Dr. Siegfried Schagrules Arthritis Remedy



Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

A while ago, Siegfried posted the following:

If you will take a shallow dish of golden raisins and cover them in gin until the gin evaporates a small spoon full of raisins per day will help your arthritis more than celebrex without the bad side effects. siegfried schlagrule

About 20 years ago I had a near fatal accident while on an equestrian endurance ride. I fell into a narrow riverlet ravine obscured with weeds, with my horse falling on top of me. As a result I severely injured my right hip and the degree of injury wasn't discovered until 6 months later.

Today, I am plagued with arthritis in the right hip joint, so much so that I am unable to sleep on my right side.

So I decided that I would try Siegfried's recommendation... I placed a cup of raisins in a bottle and covered them with gin, and left them to soak overnight. (Slightly modified recipe)

After a day of soaking I ate a tablespoon of raisins...WOW, these are fun to eat even if I didn't have a problem. Mmmm

Following a weeks worth of testing, I noticed a reduction in the severity of the pain and am now able to sleep on my right side...and NO, I didn't over-eat or drink natures berry. (A little trivia...Gin, by the way, is made from juniper berries)

Its not a cure but it has helped...

As for Siegfried...well, what can you say besides thank you.

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

The best thing I've found so far is Advil.

I have low back and knee pain and suffered with it for years to the point of looking into surgery. Three surgeons said NO to surgery.

I had two of the best chiropractors in the country give up on me. I used to take loads of aspirin and prescription muscle relaxer drugs.

One day I took some Advil for a toothache (as I recall) and happen to notice my back and knee improved somewhat.

So I took two Advils every day for a week and 90% of my pain was gone. I canceled my planned appointment to see about a knee replacement.

Today I take a couple Advils maybe every two weeks or just before a physically demanding outing.

They don't totally take away all pain but they do get most of it so I can do what I want.

Thanks Advil!


Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

A friend once told me her German father was fit as an ox and every day he had two tablespoons of vinegar with some others ingredients. I myself have had a flare up of joint and muscle pain which I have never had before. I am very much open to suggestions.


Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

texastee2007 said:
I may try this for my husband....I have to go to town tomorrow...being non drinkers, is there different kinds of gin?

Just different brands from junk quality to the good stuff...

You just soak and eat just the raisins...the gin can be recycled....

Me, I recycle the gin through the kidneys :laughing7:

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

stefen said:
A while ago, Siegfried posted the following:

If you will take a shallow dish of golden raisins and cover them in gin until the gin evaporates a small spoon full of raisins per day will help your arthritis more than celebrex without the bad side effects. siegfried schlagrule

About 20 years ago I had a near fatal accident while on an equestrian endurance ride. I fell into a narrow riverlet ravine obscured with weeds, with my horse falling on top of me. As a result I severely injured my right hip and the degree of injury wasn't discovered until 6 months later.

Today, I am plagued with arthritis in the right hip joint, so much so that I am unable to sleep on my right side.

So I decided that I would try Siegfried's recommendation... I placed a cup of raisins in a bottle and covered them with gin, and left them to soak overnight. (Slightly modified recipe)

After a day of soaking I ate a tablespoon of raisins...WOW, these are fun to eat even if I didn't have a problem. Mmmm

Following a weeks worth of testing, I noticed a reduction in the severity of the pain and am now able to sleep on my right side...and NO, I didn't over-eat or drink natures berry. (A little trivia...Gin, by the way, is made from juniper berries)

Its not a cure but it has helped...

As for Siegfried...well, what can you say besides thank you.

I'm glad that it helped you but I didn't invent it. It's been published lots of places and most likely talked about on Paul Harvey. There is one caveat though. If your company has zero tolerance for alcohol take it at night before you go to bed. If you are retired or own your own company you can take it before work and again after work. You can't OD on it but a whole bowl full might give you a buzz. best regards, siegfried schlagrule

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

texastee2007 said:
I may try this for my husband....I have to go to town tomorrow...being non drinkers, is there different kinds of gin?

Any store bought gin should work but stay away from home made gin - during prohibition it made some folks go blind. I've used Gordon's and Beefeaters
and got nearly identical results. One box of Golden Raisens will make plenty. Good luck, siegfried schlagrule

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

I have found this remedy to work quite well. I read about it on this forum, researched it further, and decided to try it. I'd damaged both ankles in the past and they were a little stiff. My mother has bad ankles, knees, and hips from arthritis. She tried it, too. We both have had excellent results. My mother now takes Cellebrex ONLY when she's walked more than normal, such as shopping. But, a normal day is no longer a problem since she started eating the raisins and she has reccommended this to her friends. Here's the way I prepare the raisins:

I have a 3 lb. margarine (plastic) tub that I put a 15 oz. box of Golden Raisins into. Then I pour a whole quart of cheap gin (the cheapest around here is Gilbey's) into the tub. That covers the raisins real well and I don't have to keep adding gin to keep them submerged. I take a spoon and gently turn the raisins over in the tub to keep them rotated from the bottom, every 2 or 3 days. I keep this tub of raisins / gin in my refrigerator (with the plastic lid snapped on) for at least a week. After the long soak time, I drain the raisins in a collender for a couple of hours. After draining, I put the raisins into a quart-sized ziplock bag and store them in the refrigerator. Everyday, my mother and I will eat about 10 or 12 raisins when we get up. That's all it takes.

