Does Anyone Get Ridiculed While Detecting?

Ridiculed ? I'm not remembering ever being "Ridiculed"
of course Your definition of Ridicule may be different then mine , I don't know.
I've had strangers Jokingly ask me if I found any gold yet.
But the Words "Not yet" or "Yea ! but Not today Yet" usually take the sarcastic look on their face off.
whether it turns to Surprise, Disbelief, Or comfort in the Fact I didn't get offended, I don't know..
but Sensitivity has never been a weak point with Me.
I just pass it off as either fear a conversation starter or jealousy.

Jealousy : because they wish they could do it.
Fear : because they are walking by & I'm a stranger to them
a conversation starter : because they are truly interested & Curiosity got them.

This is a good response, jeff. And, I have a thick enough skin to take the teasing.......that's easy. Most people will ask the obvious questions, "Find anything good?" or "Find any gold?". And, my responses are "Depends on your definition of 'good'" and "Not today, yet!" (similar to yours)..........
And, I've had the "beep, beep, beep.....". I usually join surprises them to find out I can hear them with the headphones on.

No, I'm talking about the raw comments that are difficult to respond to without putting the hobby in a bad light..........
"What kind of person are you to be capitalizing on the misfortune of other people?!?" or a variation of that sentiment. I've been hit with that one a number of times...........
I'd love to hear some ideas on how to respond without creating more hostility towards mders.

I had one other episode that was taken care of by a child. Was detecting the fringes of a very busy tot-lot. Several of the children joined me and asked a myriad of questions which I answered. As I was sweeping the area, I stopped to pick up bits and pieces of litter (always) and placed them in my trash bucket. The kids asked "Why". I explained that it was the right thing for me to do to keep the play area clean and safe for everyone. And, as I found pennies, I would hand them out to the kids. My little band and I continued down one side and across another when a nearby woman exclaimed in a very loud voice, "Look at that man stealing pennies from children!". I was taken aback for a moment, trying to think of an appropriate response when one of the little girls grabbed my bucket and went over to the lady with a penny in one hand and the bucket in the other and literally shouted back at the lady that I was giving the pennies away and cleaning all the trash at the same was a priceless moment.......and a very quiet one............

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I seem to run into people who are interested and think treasure hunting would be cool to do.
Then I show them the trash.

Yeah Rusty, I have a lot of folks stop and ask if it's difficult to get fellow did purchase a detector 3 or 4 weeks after we talked and he is happily hunting an old fairground next to his house. I've refrained from going there, but I do hunt 2 permissions close by...........

Yeah me to; if its kids I will let them have a go at it because its Europe, nothing here is hunted out.

If it's a few kids, Oddjob, I'll do the same.........until it becomes a feeding frenzy. Then it's time to pack up..........

Chizzy, now THAT'S a rant worthy of signing your name to! ....The Enola Gay? REALLY?!?!?!?? View attachment 1328788 WOW!!

Historically, people fear what they don't understand. In the modern world of education, many folks think that there can't possibly be anything worthwhile in the ground - otherwise there would be more people out there with detectors. Others realize you're not looking to get rich, but can't understand in their minds why someone might pay hundreds or thousands for detecting equipment, only to find a few old coins in really bad shape. Still others think it's somehow wrong - like you're damaging the environment - like you're giving off some sort of terrible radiation or something. It takes all kinds, and all kinds make up the world around us.

Personally, I think golf is stupid. What's the point of hitting a ball far, far away, only to chase it down and hit it again? ...It's just not for me. That's all. However, I have never been the slightest bit negative towards others who DO like golf. And think about it - these are people who spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to go chasing a ball around all over the place. What do they have to show for it at the end of the day? At least you have some coins/jewelry/pulltabs/nails/cans. :occasion14:

@Jeff - great reply!! :thumbsup:

Not quite sure how to respond to your post there, kcm..........but, I do agree "To each his own".

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Only by my wife when I'm later than I said I'd be and still in the field.

She can be merciless sometimes! :whip2:

Ummmm, dinner got cold.......? I used to hear that one, too........fortunately, my wife has ?adjusted?.............:laughing7:

I had a guy in the park throwing coins out in front of me and my grand daughter. Ticked me off, so we bundled up and left. I went back a few days later and checked again. Either someone else had been there before me, or he went around picking up his coins, because I didn't find a thing where he threw the coins.

At one of my favorite sites, a fellow jokingly told me that after leaving he was going to throw out a hand full of pennies..........I told him that would be fine with me, but if he threw out any bb's I'd hunt him down!! We both laughed and still chat when we see each other.

Needs black socks! :laughing7:

Really? I was thinking maybe a nice pair of argyle socks. However, he's also missing accessories - like knee pads (for protecting the knees while digging), heavy gloves (don't wanna cut yourself on sharp metal!), elbow pads (what, you never bumped into a tree before??), and of course, a full-face helmet (protection from all the pennies people may throw at you). Likewise, there must also be a large can of pepper spray hanging from your waist - big cat attacks have been up lately! I missing anything else?

