Check yur Dole diced peaches

Where was your computer made?

BuckleBoy said:
Where was your computer made?
sir i feel that after a few replies from you that you have something to say to me. Jump out there and say it but remember i think you are in the top 10 here as in finds and i do look up to yur skills. Fire Away :coffee2:

texastee2007 said:
aa battery said:
BuckleBoy said:
Where was your computer made?
sir i feel that after a few replies from you that you have something to say to me. Jump out there and say it but remember i think you are in the top 10 here as in finds and i do look up to yur skills. Fire Away :coffee2:

I'd be proud to stand with you Super A if you'll let me.

Tell the warden that, if she'd like, I will send a replacement jar of peaches.

However, it is not of the Dole variety, or any other, as these are peaches grown, picked and canned in the good old state of South Dakota! By me!

I do buy Dole pineapple, though - is that made in China? (don't have a can on hand to check - but I cannot get pineapple to grow here) :icon_scratch:


mrs.oroblanco said:
Tell the warden that, if she'd like, I will send a replacement jar of peaches.

However, it is not of the Dole variety, or any other, as these are peaches grown, picked and canned in the good old state of South Dakota! By me!

I do buy Dole pineapple, though - is that made in China? (don't have a can on hand to check - but I cannot get pineapple to grow here) :icon_scratch:


Do peach trees do well in SD? I have trouble with late frosts. I only have 3 trees, so I can cover them, but I probably wouldn't have much success with an orchard.

We have to mulch them heavy for the winter, and we have to have later blooming varieties (we have 2 different varieties planted), but we still get a little winter kill (not enough to really hurt the trees, just a branch tip or two), and they seem to want to sucker more here, then other places we have planted peach trees.

So far, knock on wood, we have been ok with the early winters. We seem to get a later spring, but also get a later start for winter. We do start mulching them when everything is out of the garden except the frost hardy stuff.

Reliance and North Star seem to keep us going. Now, further north from here, I don't know, as we are kind of in a protected area in this town.


I work in a grocery store and you'd be surprised how many products that you thought were made here are not,alot of your Dole products come from South America or Thailand,also check where your pineapple comes from,I've found 5 different countries and the USA isn't one of them.Also candybars,lots are made in Mexico.Also watch out for bottle water,alot of your non-spring water is right from the tap. :dontknow: :icon_scratch:

ck your canned mushrooms. penn. dutch also says china and indonesia. well now i buy the pkg that is labeled Worthington,PA fresh . available in this area in mich. AA im doing my best.

I knew about the water deal.

The convenience store I work at has their own entire filtering system - with 5 different filterings - from reverse osmosis to what I call the Xray phase. There is nothing in that water ........ :laughing9:

I can (and freeze) an entire years veggies, and try to keep the meat in our freezer right from the ranch (after aging, of course). But, there are certain things that you just can't grow yourself - and mushrooms is another one. (though a have kept a little "ranch" of mushrooms growing for 2 years, its not easy).

Citrus, bananas, mushrooms - just cannot get them fresh, and often don't have much of a choice - there will be one brand available. So, we drive 76-80 miles, one way, once a month, to go into the city where there is much more choice.

But, every year, there are home-grown potatoes, corn, peas, 3 or 4 different kinds of green/wax/romano beans, tomatoes,(and sauce) broccoli, beets, cauliflower, jelly from blackberries, apples, peaches and elderberries, cabbage, pumpkins, melons (a couple of different kinds), green peppers, and 2 kinds of squash. (and whatever suits my fancy for the year - last year it was Japanese eggplant), this year, we are growing sweet potato slips already. We haven't tried peanuts here, yet. Of course, we also grow grab and eat veggies - my salad fixins, radishes, spinach and we have an asparagus patch that loves where we live - its the best patch I have ever grown. We also have a patch of strawberries every year, we use those frozen, fresh and in jam, plus we have grapevines, raspberries and cherries (the semi-sweet), and we finished it off with peach trees, apple trees, pear trees, plum trees, onions, garlic. We also have walnuts and filberts.

