can anyone help me with my ace 250

jennifer302013 said:
i have a ace 250 can anyone help me with it what should i set it at i would love to find some things instead of old pop cans lol and horse shoes lol someone help plz

Jen go to metal detecting forum post under Garrett should find lots of help there.

Set the discriminater a little higher if you want so you don't get iron. But if you are detecting the "junk" that's a good thing and it will just be a matter of time before the next "pulltab" is a ring. A lot of this is chance so it just takes a lot of time and effort.

thanks :thumbsup: i will go back out and do my yard again lol my house is old so i hope i can find some goodies

Watch the instructional video again. The 250 is a great coin grabber.
I use jewelry mode and drop the sensitivity 2 clicks. You have to accept finding pull tabs if you ever want to find gold. They just sound too similar to the machine.

Enjoy, and welcome to T-net.

Hey Jenn, a lot of detectors can find alot of stuff...lower end detectiors included. I have an Ace 250 and found old coins and silver jewelry. I think a key thing to remember is location. The ace will find stuff you just have to put your coil over ground where there is a high chance of things being there. Do some research in your local area , find public schools, old parks, fairgrounds etc. Remember that a relitivly new school in a new development may be over farmland so take consideration of where you hunt...location,location,location.....I'm in Cuyahoga County and a fellow Buckeye.....Good Luck

As far as using the Ace I ran normaly down two bars on strength ans adjust if falsing, and do alot of digging and try to guess what it is first.Pratice is all that is needed.

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im in toledo ohio i will try that so only have 2 bars or just minus 2 bars lol:BangHead:

if i wanna do my yard what mode should i use lol i wanna find jewlery and coins

Welcome to TreasureNet Jenn!

After you feel that you have cleaned out your yard, look for other places.

Like mfitzs said "Do some research in your local area , find public schools, old parks, fairgrounds etc....location,location,location"
Don't forget to find out if it's okay, before you go swinin' and pingin' in city parks.

I have had my Ace 250 for half a year and love it!

dig every thing and run in all metal mode till you learn your machine remember low and slow , mark a 6x6 sec of your yard and work it slow from all angles in a grid pattern , run the dis with 3 bars highlighted , remember to find coins you must also find the junk, hope this helps , happy huntinn and welcome to the form

first off with a ace 250 -- you got 12 differant "blocks" that light up when you find items --sadly due to its limited number of blocks -- some items co -mingle -- like pulltabs and gold rings --or nickles and gold rings --thats because the ace 250 metal detectors try to figger out what its found based upon a metals "electrical conductivity" level and sort it accordingly into a block --differant metals react at differant strenghs to the electrical signal sent out by the machine and returned to the machine when its found.-- sadly the electrical conductivity level of a small aluminum pulltab and a nickle are both very similar that of a gold ring --so on a ace 250 they will "ring up" as the same "item"

I used to use a Ace 250 --but then I upgraded to the delta 4000 by teknetics ($279) -- it has a 0 to 99 "numbers" type display --thus basically 100 differant sorting slots --thinking of a number as a slot * vs the 12 blocks of the 250 --thats 8 times more slots to sort your finds into --thus you can "pull apart" your finds much better by the numbers say 56 to 58 is 10K gold while 60 is mostly pulltabs --while its still not 100% fool proof because some items will still over lap numbers wize --it is much much better and allows for a much better trash to treasure dig ratio overall --less wasted time digging up trash = more time spend digging up good signals. (and thus hopefully more better quality finds)

a few tips i can offer for improving your finds with a ace 250 are * if you do not want to find horse shoes or other iron items --use the custom mode * it will allow you via the notching button to put in or out what you want to find -- do not want iron items simply cut (notch) it out --also better finds often depend on location of whats there now as well as what used to be there --to find a good item first it had to be lost there in the first place * modern tot lots are fine if you want modern clad coins lost from kids pocket by the slide or swing or a bit of lost mommy bling lost by the mommys "watching the kids" bench now and them --but really cool stuff often requires a bit of historical research into the local past history so as to know "where" to look

soil can vary (in high mineral areas the 250 can act a bit nuts "beep,beep,beep" because its reading the excessively high trace mineralsin the soil (like iron lets say) as a solid wall of "metal" but if you run across that issue just adjust the power level downward till it "smooths' out --powerlines can also cause issues due to EMF bleed off again just lower the power / sensivity level until it acts normally depending upon conditions - I tend to run 3 to 4 bars --too high tends to make the machine very touchy acting (overely sensitive) beep , beep, beep non stop

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If you want gold jewelry and coins, use the "jewelry mode" and expect to dig aluminum tabs and can slaw. Use "coin mode" if all you want are coins and silver. You do a custom program notching out certain targets, but the two meds will work well for what you are seeking.


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