Golf? I used to be addicted to what Mark Twain called " A Good Walk Spoiled". Wish I had the money back that I used to spend each year on equipment. Ridiculed, never. Mostly people with kids would stop and watch. I'd hand the detector to the kids and tell them to have at it. I was a school teacher and love kids. They'd find some clad or even trash and beg dad or mom to buy them a detector. Figured it was good karma and folks, I needed all I could get...

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capitalize on the misfortune of others,thats pretty tough.i do not think its the misfortune,but the fortune of others is why we find things,us poor people do not lose what we need,americans are so wastefull.

No, I'm talking about the raw comments that are difficult to respond to without putting the hobby in a bad light..........
"What kind of person are you to be capitalizing on the misfortune of other people?!?" or a variation of that sentiment. I've been hit with that one a number of times...........
I'd love to hear some ideas on how to respond without creating more hostility towards mders.

This would be most effective wearing headphones, but I'd just begin signing to them in American sign language. That should blow their minds enough to allow a quiet escape! :icon_scratch:

I have deaf family members, so learn a few shortcuts and fake the rest if you have to.

Most of my experiences in small town Ohio have been pleasant except for 3 times. Twice by the same loud mouth teenagers who thought it was cool to yell "FAGGOT" out their window as they sped by, and on another occasion at a site I found my (then oldest coin from at the time dated 1812) an older bearded gentleman yelled out, "you ain't going to find anything there, we pounded that site back in 74".

I still see the odd smirk or condescending smile now and then. But I went through some stages. When I started I was super self conscious and felt kind of socially embarrassed. People would say things like "looking for pennies?", then laugh to their buddy beside the, a few things like that. Then later I started finding rings, old coins etc. and I would zip tie rings to the shaft of one of my detectors. So when someone made a stupid remark, I would say..."I"m just looking for these"...and point at the rings on the shaft. This almost always got a dead silence stare and I often saw a change of attitude in people to surprise and interest. I don"t bother zip tying rings anymore as I am long past caring what most think now. We develop a long list of finds to recite to any passer by if the need is felt. If someone is decent and has an honest interest I usually chat them up, if they are a block head, I just look back down and continue my day. Water off a ducks back. I have also had 2-3 pretty spooky dog experiences and had a van load of drunken Indians become semi threatening, but keeping my yap shut, eyes open, and slowly swinging and walking away, while sideways watching, kept me in one piece.

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I personally can care less what other people think or say as long as they not saying it in my face. I laugh at them as they are unaware of the number of gold rings and diamond rings I have found....

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I had an interesting experience a few weeks ago while metal detecting. My daughter an I were working a sports field area when I noticed some middle-aged people pointing, laughing and talking about us. We just smiled and continued detecting knowing I had 2-Gold rings and my daughter had a Silver ring in our respected pouches. :laughing7:

If it's a few kids, Oddjob, I'll do the same.........until it becomes a feeding frenzy. Then it's time to pack up..........

Working with kids in Europe is great because Europe is far from hunted out. I have many friends who make their living this way and live in 4 and 5 million dollar homes from this. Europe has this crazy mind set that that in order to make money in life you have to everything a certain way.

So taking some bored kid on the beach and one of their parents and showing them how to and letting them do it until they find something really good of value is great. Normally only takes about 30 minutes, the kid can then see they have something to pay for MD if they sell it and normally the parents are making a face like what the heck have I been doing my entire life. LOL

If it is near the house then I will invite them in and introduce them to my family, we all hunt and I will show them the current finds that have not hit the smelter yet.

Kids are the future, we are just here to guide them and show them possibilities.

Love to see that happen...

Let me see someone throw pennies at someone else... LET ALONE A GIRL... heh

God help em if they were to throw pennies at me...
That is assault...
And I would have a right by law to defend myself...

And would waste NO time in exercising that right.

Tis nothing a good whack in the knee with a scoop handle cant fix.
A scoop full of sand to the face / eyes might help them to see where they are throwing those pennies as well.

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Love to see that happen...

Let me see someone throw pennies at someone else... LET ALONE A GIRL... heh

God help em if they were to throw pennies at me...
That is assault...
And I would have a right by law to defend myself...

And would waste NO time in exercising that right.

Tis nothing a good whack in the knee with a scoop handle cant fix.
A scoop full of sand to the face / eyes might help them to see where they are throwing those pennies as well.

Hey Hombre...., images.jpg

That I could just "outwalk" :P

Ok.. ok... Briskly. :)

Sometimes people passing by will go beep, beep. beep, beep,,,

I get this one all the time on the beach! Sometimes I pretend I don't hear due to my headphones, other times I just turn and smile, but if the person is being a real jerk I give them the "Death Stare"!

I just tell them I have given wife 9 diamond rings so far...

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