It sounds like alot, but, many of these things don't need anything but a mulching and weeding and spraying once in awhile. (and a little trimming).
Plus, we have a 25 year old BCS tiller that I would not trade for the world. Its the professional model, and it takes care of 90% of the work, while you walk behind it holding one of its handles.

We really do not do it because of the poor quality of Chinese products, but because we love food that was growing 10 minutes before it was canned or frozen - it tastes different, we know what is on it, how well it was cleaned, and we personally know the grower and quality control folks.
(its also great for trading for things like free-range brown eggs, yum), but, we've also done it all our lives. My family, Roy's family, all did the garden/canning/freezing thing, so...... I guess we were destined.

If our importing situation keeps going down the tubes, everybody is going to have to find a spot to have a little garden - even if its on your patio.
China doesn't care if their products kill us - all they care about is $$$$$$$. The only one that is going to look out for Americans - is Americans.


aa battery said:
BuckleBoy said:
Where was your computer made?
sir i feel that after a few replies from you that you have something to say to me. Jump out there and say it but remember i think you are in the top 10 here as in finds and i do look up to yur skills. Fire Away :coffee2:


I have thought we were always on good terms. :dontknow: You are one of the folks on there that I care a great deal about.

mrs.oroblanco said:
Reliance and North Star seem to keep us going. Now, further north from here, I don't know, as we are kind of in a protected area in this town.


Reliance is what I have. Thanks.

Reliance should do well for you in Kentucky. Our big winter thing is the -31 below zero for a couple of weeks every winter. (why we do the heavy mulching). You don't have that in your area.

I think Reliance is one of the best!!! We tried North Star because it is also a late bloomer. Your biggest problem, with peaches, I would think, would be to make sure it has a long enough rest period (peaches also need a cold spell to rest). (Reliance is zones 4-8) If you have a problem with that, throw some mulch on AFTER it freezes, to keep it cool longer, then rake it away when you want it to come back. You want it to start blooming around May, so a few weeks before that. Reliance is so versatile!.



BuckleBoy said:
aa battery said:
BuckleBoy said:
Where was your computer made?
sir i feel that after a few replies from you that you have something to say to me. Jump out there and say it but remember i think you are in the top 10 here as in finds and i do look up to yur skills. Fire Away :coffee2:


I have thought we were always on good terms. :dontknow: You are one of the folks on there that I care a great deal about.
ok ok i love ya man im still damaged frum nicky :notworthy:

mrs.oroblanco said:
Tell the warden that, if she'd like, I will send a replacement jar of peaches.

However, it is not of the Dole variety, or any other, as these are peaches grown, picked and canned in the good old state of South Dakota! By me!

I do buy Dole pineapple, though - is that made in China? (don't have a can on hand to check - but I cannot get pineapple to grow here) :icon_scratch:

i told her but she has no .... wat am i trying to say? Maybe when we have to buy products only from China to pay off loans she will understand :dontknow:

plehbah said:
aa battery said:
mrs.oroblanco said:
Tell the warden that, if she'd like, I will send a replacement jar of peaches.

However, it is not of the Dole variety, or any other, as these are peaches grown, picked and canned in the good old state of South Dakota! By me!

I do buy Dole pineapple, though - is that made in China? (don't have a can on hand to check - but I cannot get pineapple to grow here) :icon_scratch:

i told her but she has no .... wat am i trying to say? Maybe when we have to buy products only from China to pay off loans she will understand :dontknow:

Moving to China and buying only American products would be the really sensible thing to do here. That would be a double whammy!
i would have the same rights there as i do here. oops i mean yeah :-[

this is no surprise, we need to stop allowing any foreign made products into this country, put america back to work so america does not turn into a third world sth hole, ( if thats not too late )

That's a nice thought, except, there would be a real shortage of fruits - especially in the winter.

Some things we all love just either don't grow in the United States, or, we cannot grow enough to fulfill our needs - like sugar and coffee.
Also bananas and grapes. (most of our grapes end up in wine or jelly).


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