

Full Member
Mar 10, 2007
St. Paris, Ohio
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Whites DFX, XLT, MXT, GMT. Fisher F75
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Am new to the Fisher F75, have used white's for the last 12 years and really comfortable with them but I won this fisher in a raffle and really love some of the features. My issue with it is the chatter, I find it actually easier to run it in all metal motion than discriminate, if I run disc down to 0 or 1 and turn the sensitivity down to quiet the chatter it is still so busy it about makes my head explode. Maybe using the smaller coil would help some.

Did you guys find it difficult to adapt to? It's iffy on some signals, sometimes it will repeat say a quarter signal then the next sweep it's gone. Advise?

That's par for the course with the F75. Great machine, wouldn't trade mine for the world. I too find it is quieter in all metal mode, rarely if ever use discrimination. After a while, you'll learn to listen around and through that "chatter". Also, make sure you keep your shovel, pinpointer, any metal, even a cell phone sometimes, as far away from your "swing side" as possible. Just my two cents worth. Great machine!!

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Agree. I run discrim. at about five. Turn off my cell phone (Airplane mode). Set the sensitivity to the threshold where the chatter stops; and sometimes that is 50 or even lower. Note: I do really like the 6.5" elliptical coil. PF mode also seems to be quietest & least jittery; but I run DE unless it justifies changing.

Ground balance frequently with the Fastgrab and try changing the frequency a few steps as well. My guess is they made it easy (hold the Menu button down and push the trigger forward to scroll through frequencies) because it was found to be handy.

When you have sport suspension you feel all the bumps and the steering is sensitive. Same with the F75.

PS - is you get "iffy" signals watch the FE2O3 scale and the confidence scale. And "X" over the target from different directions. If it changes more than five on the TDI scale it's . . . worth digging up to see what it is but probably junk. Coins and rings usually stay fairly consistent, but chains, jewelry and odd relics anything goes.

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Thanks for the replies gentlemen! You have confirmed what I assumed, that's it's just naturally vocal.

try the nel sharpshooter coil..i could run the sensitivity to 90 and it was stable...50 with the stock 11 dd coil..the sharpshooter gets great depth as well..

It is extremely sensitive, and therefore vocal, but you can get it upgraded to get the DST feature to quiet things down. Wayne
I spoke with them today about the upgrade. This was purchased just last ,onto so is eligible for the free upgrade, I am just trying to decide if I want to have the boost installed for $310! :-/

try the nel sharpshooter coil..i could run the sensitivity to 90 and it was stable...50 with the stock 11 dd coil..the sharpshooter gets great depth as well..
I may try that next year, I just got the 5" round coil it it is a little better by not picking up additional targets.

The boost mode is a nice feature when you need it. But the f75 is deep to begin with and I rarely use the boost mode. So I don't know if it would be worth $310. It also adds sensitivity, thus making the machine more chatty. A good set-up for most applications that was recommended to me and has worked well is: DE mode, set disc around 6 or 8, set sensitivity between 60 and 80 depending on EMI present, and I prefer 3 or 3h tones. Use auto GB, then go up one number to allow for changes in mineralization. Just remember, the f75 does not require a lot of sensitivity to get good depth on most targets. Hope this helps.

The boost mode is a nice feature when you need it. But the f75 is deep to begin with and I rarely use the boost mode. So I don't know if it would be worth $310. It also adds sensitivity, thus making the machine more chatty. A good set-up for most applications that was recommended to me and has worked well is: DE mode, set disc around 6 or 8, set sensitivity between 60 and 80 depending on EMI present, and I prefer 3 or 3h tones. Use auto GB, then go up one number to allow for changes in mineralization. Just remember, the f75 does not require a lot of sensitivity to get good depth on most targets. Hope this helps.
thanks! That is good info. I decided to get the boost added since I won this detector so putting $300 into it is cheap enough. :) nice hint on bumping GB

Sent tector in today for upgrade. With shipping should be back right after thanksgiving! Hope there is so PM'ed thawed property then! Lol

A little note about the upgrade: because this was purchased after July of this year I could get the standard upgrade for free, anyone having bought one before that would have to pay $159, addition of boost and cache makes it $309. Seems like I should have been able to get the free and pay the additional $150 for the LTD upgrade but that ain't how it works. :-/

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Let us know how you like it. I use two tone and that helps a ton for giving me the dig signal!

Never used a Fisher, but all this chatter talk sounds like Minelabs! The Explorer series will talk your ears off!! Any of you use both and know which is more chatty??

I have the F75s lil' bro, the F70. Got it from Bart@BBH. Great place to buy.
I too couldn't calm the "chatter". So I went to The Shack and bought a simple clip on EMI filter and installed it to cable app 2" from control housing. This helped tremendously for under $5.
Others have disagreed, but it works for me.
I will also mention, the F70 is the fastest machine I've used to date. Blazingly fast recovery!

I have the F75s lil' bro, the F70. Got it from Bart@BBH. Great place to buy. I too couldn't calm the "chatter". So I went to The Shack and bought a simple clip on EMI filter and installed it to cable app 2" from control housing. This helped tremendously for under $5. Others have disagreed, but it works for me. I will also mention, the F70 is the fastest machine I've used to date. Blazingly fast recovery! GL Peace
that there is some good thinkin!

I have the F75s lil' bro, the F70. Got it from Bart@BBH. Great place to buy.
I too couldn't calm the "chatter". So I went to The Shack and bought a simple clip on EMI filter and installed it to cable app 2" from control housing. This helped tremendously for under $5.
Others have disagreed, but it works for me.
I will also mention, the F70 is the fastest machine I've used to date. Blazingly fast recovery!

Great post!

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