Checking reject payoffs big!


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Dec 9, 2012
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All Treasure Hunting
Today I was dumping $350 in hunted coins. First stop was a dump at a place I haven't been to in a while. Dumped $100 in nickels. Checked the tube before I started and found a '69 half, a 1963 quarter, and a beat up war nickel. Drove a block down the street to dump a box of dimes. The tube checked clear but when I asked for help when I filled the bag, I snagged a 1942 quarter, a 1945 merc, and a 1958 Rosie. Best day I've had in checking the tray/tube! After this I went and got 2 boxes of dimes... Wish me luck!

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Just out of curiosity, why do you dump at two different banks? Doesn't seem like you have that many coins. Is the reject tube accessible to us the clients or only bank staff?

ninetwosix said:
Just out of curiosity, why do you dump at two different banks? Doesn't seem like you have that many coins. Is the reject tube accessible to us the clients or only bank staff?

I dumped at two different banks because the second bank is directly across the street from the pick up bank that I got my two boxes at today. I had the dimes and nickels separated already so I figured "what the heck" and used it as an opportunity to check the tube at both banks. Paid off. If I had only gone to one dump, I would have missed out on the free silver! Haha also, one of the tellers at the second dump keeps her eyes open for me for stuff so I wanted to check in with her if I could. She wasn't there though. I also sometimes dump 3 to 5 bags of dimes at a time. I'm used to going to two banks so no one bank gets annoyed with me.
Lastly, at my banks, the tube is the connection between the machine and where the rejected coins get returned to you (think the coin return/change slot on a vending machine). The coin return/reject slot is accessible at the front of the machine so you can claim what falls in. However, a lot of the machines my bank uses have the tube that delivers the rejected coins from the machine to the return slow placed at a weird angle. It either doesn't line up with the slot and your "rejects" are dumped on the ground inside the machine or they get stuck and lay in the tube till it's cleared out. I usually fill up the bag so I ask "to check" the tube for "my coins" when they open up the machines to change the bag. I claim whatever coin I see on the ground or in the tube. You can also access the tube if you have really long fingers. I do this sometimes if I'm not dumping but am at the bank for other reasons. Previous to this, I've only ever found dimes.

Just out of curiosity, why do you dump at two different banks? Doesn't seem like you have that many coins. Is the reject tube accessible to us the clients or only bank staff?

speaking of the reject tube, be careful, sometimes there are small edges in them that will cut your finger, especially near the magnetic strip. dawg keep that in mind next time you check the tubes, blindly, (on some machines that do not have an exposed tray)

thanks for answering my questions. I ask because all the machines here are behind the lobby and when I ask the tellers an I it rejects they tell me that they don't give them back. if you can tell me, what is the name of the bank you use, I would love to find a bank that has the coin machines in the lobby.

50cent said:
speaking of the reject tube, be careful, sometimes there are small edges in them that will cut your finger, especially near the magnetic strip. dawg keep that in mind next time you check the tubes, blindly, (on some machines that do not have an exposed tray)

Thank you for the advice. However, I think we are using different machines possibly... The magnet on the machine I use is no where near the reject tube/slot. Also, the area in and around the slot/tube is plastic/PVC.

ninetwosix said:
thanks for answering my questions. I ask because all the machines here are behind the lobby and when I ask the tellers an I it rejects they tell me that they don't give them back. if you can tell me, what is the name of the bank you use, I would love to find a bank that has the coin machines in the lobby.

I'm not a fan of giving out the banks I use:( sorry dude. I have a lot of competition in the area and I know there are plenty of NJ hunters here. Already having problems due to other hunters in my area. don't take it personally! What I will tell you is this, if they are dumping coins into a machine for you and some are getting rejected, they HAVE to give it back. It's your money. Chances are your tellers know that tube rejects silver and are being greedy.

50cent said:
The older brandt machines, are as described.

Got you. Yeh, these machines aren't too old. Forget the name. I used to know it but it escapes me right now. I know it's not Brandt though.

I'm not a fan of giving out the banks I use:( sorry dude. I have a lot of competition in the area and I know there are plenty of NJ hunters here. Already having problems due to other hunters in my area. don't take it personally! What I will tell you is this, if they are dumping coins into a machine for you and some are getting rejected, they HAVE to give it back. It's your money. Chances are your tellers know that tube rejects silver and are being greedy.

No worries I completely understand.

careful, cummins machines read dimes as pennies. I lost a $1.10 worth of dimes this way.

I know it's not a Cummins. I forgot to check today though:( However, I didn't forget to check the reject tray/tube. Paid off again. Got a big handful of foreign coins and some quarters and dimes. Best finds were a silver quarter and dime.

I ask because all the machines here are behind the lobby and when I ask the tellers an I it rejects they tell me that they don't give them back.

Are you saying they do not give you back your rejected coins?

great job my buddy you are the best at finding all of the silver

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