Eqx 800 use using Bluetooth vs Wi- Stream


Hero Member
Jul 10, 2012
Detector(s) used
Xp Deus 2, Xp Deus 1, Minelab Etrac, Minelab Manticore
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
What headphones are you using with it? It seems like quality headphones with 1/8" jack are pretty limited.

What headphones are you using with it? It seems like quality headphones with 1/8" jack are pretty limited.

Elcheapo walkman style with little jack. It’s not the headphones this tisnthe difference, it’s the Bluetooth can’t keep up with Eqx. Or Bluetooth can’t keep up with my brain and ears.lol

if you are not using the correct bluetooth, low latency, it won't keep up with it.

This was copied from page 54 of the Minelab Equinox 800 user manual... "D"

Wi-Stream Technology

Wi-Stream uses efficient low-power digital audio transmission to achieve the non-perceivable audio time lag of 17 ms between EQUINOX and the WM 08 Wireless Module. For the fastest possible wireless audio, use the WM 08 Wireless Audio Module*.
Audio Options EQUINOX has both wired and wireless audio options to choose from.

Wireless Audio Latency

Each EQUINOX compatible wireless technology has a slightly different latency, or delay. When metal detecting, the lowest latency is best.
When the coil is moving across the ground, any delay (latency) of the audio signal means that the coil will have moved past the target that produced that audio. Low latency (less audio delay) causes targets to be detected closer to where they really lie in the ground. This is very evident when swinging a coil left and right across a target. A higher latency will mean that the target is perceived to be in two locations either side of the actual location. A lower latency will minimize this effect.

aptX™ Low Latency Technology

aptX™ Low Latency technology is faster than standard Bluetooth, with a delay of 40 ms, giving a faster detection response.
Minelab ML 80* headphones use aptX™ Low Latency technology, and will deliver faster audio than standard Bluetooth® headphones.

Bluetooth® Technology

Any standard Bluetooth® headphones or earbuds can be used with an EQUINOX Series detector.
However, Bluetooth® technology has a high audio latency of 100 ms.
This can make it difficult to visualise the exact position of a buried target if you are detecting with a fast swing rate.

I have noticed no difference between wi stream and aptx ll. The 20 ms difference in latency is not noticeable to me.

Audio from Wi stream is cleaner vs AptX wireless headphones. Wi stream better audio for discerning iron vs nonferrous target.
Audio quality was always talked about in the past with different detectors and or the different wired headphones available.

So how come folks don’t place higher value on audio quality as it relates to EQX?
I got loads of hours on EQX. There’s a difference alright.

You can use Bluetooth just fine .

You NEED the blue tooth headphones to be low latency. Specifically low latency

You can use Bluetooth just fine .

You NEED the blue tooth headphones to be low latency. Specifically low latency

I have the wireless headphones that came with my 800 unit. They are LL Bluetooth.
They aren’t as clear sounding vs wi stream.
See top of page 55 of Manual.
Plus less lag vs wireless headphones.

You work in a real challenging site with iron and nails, you’ll see (hear) the differences.

How about this.
If aptx LL tech is as good.
How come Minelab when they made the little module (that allows folks to run their headphones of choice), why didn’t Minelab just make it LL Bluetooth as well??

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I have the wireless headphones that came with my 800 unit. They are LL Bluetooth.
They aren’t as clear sounding vs wi stream.
See top of page 55 of Manual.
Plus less lag vs wireless headphones.

You work in a real challenging site with iron and nails, you’ll see (hear) the differences.

How about this.
If aptx LL tech is as good.
How come Minelab when they made the little module (that allows folks to run their headphones of choice), why didn’t Minelab just make it LL Bluetooth as well??

The cynical side of me says because they wanted to be able to sell another $270 accessory not compatible with any of their other detectors. I will take another look at it but the human ear can only really perceive delays greater than 50 ms. Tell me how your wired headphones plugged directly into the headphone jack on the detector sound vs. Wi Stream. I also forgot to mention previously that I hadn't found wired headphones to be any clearer or better even with 0 ms lag. I think you may just be hearing better audio through the wired headphones you are using vs. the ML80's which are not exactly top of the line from an audio perspective. Plug the ML80's directly into the Wi Stream module (i.e., non-powered, non-wireless mode using the supplied cord) and into the detector and tell me what you think. I think the difference you are hearing is the audio quality of the headphones themselves not the difference between Wi Stream and APTX LL. The wired phones, even though they are not considered expensive, may actually be better suited to the frequency response of your own ears vs. the ML80's.

I don't know if I can tell what's faster, but I do know that I used earbuds with the WM08 module and fell in love. I can wear my boonie hat and have wireless buds now. I had a hell of a time finding aptx/ll buds for sale anywhere.

I don't know if I can tell what's faster, but I do know that I used earbuds with the WM08 module and fell in love. I can wear my boonie hat and have wireless buds now. I had a hell of a time finding aptx/ll buds for sale anywhere.
What buds did you end up with?

