Dumbest complain ever.


Bronze Member
Apr 28, 2015
Saint Augustine, FL
Detector(s) used
CZ-21, Minelab Equinox, Garrett AT Pro
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Dumbest complaint ever.

So I'm detecting a vacant lot next to a verizon central office in broad daylight. The office has been there since the 60's so I was hoping to find an old coin, or maybe an old GTE item. It's about two blocks from my house.. so I'm detecting a lady comes out and says "THAT IS PRIVATE PROPERTY YOU CAN'T DIG HOLES THERE". I say, yes it is, but it's owned by verizon and I am friends with an employee who told me it's not a problem to look around with my detector. Also, fwiw, I am not digging holes. If you look around you won't find any holes. I'm just spreading the earth with a blade and then closing it back up."

Her reply (this is great): "Well, we are trying to get the city to give us this lot for a community garden. I don't think anyone would appreciate you digging holes in it!"


"I'm pretty sure if you are going to plant a garden YOU are going to be digging very large holes, and probably ripping up most of the grass. Besides, as you said it's private property. It's not a community garden, and it will probably never be a community garden because it's owned by Verizon. BTW, I am also the head of the neighborhood watch. How long have you been in the neighborhood? (answer, 3 months).

Things eased up from that point. But seriously.. some people feel the need to complain about anything with no logical reason! OMG someone is sticking a knife in the ground in a vacant lot covered with weeds and dead grass. Better call the po po! Sheeesh!

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I researched a corner lot in an old town that was vacant. The Church across the street owned it, so I went in the Church and asked permission - They said no problem, have fun! The guy that lived on the other side of the lot came out screaming at me as I was detecting. I calmly told him that I had permission from the owner. He still wanted me to leave..........

You can't win in this hobby - no matter what you do :dontknow:

I know I was in the right, though it still ruined my day.

I researched a corner lot in an old town that was vacant. The Church across the street owned it, so I went in the Church and asked permission - They said no problem, have fun! The guy that lived on the other side of the lot came out screaming at me as I was detecting. I calmly told him that I had permission from the owner. He still wanted me to leave..........

You can't win in this hobby - no matter what you do :dontknow:

I know I was in the right, though it still ruined my day.

Don't let it ruin your day, if your right your right. Not his property so not his business, let it ruin his day. Some people have way to much time on their hands. It's like this rental Ive been fixing up with a friend of mine, its in an HOA, its been vacant for 8 years and had all kinds of tweakers in it. The minute we pick it up and start fixing it and gosh raising the value of all the houses around it we get some debbie downer on the street calling the hoa complaining were not fixing it fast enough, posting fake craigslist ads for free stuff getting our material and tools stolen and actually coming up to us and telling us what we need to do with the property. You can imagine the last one ended up with me telling them to pound sand and if they want to do anything they can fork over some cash to pay the help to get it done faster, of course they turned down that offer. Like I said though, some people don't know their place and need to butt out of others business...

I would have said " I'm just looking for body parts"
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Hey now that is my quote for snitty people .. LOL YES I have used that a couple of times when people have been nasty to me. It has worked.. well except the one time I had to bat my eye lashes at the police man who thought the whole thing was quite comical. Umm Sir she is just metal detecting, has a signed permission form and the owner's permission.:-) :-)

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Note to self add this one to the metal detecting quotes when people ask me what I am : Looking for bank robbery loot from long ago. OH that is a must ... Thanks !!! :-)

Some people have an opinion, and by God, you're gonna hear it. The world according to them. I married one of those.


OMGoodness that sounds like my inlaws (Hubs's parents) and by God you are gonna live your life their way..like it or not ... <rolling eyes>Yep I am not their favorite daughter in law either !LOL Oh well cannot please them all nor do I try to !LOL:tongue3::hello::icon_thumright::BangHead:

The word is spelled fricking. I looked it up. Surprised to see it was an actual word. I thought it was a substitute for another word. You know which one.

It's Fracking, and yes, it's a bad word.

Hell, wear a light jacket or vest with BOMB SQUAD on the back side...or something to ward off the looky-loos...

Add a helmet to add to the drama...

