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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:

I walked along the creek, and all around the place,
taking pictures this morning. The sun streaming thru the
various tall trees, and sparkling on the water some. A real
peaceful place, and a great country area to raise awesome
royal blue eyed twin boys... :sunny: :fish:

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
Ok I have a few Bigfoot stories. I will tell one that concerns me. Our house sits a block from the Caddo Lake Wildlife Refuge and about two blocks from Caddo Lake. There is just a couple of cabins between us and lake we have a great view of the lake. The other way is our dirt now mud road then the blacktop road to town then the 8,837 acre refuge. One of my neighbors has been here his whole life except for 4 years of college. He says there are places in the refuge that nobody has seen for fifty years. It is rough country, swampy, and dense forest not to be entered into without some knowledge and preparation. When I first moved here I started to go out with the dogs at dusk and would do some wood knocking. After about a week of this the neighbor ask me to stop. I told him that I wanted to see if a Bigfoot would answer. He told me to keep it up and I would have him in my front yard. I kept it up on and off for about a month or so. One night I got a answer that sounded very close. Told Mr. Keats that I got answer he told me to stop NOW. For about two months afterwards I felt as if something was always watching our place. Needless to say I quite wood knocking. I have never did it again and won't even split wood except with a power splitter. Ledges true or not are to be respected. You may think that you are big and bad , standing tall and taking names until you come up against something that you don't quite understand.

Now every once in awhile I still get the feeling that we are being watched from something in the refuge.

Senior Deacon

Senior Deacon,

I was thinking of your stories, and remembering
what my Uncle had told me. About what he and
other men in another camper had experienced,
and the strong odor they said was present, in
the deer woods, and hit his overhead camper
hard enough to rock it, leaving marks on it...

I wondered if you smelled a strong odor,
and how you got the idea to go wood
knockin' ?... :sunny: :fish:


Silver Member
Oct 17, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

Thanks for posting some cool music.
Hope everything is going well for
you my brother, peace... :sunny: :fish:

Thanks for you are thinking of me . I am well and I enjoy your posts .
Peace and harmony to you too .

senior deacon

Sr. Member
Jul 3, 2014
Humboldt, Iowa
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Crosse de Sign: I had heard that you could call in a Bigfoot by knocking two big sticks together. There is one here about that is according the locals. I have experienced a incident here and the wife has had a couple of encounters while deer hunting back when she could still see to shoot a rifle. I have talked to a couple of other fellows that have seen big hairy beast that ran thru the woods at break neck speeds tearing branches from trees like they were twigs. There are many stories on the internet about activity in and around the lake. Here is a link to the Texas Woodape that is what they have decided to call our Texas Bigfoot. North American Wood Ape Conservancy
BTW Jefferson, Texas is about 18 miles from where I am at right now. Hope that this will clean up any questions. Any that you care to ask I will attempt to answer.


P.S. I did not smell any strong odor. I was not even going close to the road at dusk to check out for a smell even if I took the .45-70 with me.

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
Crosse de Sign: I had heard that you could call in a Bigfoot by knocking two big sticks together. There is one here about that is according the locals. I have experienced a incident here and the wife has had a couple of encounters while deer hunting back when she could still see to shoot a rifle. I have talked to a couple of other fellows that have seen big hairy beast that ran thru the woods at break neck speeds tearing branches from trees like they were twigs. There are many stories on the internet about activity in and around the lake. Here is a link to the Texas Woodape that is what they have decided to call our Texas Bigfoot. North American Wood Ape Conservancy
BTW Jefferson, Texas is about 18 miles from where I am at right now. Hope that this will clean up any questions. Any that you care to ask I will attempt to answer.


