Ecological/Environmental Impact: What do you do to limit your impact?

this week Jerry. i'll send you a pm later. Im waiting on my alarm and insurance to finalize. I can't risk any loss of inventory. we've had a lot of break ins on Hwy 49 this year. i'm not taking any chances. I already lost my prospecting gear , hunting bow and chainsaw and a bunch of tools when i got robbed in January. I havn't even replaced those.

Stupid tweakers have had a major impact on my environment:BangHead:

The impact that I make every time on the river seems to please the locals! The local Minnows that is! I was at the water yesterday running my Hill-billy high-banker had the minnows having a party I my tailing stream all day. Shooting the rapids and feeding they seemed to have a good time in my foot print

You guys Crack me up. I'm not that interested in arguments against being responsible while out th-ing. This thread if for constructive conversations on reducing impact and it's for learning about low impact techniques. I've found some flaws in your arguments, namely it seems like there's a little butt hurt when it come to people concerned about the environment; "eco-freaks" being a popular phrase. I wonder why that is, but again, am more interested in your techniques. Props to the people trying to leave things to nature while still being stewards and for those working hard to deal with other people's pollution. That sucks, and yet you do it. PS. The "He" you speak of is a "She" and, this gal can take care of herself. No need for posturing and taunting. ;)

Sorry for my remark just every once in a while someone pops in with vague questions or comments. Sometimes they seem to be eliciting a conversation...then schooling members on their actions.

My point was basically this subject t tends to be about different side perspective and the attitude they carry.
Ever since I was little I've seen ranchers farmers and outdoors man's care for and show better stewardship for our lands than anyone. Seems like most flatlanders get involved in activism for the sake of bragging rights.... " look what I do"..." I care".....and paint people who live with the land as users and rapists....
I wonder how involved they would be if there were no bragging rights or money to be made?
Where as resource users have every reason to take care of the resource and the lands that hold them.
I've yet to see a strip mall housing development or industrial zone that is even close to as beautiful as the places I am everyday....where my impact is non existent or neglegable at most...yet i/we are constantly having to explain or justify to those who have no problem paying for the goods sourced from these areas and people....while living in Bablyon!

It's just a strange situation....

I havnt seen anyone here argue against environmental responsibility.

So to go full circle. Are you asking so you can be responsible like us? What is your impact and what do you do to mitigate?
Are you of the opinion that small scale miners have a significant impact and if so what do you think we should be doing that we aren't already?

You started the thread

So to go full circle. Are you asking so you can be responsible like us? What is your impact and what do you do to mitigate?
Are you of the opinion that small scale miners have a significant impact and if so what do you think we should be doing that we aren't already?

You started the thread

GW, you know me to well....guess I don't have to respond, although you were much nicer. This looks like the making of an DIZZY Martin Law coming up. Wonder if she is her mentor?

I try to get all my beer cans into the bed of the pickup truck.. Burp! :occasion14:

Oh, and can someone post the "Cliff Note" of Clay's post. I just don't have that kind of time. :thumbsup:

I reuse my coffee grounds...
and my cigarette butts...

I just place em in my lower lip as "dip".

So to go full circle. Are you asking so you can be responsible like us? What is your impact and what do you do to mitigate?
Are you of the opinion that small scale miners have a significant impact and if so what do you think we should be doing that we aren't already?

You started the thread

I'm new to it all and am curious as much as I am concerned. I don't think there is a lot of misuse of the land and environment by individual treasure hunters, but I know we all make an impact by disturbing nature. I've seen erosion be an issue because of fossil hunters. This made me wonder about other types of th-ing. I know we dig holes and such. I have myself. So I wonder what people do to keep things as natural as possible ie. as tampered with as little as possible. There are good reasons for doing so (there are a lot of people tromping around for one thing). I care very much about the environment, but I also try and stay objective.
Someone mentioned ranchers and such being close to the land and taking care of it in ways unlike other folk. This person brings up a good point. This is true. And yet I've seen the same people almost wipe out a predator species in their area, I've seen them use chemicals in their crops, seen them dump off dogs on the side of the road etc. So it isn't like this issue is black and white. What is true, is that we can all do things to respect nature better.
Personally I do have problems with large scale mining. I do have problems with people who just do whatever the heck they want to without consideration for others and for Nature. Most of ya'll seem to do your part which is commendable to me. I truly appreciate that, and feel you are the people I want to learn from.
So, I am here to learn, and to help share information. I hope bringing the subject up will keep it all on our minds. For some of you, this is old hat, for others, it isn't.
Now can we get back to sharing of the info? Lol

GW, you are right, and I was right in what I was thinking, I will be back with my response, but most have said most of it already.

No I want referring to you hefty. I know you like positive conversation. And care about things.

And I care what you have to say in the subject

You guys Crack me up. I'm not that interested in arguments against being responsible while out th-ing. This thread if for constructive conversations on reducing impact and it's for learning about low impact techniques. I've found some flaws in your arguments, namely it seems like there's a little butt hurt when it come to people concerned about the environment; "eco-freaks" being a popular phrase. I wonder why that is, but again, am more interested in your techniques. Props to the people trying to leave things to nature while still being stewards and for those working hard to deal with other people's pollution. That sucks, and yet you do it. PS. The "He" you speak of is a "She" and, this gal can take care of herself. No need for posturing and taunting. ;)

That would be me that refer to certain people as "eco-freaks". And when you have dealt with these fruit loops on the level I, and many others here have, you would understand. The truth DOES NOT matter, only certain peoples feelings. There is a HUGE differences between caring about the environment and destroying someone's rights for profit.