I did some research and found that the Indians used a poultice made from crushed juniper berries for injured ankles, elbows and other joint pains.

The gin soaked raisins WORK; and I've learned from the liquor store manager that I am not the only person doing this. :thumbsup:

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Well, I've tried the gin without raisins as medicine and...

Seriously though. I'm on my feet all day for work and I've developed ankle problems this year. I'm going to try this remedy and I'll report back.

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

There is an actual medical reason for it to work (no, not just the alcohol).

One of the biggest parts of pain management is to stop the constant stimulation of nerves (which causes the pain).

If you can break the cycle of the nerves, especially for more than a few hours, it is easier to manage pain. The nervous system, once stimulated,
will continue to stimulate against each other - setting each other off continuously. (like one guitar string can reverberate against another).

Something in grapes (cannot remember what it is), helps with many things in the human body - and raisins are just dried grapes. Add the alcohol in whatever the raisins can soak up, and it can help stop the cycle.

I was in pain management (as a patient) for 2+ years, and they had given me some literature on how pain is transmitted (they did not suggest gin soaked raisins :laughing9:), but they did talk about how many doctors give pain meds when pain is present only, and if you can maintain a certain level of pain management for a certain length of time, it is sometimes possible to break that chain, and actually take patients off pain meds.
If someone waits to take a pain pill until they are miserable, and then doesn't take another until they are miserable again, it is not as effective, because of the way the nerve system works - and also, pain anywhere can activate the sympathetic nerve system quite easily (I remember my mother talking about sympathy pains - she didn't mean it the same way, but, she was actually right), the sympathetic nerve system goes through the entire body, and you certainly don't want that activated if it doesn't need to be. (its the same reason why a back injury can make your feet hurt).

Ok, now - where are those raisins............................................ :icon_scratch:


Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Oh - they are getting around now!!!


Panda and Angel 1.JPG

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Stefen and Siegfriede, I am not a drinker either, but this sounds like it is really worth
trying. I have Arthritis in my knees and in the knuckles of my hands.Thanks for posting this.

Mrs Oroblanco, those are beautiful dogs.

You all have a great day


Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

karenray08 said:
Stefen and Siegfriede, I am not a drinker either, but this sounds like it is really worth
trying. I have Arthritis in my knees and in the knuckles of my hands.Thanks for posting this.

Mrs Oroblanco, those are beautiful dogs.

You all have a great day


Have you ever noticed how an amputee with an artificial limb looks when he stands from a sitting position...there is that ackward, cursurary, step to gain his balance and to make sure everything is functioning correctly...well thats how I appear...

That first step is a painful adjustment...then its a limping (or a tottering) walk...

This has abatted entirely and standing is not an effort and the pain is minimal...

I'm looking forward to having more raisins (and some of that wonderful raisin juice)

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Eating a bunch of cherries will help ease a bout with gout, too. Every few months or so, I'll get that pain in the joint of one of my big toes. If I eat a double handfull of cherries, that pain is stopped. I think it has something to do with the antioxidants in the cherries dissolving the crystals in the joint. I can't remember for sure where I got that tip; maybe on the internet after Googling "gout". All I know for sure is that it works, too.

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Stefen, how does that DMSO work? Or does it? It was the big thing in the 80's, and I had some friends that tried it, but with no results to speak of.

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

I'd never heard about cherries for gout, though I have heard it may ease arthritis. (the Bing variety).

The big thing with gout (and in an arthritis flare-up) is that the body builds up uric acid, and cannot rid itself fast enough.

Certain types of food actually help bring on an attack - and its different for different people. Beans of any type seem to be a culprit, as is alcohol, especially certain types of alcohol.

But, like many other things that the body gets, certain berries can get rid of the offending build-up - some better than others. Cranberry juice for kidney and bladder, certain kinds of wine (depending on what they are made of), grapes - and cherries, seem to put the body defenses in overdrive, and help out.

What works for one person may not work for another, but, in gout, it really helps if you can narrow down the things you ate or drank before you had the attack, and look for a pattern.


Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Mrs. O

I did a lot of checking on the net for old time remedies for gout and the cherries were the answer. Fresh Bing cherries if available; and bottled Maraschinos if fresh ones are not. As I've said, whenever I get that painful toe joint, the cherries stop the pain for another several months or so. I don't try to scientifically evaluate it or the gin soaked raisins. I just know the 2 remedies work for me. :thumbsup:

Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

Cool! Hey, if it works for you - go for it.

In fact, I LOVE marachino cherries - now I have a good excuse for eating a whole jar of them!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, I love bing cherries, too, and I really like "natural" remedies, if they work and are not harmful for other reasons.

After all, we are finding out, every day, that some of these "old" remedies actually have medical reasons for working. (but not too good for the drug companies - he, he). The old folks didn't always know why some stuff worked, but, they knew that things worked.


Re: Dr. Siegfried Schagrule's Arthritis Remedy

I'm really interested in the raisin and gin treatment for my wife to help ease er back and hip pain. The cherries for gout is true. I had an uncle that ate cherries for years to help keep his gout under control. I have a friend in GA that has gout and I told him of the "old wives tale" about cherries and gout. He said that sounded fishy and he'll just take the meds the doc prescribed. He started looking at the ingredients while we were talking and it turns out one of the main ingredients in it is cherry extract... go figure.

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