Hi Senior Deacon,

Very interesting classification. Did you see the
vid interview I posted last night with Don Henley
on Caddo Lake, and, since you sound to be in a generous
frame of mind, would you kindly drive over to Don's place,
and see if he will make a post here? That is, if he's not on
tour with The Eagles right now, and if someone will talk to
you at the gate... Just askin', an' I figure you'll tell me to
go get lost...:laughing7::laughing9::laughing7::laughing9::laughing7:

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:

Here it is, senior deacon, coazon, and everyone, pretty cool,
how he thinks and feels about the lake. Similar to what you
are saying, and I wonder what else Don Henley might have
to say about the place, in the right environment. I know,
maybe we could get a message to him, let him know
what a huge fan I am, and invite him to visit the
Treasure Spirits Camp, who knows what he
might enjoy sharing, would undoubtedly
be interesting. Even if he said you are
all kinda' krazy, be worth a try, reckon... :sunny: :fish:

Hi Senior Deacon,

Didn't know if you may have seen this interview with Don Henley... :sunny: :fish:

Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
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Bronze Member
Mar 22, 2011
To mdog I am Mohawk and Seneca my wife Eastern Cherokee and Cheyenne. One of her ancestors was Cheif Red Bird. Her grandmother was a healer in the old tradition. My great grandmother was also. She knew all the herbs and yarbs as she said. We kids were sick we would go to great grandmother's drink a tea or some other concoction and we were well in no time. Great grandmother cured for free for everyone. Most people lived because of her cures not in spite of them. Sounds as if the wife's grandmother was the same way. My great grandmother was 98 years old when she passed. To old to teach me. Been having to go to the medical doctors no telling how much harm they have done to me.

Fox and Sac people were native to Iowa.The Lakota Sioux were in the north west part of the state. Don't think that they thought to much of our people because the women ruled choose who would be Cheif. Families would take the mother clan not the father's. I think that they thought we were weak.

We were of the Hawk clan that I know for sure. As I grow older I gain a greater appreciation for the native side of my family. We had a great spiritual up bringing in both the native and Christian tradition.


Thanks S.D. I know that the Illini Tribes were scared to death of the Iroquois Tribes. Whenever the Iroquois raided into Illini territory, the Illini made a run for the Mississippi River. The French explorer, Lasalle, describes the aftermath of an Iroquois raid along the Illinois River. Brutal.

Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
Thanks S.D. I know that the Illini Tribes were scared to death of the Iroquois Tribes. Whenever the Iroquois raided into Illini territory, the Illini made a run for the Mississippi River. The French explorer, Lasalle, describes the aftermath of an Iroquois raid along the Illinois River. Brutal.

I had a friend, who was a pastor. He was the hereditary
Chief, of the Great Nation, of The Pottawattamie Indians.

I believe they had encompassed some of the land all around
Lake Superior, possibly including some of Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Illinois, Michigan. They were one of the fierce tribes, that made up
the great Iroquois Confederation, and were Algonquin Speaking Peoples.

I knew this Chief. Used to tune and did maintenance, on his prized
Gibson ES-335 Guitar. I stole his piano player however, and that did
fray our exceptionally good relationship, just a little bit, more can't say.

We sang and played in his Pentecostal Full Gospel Church in the early 80's.
I knew most of his family, and do those that are still alive. Unfortunately,
his only son passed a few years ago, and his young 20ish son is now of
the Chief Line, tho' none of them were fully into the Nation, nor it's
business or politics, I do have a picture of him in full dress,
war bonnet, shield, Crosse Staff, and all...

He was a sincere, loving, kind man, who truly loved the LORD.
His eyes were deep blue, with slices and sunbursts of green, and
some brown. Once he felt the call on his life to preach, he never
looked back, but I heard him state that he had drank his fair
share of white man's whiskey, enough to float a battleship...

I wish now, things had been different between us, as I had not
much knowledge of the North American Natives at that time,
over 30 years ago now. But I can vividly recall, the love and
appreciation that he had for us, and for all people. Those are
good memories long burned deep, into the creases of my brain.

I have sat many times with all of them, ate and drank at
their tables, laughed and told stories, did some work together,
traded artifacts, and worshipped the GOD of King James together...

I also still know his favorite son in law, who played bass guitar that
I synchronized the tuning on as well, who followed in his much loved
Father in laws' footsteps, and now lives as a widower, in South Carolina...

I also knew his other son in law, who also dearly loved his Father in law,
but was for most of his life, a hard working, heavy drinking, and extremely
fierce fighting man, that had won many a battle, even to the crippling
of some, and who liked to talk to me, and told me stories, even right
before he died, that he said, he had never before told to anyone else...

I still know his only brother, his only daughter left alive, and I knew
his dear mother, when she was alive, a sweet, quiet, praying woman...