Fracking? No it's frickin' or fricking or frick and yes it is a substitute for the F word. Fracking is the process of drilling into the earth and using high pressured liquid to extract gas from rock.

Fracking? No it's frickin' or fricking or frick and yes it is a substitute for the F word. Fracking is the process of drilling into the earth and using high pressured liquid to extract gas from rock.

Fracking is by far a worse word than any other word that starts with F.

I researched a corner lot in an old town that was vacant. The Church across the street owned it, so I went in the Church and asked permission - They said no problem, have fun! The guy that lived on the other side of the lot came out screaming at me as I was detecting. I calmly told him that I had permission from the owner. He still wanted me to leave..........

You can't win in this hobby - no matter what you do :dontknow:

I know I was in the right, though it still ruined my day.

Ever hear the term "Misery loves company"? He was just sharing. :laughing7:

Haha that's pretty funny, gotta love them nosey nellies.

I just tell them I am cleaning up the needles and other junk before some kid steps on it. its usually true as thats all I find.

I just tell them I am cleaning up the needles and other junk before some kid steps on it. its usually true as thats all I find.


I've been writing down your responses (from the experienced people) I'm a newbie, might come in handy!

I got the wife going on a "Bomb squad" best as we speak.

She just rolled her eyes and said "This is an interesting hobby going there, don't you?"

Mojos working

I've been writing down your responses (from the experienced people) I'm a newbie, might come in handy!

I got the wife going on a "Bomb squad" vest as we speak.

She just rolled her eyes and said "This is an interesting hobby going there, don't you?"

Mojos working in

I can't wait to tell some busy body that I looking for nuclear waste and collecting samples.:laughing7:
NOW THAT'S an idea!!! get one of those white hazmat suits and put some Radioactive signs around you just for giggles. Imagine the up roar you'd raise in the busybody network!!! Maybe a little radiological tape across her front yard. Or a couple radioactive stickers on her trashcans? Man! the fun you could have!

"Yaa, funny... good one lady! You did get the memo yesterday then.
Mam , I'm not sure why it is has not been done already.... but I'm going to need you to move your car and have the other employees clear the lot too.
We have a backhoe on the way and will need to get it offloaded soon as possible."

When they start moving out , I would too!

This is hilarious!! I want to detect with you.

There are always gonna be the Gladys Kravitz types abound. I would have told her I was " cleaning the earth" for the future garden,that would have shut her up lol. We went looking for Civil War relics once in a pretty sketchy neighborhood and were asked what we were doing. When we said looking for bullets they didn't bat an eye. Bet they thought we were detectives.

I researched a corner lot in an old town that was vacant. The Church across the street owned it, so I went in the Church and asked permission - They said no problem, have fun! The guy that lived on the other side of the lot came out screaming at me as I was detecting. I calmly told him that I had permission from the owner. He still wanted me to leave..........

You can't win in this hobby - no matter what you do :dontknow:

I know I was in the right, though it still ruined my day.

We had two of those situations today. Found an old home and talked to the tenant, who was foreign and didn't speak English very well. He said to ask his landlord. Found out the home was owned by a church, so we talked to the church pastor and he said go for it. We went back to the house and the tenant and his wife are outside yelling at us in two languages. He kept yelling "go away, we don't want you here" and some other non sense. It wasn't worth the hassle so we left.

Found another very old mansion in town. The older lady who lived there was as friendly as can be and gave us permission to detect. I found two Barber quarters and a Barber dime, my friend found an 1817 large cent! We spent around two hours at the property and I was walking to the car to pack it up for the day when some guy comes fast walking up the driveway yelling at me. He was wearing sweat pants and was very unkempt. He's telling me to get the hell out of there and practically foaming at the mouth. I didn't even respond, just looked at him trying not to laugh. My friend explained to him that the owner gave us permission to detect there. The guy then gets louder saying his mom owns the house and for us to get the hell out of there right now. My friend once again explained that the owner was very nice and told us we could be there and that we do this as a hobby. The dude turned around mumbling to himself and walked away. My friend went up to thank the homeowner and show her some of the finds. While he was up there he mentioned what her son had done. She was very apologetic and said he shouldn't have done that. It certainly embarrassed her that her son showed up and acted like an idiot!

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