The cynical side of me says because they wanted to be able to sell another $270 accessory not compatible with any of their other detectors. I will take another look at it but the human ear can only really perceive delays greater than 50 ms. Tell me how your wired headphones plugged directly into the headphone jack on the detector sound vs. Wi Stream. I also forgot to mention previously that I hadn't found wired headphones to be any clearer or better even with 0 ms lag. I think you may just be hearing better audio through the wired headphones you are using vs. the ML80's which are not exactly top of the line from an audio perspective. Plug the ML80's directly into the Wi Stream module (i.e., non-powered, non-wireless mode using the supplied cord) and into the detector and tell me what you think. I think the difference you are hearing is the audio quality of the headphones themselves not the difference between Wi Stream and APTX LL. The wired phones, even though they are not considered expensive, may actually be better suited to the frequency response of your own ears vs. the ML80's.

So, with the delay of the LL wireless headphones vs Wi stream or even external speaker. Is there s possibility of EQX givinga longer tone in detecting scenario? And this tone length being longer is what makes the detectorist become suspect/locate a target.
Tone length is very important part of detecting, shorter blips harder to hear. Having the actual detector report ,ore in real time is important too. So EQX will give signal faster to huma hear with Wi stream vs LL blue tooth. EqX is also going to be able to recover faster too tonally to one’s ears. Less tone clipping really. Allows faster sweep and better chance to hear a nonferrous.
Yeah hard to show this on a you tube.
The differences are there.
If one uses enough in a tough site.

Seems folks don’t mind talking up LL blue tooth.
And now blue tooth 5.0 I out it seems.

Also it would seem logical, Minelab could have left out the wi stream inside unit )(600 and 800 model) units could have been priced even cheaper. They didn’t though.

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So, with the delay of the LL wireless headphones vs Wi stream or even external speaker. Is there s possibility of EQX givinga longer tone in detecting scenario? And this tone length being longer is what makes the detectorist become suspect/locate a target.

No. The tone length is determined by the detector. Any delay effects the beginning of the tone and ending of the tone equally. i.e. given a 1 Second tone with a 10mS delay, the tone will start 10mS after being being transmitted and end at 1.01 Seconds. No change in tone length.

As a user of the nox 600 w aftermarket blue tooth headphones, I’m saying they work great!

I have three silver dollars and 5 gold rings and a bunch of other goodies w the nox and my setup. I would never steer you wrong!

I just borrowed some workout buds from my wife, since I haven't had time to find some good ones (and try them on for sound first). Worked really well so far, and don't make my ears sweat :D

I just borrowed some workout buds from my wife, since I haven't had time to find some good ones (and try them on for sound first). Worked really well so far, and don't make my ears sweat :D

Are they wired or bluetooth?

I agree with vferrari here. I am not convinced that people are percieving "delay" with aptX-LL, as compared to Wi-Stream. YES, the numbers show that Wi-Stream is faster, but as vferrari notes, there's a limit as to what the human ear can perceive.

I am attaching a video, which I found interesting. It shows, audibly and visually, the "lag" associated different types of wireless feeds. In the first test, using aptX-LL, it's essentially imperceptible, as compared to a wired connection. Both feeds -- wired, and aptX-LL, are played simultaneously, and there is no "echo" perceptible (echo would, of course, would reveal perceptible "lag").

Then, when you see the second test in the video, where regular aptX and wired are played simultaneously, you definitely perceive the noticeable "lag" -- i.e. the "echo" between the two feeds. But, that echo is NOT there, with the aptX-LL. This supports what I've believed from my study of the issue, and is exactly what vferrari notes, as well. See for yourself...


I would tend to think that it's actually audio CLARITY or QUALITY that makes the difference, when plugging in better headphones into the WM-08, vs. the Minelab (BT-80) wireless phones, as opposed to "lag" being the issue. I also suspect that some of the Minelab Bluetooth headphones sound better than others. I have two pair, and one is very clear and sounds great; the other, not so much. The "not so good" pair sound slightly muffled, and at times there's even a bit of "offset" between what you are hearing in one ear cup, vs. the other.

Another story...when I first got my Explorer years ago, I was using the supplied Koss UR-30 headphones, and thought they sounded just fine (I didn't know any better, as I had nothing to compare them to). But, at the insistence of many, I upgraded -- to a set of SunRay Pro Golds. Let me tell you, there was a HUGE difference. MUCH clearer, MUCH better definition to the different tones, with the Pro Golds, vs. the Koss phones. Bottom line, headphones MATTER.

I will say that my "good" set of Minelab (BT-80) headphones sound "good," while the "bad" set definitely sounds much worse. However, due to this discussion, I am going to do something I haven't done yet -- I'm going to hunt for awhile using my SunRay Pro Gold phones with the WM-08 module. I've been meaning to do this, anyway, for quite awhile, but this thread has motivated me to do so. I am curious to see if my "good" pair of BT-80 aptX-LL phones actually sound "not so good," if compared to the SunRays…


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Vferrari is correct, however, it's what works for *you*. I've tried a number of low latency bluetooth headphones and ear buds, both high dollar and cheapo's I have. For some reason, I do notice a difference, but it's mostly in pinpointing and not having to dig a "side plug" to get where I should have been. Maybe, and I'm no brain surgeon, it has to do with the way different people perceive / hear sound. I'm simply speculating, but for now, I use the module with my preferred headphones. Yes, it catches on my shovel handle a few times and of course I cuss it out when it does as if it was it's fault not mine, but in the end, just use what works for you.


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