You will find very, very few here who want the environment to go back to the days of the rivers being so polluted they caught on fire. Much like the Cuyahoga River did in Ohio during 1969.

I DO NOT posture nor do I taunt. I simply tell it like it is.

As for the techniques we use, leave nothing but footprints. Understand?

I'm new to it all and am curious as much as I am concerned. I don't think there is a lot of misuse of the land and environment by individual treasure hunters, but I know we all make an impact by disturbing nature. I've seen erosion be an issue because of fossil hunters. This made me wonder about other types of th-ing. I know we dig holes and such. I have myself. So I wonder what people do to keep things as natural as possible ie. as tampered with as little as possible. There are good reasons for doing so (there are a lot of people tromping around for one thing). I care very much about the environment, but I also try and stay objective.
Someone mentioned ranchers and such being close to the land and taking care of it in ways unlike other folk. This person brings up a good point. This is true. And yet I've seen the same people almost wipe out a predator species in their area, I've seen them use chemicals in their crops, seen them dump off dogs on the side of the road etc. So it isn't like this issue is black and white. What is true, is that we can all do things to respect nature better.
Personally I do have problems with large scale mining. I do have problems with people who just do whatever the heck they want to without consideration for others and for Nature. Most of ya'll seem to do your part which is commendable to me. I truly appreciate that, and feel you are the people I want to learn from.
So, I am here to learn, and to help share information. I hope bringing the subject up will keep it all on our minds. For some of you, this is old hat, for others, it isn't.
Now can we get back to sharing of the info? Lol

Funny you bring up erosion. Wanna see what happens when the eco freaks claim all erosion is bad?

What is happening there is not sea level rise, it is merely natural soil compaction. Gravity can be a real pain sometimes.

I used to care. Dredging is one of the mining methods with the least impact. High banking too. With those outlawed for made up "Environmental" reasons. Now we're back to digging with a shovel. Did nature win? Absolutely not! Those bans did nothing to help and more likely hurt the cause of resource management.
If I ask a ranger or other government official about particular areas or methods I won't get honest, legal answers. What I get is a policy line which deprives me of freedoms and Liberty I should enjoy in this country. So, while I follow my own code of stewardship for the land I don't care so much about the footprint anymore.

I'm new to it all and am curious as much as I am concerned. I don't think there is a lot of misuse of the land and environment by individual treasure hunters, but I know we all make an impact by disturbing nature. I've seen erosion be an issue because of fossil hunters. This made me wonder about other types of th-ing. I know we dig holes and such. I have myself. So I wonder what people do to keep things as natural as possible ie. as tampered with as little as possible. There are good reasons for doing so (there are a lot of people tromping around for one thing). I care very much about the environment, but I also try and stay objective.
Someone mentioned ranchers and such being close to the land and taking care of it in ways unlike other folk. This person brings up a good point. This is true. And yet I've seen the same people almost wipe out a predator species in their area, I've seen them use chemicals in their crops, seen them dump off dogs on the side of the road etc. So it isn't like this issue is black and white. What is true, is that we can all do things to respect nature better.
Personally I do have problems with large scale mining. I do have problems with people who just do whatever the heck they want to without consideration for others and for Nature. Most of ya'll seem to do your part which is commendable to me. I truly appreciate that, and feel you are the people I want to learn from.
So, I am here to learn, and to help share information. I hope bringing the subject up will keep it all on our minds. For some of you, this is old hat, for others, it isn't.
Now can we get back to sharing of the info? Lol

There is so much wrong with some of your thoughts here. The one that is most puzzling is that you seem to be against open pit mining, or for that matter any large scale operation be it surface or underground. Have you ever thought about where almost all of the metal and minerals that are so essential to the world society today comes from? Mining AND IN MASSIVE QUANTITIES ALL AROUND THE WORLD! Yes it may be unsightly and, from past ignorance (emphasis on PAST), has caused some erosion or pollution here in the U.S. but it is an absolute necessity if we as humans are going to, not only survive but keep progressing to meet the growing world populations needs not to mention our own for our security.

See my mantra below and think about the truth in it!

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Sierra fund spy...

There is so much wrong with some of your thoughts here. The one that is most puzzling is that you seem to be against open pit mining, or for that matter any large scale operation be it surface or underground. Have you ever thought about where almost all of the metal and minerals that are so essential to the world society today comes from? Mining AND IN MASSIVE QUANTITIES ALL AROUND THE WORLD! Yes it may be unsightly and, from past ignorance (emphasis on PAST), has caused some erosion or pollution here in the U.S. but it is an absolute necessity if we as humans are going to, not only survive but keep progressing to meet the growing world populations needs not to mention our own for our security.

See my mantra below and think about the truth in it!

SO TRUE. Large open pits are all that is left. So now that the eco freaks have served their masters well, they will be put out of our miseries. Considering the fact that these people have effectively killed the small miner, the only way to do things now is on a landscape level that destroys hudreds if not thousands of acres.

Small mines, small impacts. And small impacts are easier and cheaper to reclaim.

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