We all played music, taking turns, helping and sharing, His youngest
daughter is still, a fantastic pianist and vocalist, and I have often played
accompanying guitar, with her on piano, and also singing harmony with
her and her older sister, and others... When either of them girls sang,
you could feel the anointing, and would be blessed with their talent,
that they insisted not to use in any other way...

Some very warm and talented, GOD loving people, that I have had
the great spiritual pleasure to have loved and known, and make great,
anointed and inspiring gospel music with, for many happy years...

A truly soulful, really deep spiritual treat... A treasure, like no other
has ever been, or ever will, or could ever be again, in this one lifetime... :sunny: :fish:

Yes, I have known beautiful, sweet spirited Indian Princesses,
whom I loved, and they too love(d) me. In a kindred spiritual,
brother and sister kind of way... An Eternal, Forever Kind Of Thing...

We shared some of the greatest, of spiritual gifts together...
Love, Hope, Joy, and Peace in the Spirit, of The Father Of Lights, and also,
with their Natural Father, A True Man, Of The Most High Living GOD...

He was for real, as I am, and had no use, or need for little games,
because he knew the truth, and was quite happy, and totally free...

Had a million dollar smile, and liked to talk, got the blue of his streaked
hazel/deep blue/brown sunburst eyes from his Mother, and would try to do
anything that he could, to help folks that were in need...

...A man that if you were ever to have met, you would never forget...

Oh, and the fray, or rift between us, was simply because he wanted the
little piano player, for his only son, and his own, only daughter in law...

His son found a beautiful California girl, blue eyed, and wavy long blonde hair,
gave him two fine, handsome sons, so things really worked out fine, in the long run...

Yes mdog, bringing up the Iroquois, that really brought back some deep,
treasured spiritual memories, a bit of a key word for me. You see, I studied
their people, and told them things they did not have passed on to them, like
I truly wish and hope, someone someday would do for me of the Cherokees.
And you were the one who shared the Choctaw/Chickasaw research with me,
Thanks Again, for that. It was and is, and will always be much appreciated...

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:
... ~: I'm About Done :~ ...

...So, I figure to be about done here...

Never have been fond of, or really crazy enough,
to like talking to myself, for long... If you people will
talk to me some, I will talk to you. If you prefer not
to, that is OK too. Not to seem to be prideful, or
even much less, arrogant, if anything, if my
human will or nature has offended any of
you, then I do sincerely apologize...

However, I cannot, and will never make any
apology, for the truth, His Sacred Truth, an'
that I have willfully, with glad obedience,
shared and boldly stated. In the presence
of all of the witnesses of Heaven, of His
awesome, all powerful, totally dedicated
Holy Angels, and the Armies Of The LORD.

And of course, the losing dark enemies, of
the Crown, The King of Kings, The Holy One
Of Israel, my GOD, and my King. Who alone,
holds my reward, as all of mans. For this has been
granted, and given to him alone, to bless his faithful servants fully...

Yes he came, the only begotten (Spirit/Flesh) of the Father.
And yes tho' he knew well that he was equal with GOD, he made
himself of no great reputation, like he could have. But humbled himself,
and took on the form of a servant. Taught with great power and authority,
so that the leaders of the then man made church, in their evil minds and self
conceived and taught traditions, questioned him as to where he got his authority...

Was obedient unto death, which was all required, and the only acceptable way,
the opposite of pride of self... Hmmn... Like Lucifer and his evil followers,
in the spirit, and in the flesh...

Oh people, I am a lowly man. I am NOT a preacher, nor have I Ever,
allowed myself to be subject to the teachings of men, solely to their
private interpretations. I have sought after, have ernestly studied,
and learned the ways of our great heavenly Creator and Father...

~ Does that make me magic, or Holy, NO! I am a fellow servant,
I AM YOUR BROTHER, and I have like dreams, desires, passions,
and I tend to fall short, and even fail at times, I AM of Spirit life,
and I AM flesh human, in this great testing ground, as we all are,
but He is the magic, it is his powerful ways, above the ways of man. ~

Of whom I am obligated to. Having stood for, and been counted
as one of his, at that terrible rebellion, the great fall and overthrow,
of Lucifer and the devil himself, just a serpent, on his way to the Lake Of Fire...

