Yes they are of the same location--the same unusual shaped dead tree is in both photos

One photo is from the bottom of the circle of trees looking up
The other photo is from the top of the circle of trees looking down
I get it, 2 different views of the same location, Yes, there should be more signs show up, the sun will be at different angles for shadow details.

This is #1705 bottom right moving toward center.


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Top left moving down toward center.


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Bottom left section, details are washed out some because of sunlight glare.


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A little better here.


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Top right section.


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This area here looks interesting.


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With this closer view,look's like its going to be a vault,(not cave ) you going have to have a Metal Detector that will reach 6 Feet to even pick this up.....and you get it pinpointed that big rock have to be chained off ,are moved,are you going to have it on top of you,time you get 4 feet the rock will slide in on top of you,becareful.2015-06-05 00.51.43art crop.jpg

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