Digital Camera

I have a friend in the US and he is sending pics in Arizona for the analysis.

I think the best you could do would be to find a patch of disturbed ground or an old trail. It may be able to help determine where the entrance to a cellar hole was, a trail to the privy or an out building or where the cows came home. As far as being an nice big shiny gold blur to tell you that there is a chest full of gold in that location, I would have extreme doubts about that. Swizzle

You just have to pick out the spot where the rainbow ends and the leprechaun is sitting. :D

I'm short enough. Slap a leprechaun outfit on me and point me in the right direction. You just might wanna bring your digital cameras for that one. Swizzle

After reading your comments or shall I say debates, its really interesting and tried it on my accidentally discovered japanese hidden treasure site here in Phil. I have a few pics and the result is very interesting. I cant load it rightnow due to size problem. I put one on my profile this picture taken from a a 5 ft deep. We continue to dig 6ft and we encountered a layer of cement covering the whole opening. we stop the digging due to legal and political problem here in Phil.

Dear SWR;
Found it....but didn't dig it up sounds oh so familiar

Do you mean to tell me that you've never located a HUGE treasure trove, then after uncovering it and admiring it for a while, decided to rebury it and make the scene look like it was never disturbed, all beacause you wanted the next guy to experience the same thrill of locating the find of a lifetime as you felt when you located and recovered the cache? Talk about selfish, my friend! I actually prefer the *catch and release* method of treasure recovery, especially when it comes to other people who have located substantial finds.
Your friend;

I am 100 % sure it is a japanese hidden treasure. Base upon the location and references and most of all experience. Got it snoopy?

Good morning swr, you posted -->

You may have dug into a 'spectic tank' ...procede with due caution!

A) I will give you the benefit of subtle humor my friend, not one of my usual typos.

As for the rest of the negative posters, what is the best way to cure cancer?

B) You also posted -->

No, it is not true. You cannot take a digital picture, analyze it in a lab, and find treasure.

Why not? Aerial photographs, spectographic pictures, and many other forms of data gathering are analyzed in the lab.

Don Jose de La Mancha

As for the rest of the negative posters, what is the best way to cure cancer?

Remove it or cut-off it's nutrient supply. But most may only go into remission or cease spreading but are never truly cured.

HI Charlie, you are basically correct. I personally cured my 'terminal' cancer in less than 4 weeks. I refused Radiation and Chemotherapy flatly, despite the direst of predictions.. A peer review has declared that I am completely cured of cancer, now way over the 5 year basis with absolutely no sign of a reoccurance. Believe me, they tried everything to find any evidence. In fact I was used as an example in a recent Oncologist' convention as a successful cure through surgery, even while tacitally admitting that surgery itself does not cure cancer. I did not mention my personal part of the treatment.

I estimate that I now have approx. 1200 hrs in the study of cancer, it's causes, psychology, and physiology. What the (AMA) does is the worst possible thing that they can do to fight cancer

So if the best minds are possibly mistaken in this, it appears to be the same regarding Gold ionic transference's producing a visible gas. a gas which under the proper conditions is readily captured on film or a digital camera. A gas which I used to personally find 7 mule loads of silver 8 Reales

Don Jose de La Mancha


  • 8 Reales from a  treasure.jpg
    8 Reales from a treasure.jpg
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  • 8 Reales from a  treasure.jpg
    8 Reales from a treasure.jpg
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    recovered cache.jpg
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SWR said:
After reading your comments or shall I say debates, its really interesting and tried it on my accidentally discovered japanese hidden treasure site here in Phil. I have a few pics and the result is very interesting. I cant load it rightnow due to size problem. I put one on my profile this picture taken from a a 5 ft deep. We continue to dig 6ft and we encountered a layer of cement covering the whole opening. we stop the digging due to legal and political problem here in Phil.

How do you know it is a "Japanese hidden treasure" if you did not actually recover what you were digging for? You may have dug into a septic tank...procede with due caution!

Found it....but didn't dig it up sounds oh so familiar :-\

copyedit - fix typo

Coz I found a ghost doing a judo and karate katha above the site :headbang:

Re: Digital Camera-Don Jose

What IR filter were you using to see the ion gas above gold? I have read that the frequencies of 700-900nm are the best divided up in separate bands, is this what you've found for gold or gold ores?


HI Seden: Sorry, no filters, just my friend's visual . He had been seeing it over the years but could never actually pinpoint it, that required a detector. The Gas dscharged is seldom directly over the buried metal. Sometime it can travel over a hundred meters before it can find it's way to the surface.

It seems that time must be needed in an impervious soil, with the proper chemical conditions, to collect enough of the gas to be visible at a distance. This occurs basically abut "once a year" at the start of the rainy season when the soil is first loosened up. Most of the gas is seen at night because of the small amount generated. During the day I have heard reports that it resembles a light fog or very thin smoke.

Incidentally in the picture with the pile of coins, that was my share, one mule load. The skinny broad in the picture was destined to become my wife after I had fattened her up. Picture later.

Dom Jose de La Mancha

SWR, tsk tsk not doing your home work or perhaps the first signs of Alzheimer memory affectations? I have repeatedly offered you a cooks tour of many people that have already found buried precious metal by these fires - actually a luminous, ionic gas, which is explainable by various scientific papers, which have been posted for you in the past.

Also a fairly complete explanation of how the Ionic gas must find a path of least resistance in order to escape into the atmosphere, which may be far removed for the source, the buried metal. Having posted it twice, I do not feel that a further repetition for you will serve any useful purpose.

Come on down and become your own reference of the truth or not of this happening.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Swr, I am a bit ashamed of you, you have an excellent brain, but your memory is apparently fading., whether from convenience or --- This data has been posted for you various times. As such, do 'your own' homework now and go look them up. Maybe the effort will put them in a secure place in your memory bank for the next time.

Are you going to come down to observe with your own eyes and talk to successful recoverers, or merely stay there and talk about things that you apparently are not wiling to accept the possible existence of regardless?

Don Jose de La Mancha

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