California to Allow Suction Dredging in 2019?

................I can see it now..........

"GET THE LEAD OUT" a non-profit organization supporting the use of floating lead removal equipment to retrieve the hazard lead and mercury that is causing great concern within the fishing industry. These threats are not being removed by anyone in the State at the moment. Equipment is immediately available through-out the state and a great many concerned people have already volunteered to help the effort in any way. And at no cost to the public. Just the need for a simple permit stands in the way. These small pieces of equipment can remove as much as 99 % of hazardous heavy metals while returning everything else right back into the waterway. Yes, it is possible that it may take a winter runoff to return the gravels back to it's natural state but the permit could easily exclude late fall and early spring usage. An eight month window would be a huge benefit for everyone concerned with the contaminacion of our streams, rivers and creeks. And we can all realize that removing most of the heavy metals is so much better than leaving it all in the waterways to poison not only us and our future generations but the fish and insects.The only thing standing in the way is to have our state congress pass a bill to immediately allow these non harmful lead scooters do there thing. Let's get the lead out and do it right now.

Someone in Cali needs to run a suction dredge in Gov. Moonbeams rear-end to clear the S#!T out of his brain. With him and the others, Cali will never get better, only worse. Don't count on anything that will benifit the Pleebs.

It looks like it would cost a minimum of $50.00 and $400.00 (IRS) to start a non-profit. Somebody want to start a paypal account???? If nothing else it would sure be an interesting web site. My dredge has already been made famous on bobferris' cascadia site. And the funny thing is the caption "mendoAu's dredge tearing up the waterway" and how appropriate to just add "retrieving large amounts of lead to help improve the streambed". Anything to get bob's blood pressure up and add bright red to his plump cheeks. One more site would be just fine with me. And perhaps a picture of the old typewriter I pulled out of the creek a couple years ago. Tractor fenders, etc. etc. etc......

Since it's Christmas time and Santa flying everywhere I pondered and came up with abolishing the use of the word "dredge" and substituting it with
I now own a five inch hazardous heavy metal extraction sleigh.

When I was growing up a hashtag was the pound sign. Now there's the #METOO movement so i was thinking of joining that. Not sure what it is but might be some hot chicks there and i need pounded too!

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It looks like it would cost a minimum of $50.00 and $400.00 (IRS) to start a non-profit. Somebody want to start a paypal account???? If nothing else it would sure be an interesting web site. My dredge has already been made famous on bobferris' cascadia site. And the funny thing is the caption "mendoAu's dredge tearing up the waterway" and how appropriate to just add "retrieving large amounts of lead to help improve the streambed". Anything to get bob's blood pressure up and add bright red to his plump cheeks. One more site would be just fine with me. And perhaps a picture of the old typewriter I pulled out of the creek a couple years ago. Tractor fenders, etc. etc. etc......

It takes more than just a little money. The foundation needs an attorney, accountant, secretary, web site manager, and a board of directors. With that comes the responsibility to see that everything moves forward. With that there needs to be a close geographical group...otherwise the tasks end up being placed on the back burners. There is of course foundations that get set up and a couple of people take on all the task...but sooner or later they run for the hills...….overwhelmed with responsibility.


It takes more than just a little money. The foundation needs an attorney, accountant, secretary, web site manager, and a board of directors. With that comes the responsibility to see that everything moves forward. With that there needs to be a close geographical group...otherwise the tasks end up being placed on the back burners. There is of course foundations that get set up and a couple of people take on all the task...but sooner or later they run for the hills...….overwhelmed with responsibility.

So how about just a simple website that does not except monies but allows response and comments from those people out there. Promoting people interested in the above format to respond to their congressmen and city/county boards?
One of the things that I've noticed thru-out the last decade or so is that a lot of the negative postings are done by people that don't have a clue about modern small scale extraction sleigh's. Since there knowledge is small to non-existing their first thought is a "dredge" like the one in Sumpter, able to cover vast amounts of streambed where in reality 100 to 200 square feet is a task that can take a whole season. I feel sorry for my fellow sleigh users, but me personally live on a distant planet and don't give a hoot. It's also wintertime and I'm bored!! HA!

So how about just a simple website that does not except monies but allows response and comments from those people out there. Promoting people interested in the above format to respond to their congressmen and city/county boards?
One of the things that I've noticed thru-out the last decade or so is that a lot of the negative postings are done by people that don't have a clue about modern small scale extraction sleigh's. Since there knowledge is small to non-existing their first thought is a "dredge" like the one in Sumpter, able to cover vast amounts of streambed where in reality 100 to 200 square feet is a task that can take a whole season. I feel sorry for my fellow sleigh users, but me personally live on a distant planet and don't give a hoot. It's also wintertime and I'm bored!! HA!

You can put up a site for less than 20 bucks a year.. Its easy to do. The trick is getting people to actually post on it and make use of it.

Dredging doesn't benefit the tax collectors. Theres a bill in the cali state Senate right now to tax text messages which is much more important to them. They need to raise tens of billions I think they said.

Dredging doesn't benefit the tax collectors. Theres a bill in the cali state Senate right now to tax text messages which is much more important to them. They need to raise tens of billions I think they said.

It wasn't a bill it was a proposal. pre bill touchy feely..second base can we make it to third base stuff.

Either way the communications commision said nope and it went away.

Though this sort of thing will be back. They have to figure out how to tax the social media messaging services then they'll do it. For now they know people would just send less texts. Use messenger twitter etc.

Keep in mind we used to have "real" unlimited plans and those are gone. with the exception of a relative few who have the old sim cards.

Ca. is about to have its rainy day fund run over rough shod ... by a jockey who only knows how to use other peoples money.

Price of gold is at bottom and will be rising.....

Just keep digging

free social media will be going away.

In Oregon the State Troopers are the enforcers. They are not part of the shutdown.


Its not the FS/BLM people you need watch out for its the fish and game people...

I'm coming out to dig with Goldtramp in another week but we wont be dredging. You Cali guys got all the good gold there! Should be a fun trip and some good yella I hope! Whoohoo!
I couldn't believe when I looked at the temps there. Weve been digging nothing but feet of snow for months here. It will be a nice change of scenery and WARM!
I was gonna dig out the old truck today but I doubt theres any gold under there. 20190125_103641.jpg

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