Oh, but the great and complicated problem is, that he is working on taking all
that he can, GOD's precious, highly Treasured Spirit Beings, his created awesome
Children, to that Fiery Lake with him, and his 1/3, of the fallen angels of heaven...

That we who know, and whose minds are alive and awake to his Spirit voice,
who are also, His Special Treasures, that He desires above all that He ever created...

Are held responsible to speak as directed. Ordered by The Most High, under penalty
of Purgery, and subject to Spiritual Death if found guilty of disobedience. We are simply
ordered to be his voice here, NO not always perfect, but nonetheless, this is His choosing,
and who am I, to argue with Him, who created all of the Magnificent Galaxies to His liking,
that are some even now, just being discovered by wise men of science...

So, with all of my imperfections and needs, I do try to obey him... I believe there is
a crown of righteousness laid up for me, if I finish my race, I did not choose, but so
apparently have been chosen. I don't know why, I would not have chosen me, way
too imperfect, and way not a macho man. But talented, for some reason gifted,
anointed, as my great father King David was, I write, and write, sometimes
seeming to be inspired of His awesome, Holy Spirit... I am a warrior of His...

So please excuse me of this long letter of explanation and departure...
Tho' I don't know if it will even make the print, I have done all that
I was supposed to do, said much of what I am supposed to say...

If I find a treasure, I will try to let y'all know, without exposing
myself to the ways of the enemy among US... I am not quitting,
and will post, and share more pics, just feel lonely, and am tired
of that. "Call out to me, and I will hear and answer you", He spoke
to the Great Prophet Jeremiah, who had been ruthlessly thrown into
man's prison... We the called, are all His servants, and that for all of
your benefit, at his bidding. To call His much loved Children, His highly
desired treasures, out of the darkness, and into His Divine, awesome light,
for His Sake, His Heart, His Wants, For Him Alone...

No wonder why I have seen some strife, with the work I have put into
this meek and lowly, yet True and Powerful thread... I was done with
Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist? But No, He had to
go and whisper the next step to me... Of which, I feel I am already
done, but being somewhat a perfectionist, have a tendency, not
to want to ever quit too soon...

I don't know if any, or all of my posts will live on, as I have seen
some, disappear into the wild blue yonder, and I just know this...

That what I have done, has been seen and recorded, and that I
will receive judgment, for whatever I have, or have NOT done.
That His Grace covers me, and I AM washed In His Sacred Blood.

Tell me then, what can a mortal man do to me? Only perhaps
hurt my good heart, or even kill my flesh body... That's it? I
should fear the wrath, shame or scorn of a mortal man? Or,
even the snares, and the wiles of the evil fallen Arch Angel
Lucifer? I truly think not... "Blessed are the merciful, for
they Shall Obtain MERCY" ... :sunny: :fish:
... ~: Crosse De Sign :~ ...

I hope and pray, that our tender, loving and kind Father,
slow to anger, and quick to forgive, will grant you all, his
mercy and kindness, and reveal to you his Sacred and
Holy Secrets. Kept hidden, from the foundation of
His newly recreated world, and may He give to
you, of His Peace, His Understanding, Grace...

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Crosse De Sign

Crosse De Sign

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2013
~: Ancient Sacred Spirit Lands Of Our Fathers' :~
Detector(s) used
White's MXT ~ TM800 ~
Primary Interest:

So, being a writer, maybe somewhat of a poet,
I substitute words. Right now, it's like, "So I'll
just sit right here, have another beer on
Michael's porch...
Do my best, enjoy another day...

He told me yesterday, that he quit drinking even
a beer, for over 10 years... But graciously said
if I wanted to drink beer, just don't get drunk,
and let the boys see and hear me slur my

I replied, Michael, I don't do that, you have
never seen me do that. But in spite of a
couple Black and Tan's, I still tossed on
the air mattress, and eventually got
back up, as I have done so many
times for years, and wrote till I
was falling, or did fall asleep...

So, after writing late again,
a couple more beers, I finally
got tired enough to lay down, for
a little while, but I'm now still on coffee,
having made a couple more cups, before I
typed my long and sincere, departure post... :sunny: :fish:

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