DSTY and others, please help


Nov 18, 2015
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Thanks in advance... Someone quite close to me recently bought some land. Having the privilege to walk their property with them, the number of things jumping out at me were mind boggling. This is the tip of the iceberg but numerous trees at right angles, hollowed out trees on top of their ridge with something carved into it and the trunk split into three similar sized trunks, numerous holes in rock, the list goes on and on. They think I am nuts but the more I see the more questions I have. Btw, too many stories and groups to talk about in the area, it's on the trail of tears, Spanish mines not far, more modern mines, etc. Am I just going crazy or what are your thoughts...

One last thing, in reading multiple other posts, things dsty and others are true to a T... 12 ft long marker stone 4-5 feet high that has man made marks/cuts on the NE side of the mountain, certain areas that make no sense (naturally), rocks cut open in large piles, .... Ok enough, here are a few pics image.jpgimage.jpg

Definitely looks worth investigating I would start by plotting it on a map

Thanks for the advice. Will try to map soon. Many of the marking are in an old wash near the top that is beyond intriguing

Hello AMI No you are not over there, Its just not possible to walk anywhere with out finding something of interesting, I do not do trees at all got to be stone or patterns and I have seen shovel deep ditches ( 6" X 6" ) that would qualify

Consider how long the tree lives ... but those bent trees --- depends on how old and how they were bent. Those may just be remnants of Native American trail markers.

Thanks all. I have spent 100's of hours in the past reading many of your posts and others. I know very little, but please know I am aware of basic things. I only say that for your sanity, so you don't tell me all the things you have to tell 100's of others who do not appreciate your time enough to read for themselves... The age of some of the possible trees with seeming signs is concerning, but I definitely think the one I am including from today is cool, even if not Spanish. The tree with the bent iron rod is definitely 125+ minimum. A few treats from today: image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg

Oh yeah, and what I forgot to tell you is that x or triangle hole in the tree points directly at my area of interest, as well as the bent rod in the tree... Maybe it's all in my head or maybe signs of an old mine (landscape wise) are there for a reason. Forgot to ask, anyone have any ideas about the buckle? It was only 4-5 inches down so not so sure how old it is

I'm sorry, I must have misread your post. I thought you were talking about there being bent trees in the area. My bad.

Oh no, you're correct. Please don't apologize. I am all ears for any and all suggestions, even the most basic newbie stuff. I just feel people take advantage of all of your time/effort. I agree that although there are a ton of trees with right angles, they are too young to be very useful. Different trees 100-150 yards apart:


That's my thoughts also Chadeaux, tornados, another tree falling across them, I do believe tho that KGC perhaps outlaws would use some and you can tell Jesuit Priest by the methods used such as how high the boulder and other things.

What are 1-2 sizes to look for to verify if Jesuit is a possibility if you don't mind sharing. Gonna take a tape out there soon.

I do not think that the Spaniards put a sign on the trees are not stupid if the tree is burned or cut after the lost treasure

There are lots of groups who did use trees. There are lots of examples and explanations on this site that lead to there validity. Personally I have followed them and they led me to more signs carvings mines etc... But looking at your pics makes me lean toward outlaw, Kgc, or Indian. Keep in mind that as the Kgc grew, it recruited native Americans who were well versed in freemasonry,(stand watie, qua ah Parker,etc...) regardless of who made them your compass and distance will be used to verify whether it is a sign or not.

I do not think that the Spaniards put a sign on the trees are not stupid if the tree is burned or cut after the lost treasure

I totally agree. Just trying to get a feel for their new place and have found stone monuments I'm not comfortable posting pics of, as well as random stuff like smaller cut stones and strange trees. I was asking about the Jesuit measurements because one partulicular area is nothing like the others and is a very specific shape and has human crafting signs as well as natural erosion

I do not think that the Spaniards put a sign on the trees are not stupid if the tree is burned or cut after the lost treasure

Hmmm ..... (snickers) okies, if you say so. BTW, those rocks erode and eventually mountains even crumble so we wouldn't want to see them as signs either.

Of course, I hope you realize that caches were not left in hopes of future generations locating them. They were kept by and for the person(s) who left the cache there ... and the markers were for them to return to, not persons generations later.

Yes, trees were used. The trees used were also those least likely to be killed in a forest fire. White oaks used by the KGC are an example. They learned from Native Americans and their trial marker trees. Did you know there is one that has been documented to predate the arrival of Columbus in the "new world"?

Therefore, your assumption is very likely incorrect even though based on your view of history and nature.

Hmmm ..... (snickers) okies, if you say so. BTW, those rocks erode and eventually mountains even crumble so we wouldn't want to see them as signs either.

Of course, I hope you realize that caches were not left in hopes of future generations locating them. They were kept by and for the person(s) who left the cache there ... and the markers were for them to return to, not persons generations later.

Yes, trees were used. The trees used were also those least likely to be killed in a forest fire. White oaks used by the KGC are an example. They learned from Native Americans and their trial marker trees. Did you know there is one that has been documented to predate the arrival of Columbus in the "new world"?

Therefore, your assumption is very likely incorrect even though based on your view of history and nature.

Hahahahaha poor Cadeaux What do you want to Know




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