Do you give up your good spots to friends you hunt with?


Bronze Member
Mar 20, 2003
So. Cal.
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i have spots i dont share, as do my freinds. evryone should have their own secret places to hunt IMO? ;)

If they are complaining then they do not have any good spots themselves ,there is nothing wrong with keeping some spots to your self!

My friend was complaining because I asked him or indicated that it would be nice to hunt this spot together since it was a good spot and I had showed it to him. He believes it's all fair game and that I am being teritorial in telling him what he can and can't hunt. (I didn't tell him, I just said it would be nice to save this for the winter when things get slow).

Unless it is a very public spot such as a beach or open park I would expect my friend to act as my guest and not hunt it with out me. The one guy I do hunt with has called me and suggested that we go to an extinct fairground that I took him to a couple of times but he has never gone there on his own.

Several of you hit on my way of handling it. I do like detecting with friends, but detect my spot with me, not without me. I give them the same courtesy. The only spots that I hunt by myself are very touchy spots that were hard to get permission for and I am afraid of being denied further hunting. I do enjoy sharing the hunt any time that I can.


I totally agree with most of you, I have never been faced with that situation yet but my own feeling is my friend got the permission for he and I to hunt, not me.? And vise versa.? Some places I have hunted I have gained permission from very elderly owners who know and remember me not him.? They would not appreciate some one digging in there yard who does not have permission and it may just close it down for me as well. HH Dave :o

In my case, it is a public beach, but just the same, I expressed to him that it would be nice since I showed it to him that he would hunt this area with me and not "clean it out" in a sense before I was able to hunt it with him.
He took this as me "threatening" him (weird). I look at it as a "respect" thing, not a territorial thing. I mentioned that if other folks were to show him a site that they would not take kindly to him hunting it without them there either. He still thinks this is being territorial. Perhaps when he finds a site that pays off well he may change his tune as to who he is telling what to. ???

Hey CS I give up the good spots when I find them and then curse the people who do well at them. Works for me. But seriously, given the nature of development, the way the sand shifts (literally & figuratively) who knows how long that spot will be available?

The only time I do not share is when it is an isolated piece of private property. I would not abuse any permissions I gained by telling anyone this yard, that cornfield, etc. is a good place to hunt. My over riding philosophy is better that someone dig it than let it rot in the ground and who knows when I'll get back to it or if I will. If someone is honest and truly appreciates a site I informed them of, the reward is their gratitude and that's all good!

for a logical liberal your alright!I like to see people who help the newbies out!hlps keep them interested in and when the find their first silver or wheat penny thay are hooked!
moderate liberal conservitive liberterian

I give good spots to people that hunt or don't hunt.I spent six years locating a WWII train
station were troops and equipment came in and out, and just about everybody were I work knows
were it is.Maybe if we really cared and got the greed factor out of it!

I share my spots after I clean them out! lol.
Back in the mid 80's, a guy I know researched and found a W.W.1 training camp that had 30,000 soldiers stationed there from 1910 to 1928. He hit a hot spot! He told a fellow detectorist at the time, and the next thing he knew, truckloads of Americans were coming down, spending weeks on end hammering this site (here in Manitoba) and the guy he told, camped there for weeks as well (he found over a 100 small nickels in one week alone) as many locals from around the province. Thousands of old coins plus several $1000+ badges were found.
By the time I bought my first detector in 1987, the site was hunted hard. I still find coins and the odd badge, but I could only imagine what it was like when he first found the place.
He still talks about how he told the wrong person. I agree.

Well still haven't heard back from this person since they got p.o.'ed at me. Guess I'll just have to hunt it alone. Found a really nice little 14kt ring with 9 real knardly diamonds last night. Too busy to worry about it right now.
But I guess since this is one person willing to not even have the courtesy to talk about it, then they will have to live with it.

The friend that got me into detecting showed me some of his best spots. I have since returned the favor many times over. I've spent countless hours going over old news papers, articles and talking with old timers to find some of my best spots. I found out real early that you can't tell just anyone about them. My friends brother found out from him one property that I spent years getting the info on, months getting permmision to hunt and he screwed it all up in one day. Needless to say I was upset. But I learned who not to tell.

? With friends I don't think I would take anyone to my secret spot. All it takes is one of them to blurt something out to someone. Next thing you know it's not secret anymore. Now my brother on the other hand is ok. We have made a pact that if one of us shows the other a secret spot then that person can not go to that spot without the other.. If so they die? ;D

Aye, trust is a major item.

It's earned, not given, altho some people want it to be automatically given.

Those people's friendship I can do without if they don't like my attitude. :)

I'm always careful who I tell what to... even YOU guys!!!? :-X? ?:D

Even on public beaches, which get replenished every once-in-awhile, there are certain areas which seem to do better than others.? Certainly the 'greed factor' isn't something I like to spread around, and I try to be polite about sharing information, but on the other hand when there is too much competition (which is always on the rise) I find I enjoy my hobby less and it is one of an extremely limited number of enjoyable pass-times that fits my present life-style.

I have been looked askance at more than once when after being asked about where I found a spectacular target, I just tell them, "at the beach-- the one down by the water!" Usually in those cases I am doing a serious statistical study, and having a crowd of ambitious hunters would skew my results.

There are places I do share, though, and sometimes when working a new area it is helpful to have someone along to compare notes with.? If he finds some goodies and I didn't, it tells me that the area isn't barren; something I sometimes wonder about if I'm alone.? It also gives me a chance to compare different detectors in action.

I most always hunt with friends. Each friend has a profile of where to hunt. I keep friends by honoring hunting territory. We all shouldnt be territorial but people are people. It all depends on whether you enjoy seeing a friend find something good or would rather wish you found it instead. The most profitable hunting for your area may not be the most fun and rewarding. A great public spot is hard to keep. If I find a good spot with one person it stays with us until we agree to share it.

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