CruTeam 2013 - End of Year Results...


Gold Member
May 25, 2007
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XP Deus II v0.6 with 11" Coil
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All Treasure Hunting
Cru'Team 2013 - End of Year Results...

Thanks, as always to Land-Mag, the researcher/permissions guru.

Below is 347.75 hours over 87 days + Dads 365 = 712.75 hours

Coin Type------------ 2007------ 2008------ 2009-------- 2010-------- 2011---------- 2012---------------2013

Celtic Bronze -----------1 --------- 0 --------- 0 -----------6 ------------5 -------------- 3------------------3
Celtic Silver -------------1 --------- 3 --------- 2 -----------1 ----------- 3 -------------- 0------------------1
Celtic Gold ------------- 0 ----------2---------- 3----------- 0 ----------- 0 --------------3------------------0
Roman Bronze--------- 234------- 510 ------- 1193 ------1013-------- 1386---------- 785----------------879
Roman Silver ----------- 8--------- 14--------- 20--------- 22----------- 20------------ 19-----------------21
Saxon/Viking/Norman -- 0---------- 0---------- 2---------- 1 ------ 4Sceat/2Vik---- 3Sceat/1AS/1Nor---4Sceat/1 AS Penny
Other Gold Coins------- 0---------- 0---------- 3----------- 0----------- 0--------------- 1------------------2
Hammered------------- 39--------- 45 -------- 108-------- 77 ---------101------------- 64-----------------49

Buttons -
2009 - 3124
2010 - 2542
2011 - 2635
2012 - 2069
2013 - 1357

Last year was the first year ever that Dad did more hunting hours than me. We lost 1 good farm last year to a sale of land & many of our best Roman Sites were never searched due to an unusual crop rotation. This meant we had to think outside the box a little & in some ways it did us less harm than expected.
We had our best year ever for Saxon Finds - 33 Artefacts in total - probably never to be repeated!

Any year I get 2 gold coins of any age can be considered a good year & I managed some great firsts:
My oldest Roman Coin
My oldest 'eyes only' flint arrowhead
My oldest Coin - Celtic circa 80BC
Finally another rare Celtic Silver Coin turned up, but no Gold this year.

Carausius dated Antoninianus - only one in the world that is provenanced & only 2 known including mine!

Lots to be happy about.:icon_thumright:

Below are a few highlights (Starting with the tub of rubbish buttons):


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Another great year! I'm sure it won't be long before the 2014 accumulation is started.

Isn't it funny how a picture of a pile of buttons always looks like it contains far less than it actually does.

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Just keep finding the great relics and coins and all of us here will keep loving seeing them posted! Fantastic year!

Nice job, Crusader. Congrats:icon_thumleft:

Running out of buttons? :)

"Buttons -
2009 - 3124
2010 - 2542
2011 - 2635
2012 - 2069
2013 - 1357"

What can one say except " Those are very impressive totals Cru!" Congrats on the quality of the coinage and Saxon relics that were found this past season.

Congrats on the amazing collection of finds! Just one of the old buttons in your tub of "rubbish buttons" alone would make my season!

Congrats once again!

Both the statistics and the highlights are very impressive! Looks like you spent more time on Pre-Medieval (if that is the correct term) sites this year than in previous years based on your lower hammered and button totals, and your higher Roman/Saxon/Norman/Viking totals. Or maybe that is just the way things played out this year. Best of luck in 2014!

Another great year! I'm sure it won't be long before the 2014 accumulation is started.

Isn't it funny how a picture of a pile of buttons always looks like it contains far less than it actually does.

Bear in mind it's only the blank tombacs, 4 holes, & other blank types which are in the tub. Any with patterns, Military, & hunts etc are stored away.

:icon_thumright:Looks like another awesome year, Congrats Sir

Congrats on a fantastic year! The finds are amazing........ good luck this up coming year. Keep on Digging!

Great stuff Cru! Must be a thrill to spend all that time with your dad. Lots of us don't have that opportunity so congrats on the fantastic recoveries and all of the priceless hours spent with your father!

Some very impressive totals for sure! Thanks for sharing so many of your' and your dad's finds!

If some Movie Production Officials are filming a Roman/Crusades/Medieval type movie and ever need any time period correct buttons to use on clothing, I believe that you all have got it covered.:dontknow:LOL!!


That is a whole lot of fantastic finds! And in the new catalogs they have to print to include your Carausius, instead of a page number "CRUSADER" will be there instead! I'm sure you will be adding to that page!
They should just give you your own catalog!
Can't wait to see what unbelievable finds you make in 2014, GL. HH!

Excuse me I have to squeegee my screen off.

Cru, Regardless of the Celtic Gold tally this was quite an amazing year for you. I wish you all the best of luck in 2014!

Great collection Crusader , you and dad have had an outstanding year , congratulations .. cheers Mick

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