nomad 11

Bronze Member
Nov 21, 2009
nomads land
Detector(s) used
any tector i can get my hands on
thinking about buying an etrac but i just watched a video and it discouraged me when the guy hits a target the readings did not stay the same and lock on to it like it was the same, it changed 2 -3 times i would think a quality detector like this the reading would just stay the same no matter how many times you sweep over the target ? its still a guessing game,.what the f................

wrong! That is exactly what you want from a detector! The E-trac is giving you the REAL numbers it sees as it sees them, and yes they will change from swing to swing when you have other targets, trash, etc near the coin. The E-trac isn't giving you a nice, pretty AVERAGE number like many detectors will.

You shouldn't be paying that much attention to the numbers anyway. Dig when it sounds good and don't worry about the numbers.

Go ahead as get one. You'll never be satisfied until you do! Good machines just not well balanced compared to the CTX

I'm a new E-Trac user and I can advise you that when a target is segregated (by itself) and not lying close to or next to another target, the detector will return a single set (FE & CO) of values. More important, the values will be 'VERY' near, if not exactly the same values you'll receive from your own air tests and/or those stated in Andy Sabisch's E-Trac book.

Most "well traversed" sites contain hordes of objects (mostly trash) that tend to confuse a detector's logic algorithims and yes, the E-Trac's control panel will portray multiple values indicating more than one target at hand. Fortunately, the E-Trac is well respected for its ability to 'hone-in' on adjacent or nearby targets and let the user determine what both are or may be.

A previous poster stated E-Trac users need to concentrate on 'Tone' first and 'digital" values second or as 'backup'. It took me awhile to finally concentrate on certain tones, i.e., 'high' or 'peak' squeal for highly conductive targets (silver/coins), but also for 'low' tones indicating possible gold. To summarize, with E-Tracs - - - "Listen" then "Look".

Personally, I'm glad I upgraded to Minelab's E-Trac, but I'm also certain there are many quality brand detectors AND none of them are "right on" EVERY time.

I agree with Fletch, if you really don't want to spend the extra then get an Etrac. If you want a detector that is better then an Etrac and willing to spend more get a CTX. Nothing else, the screen is MUCH easier to see. Call the dealers and see what price point they can get you into one at. Don't spend money now to spend more later for a detector that you will get anyway.

Nomad- You have been given great advice here. The Etrac is best used by listening to the audio response, then compare the visual ID to confirm what you are hearing. While the visual ID will bounce around a bit on a deeper target or one in trash, the audio will be telling you to dig. There are many Etrac users who only look at the screen when they want to make a change to their settings. :)

Fort Bedford Det. is correct - You will look at the numbers when you first get the E-Trac, as time goes by; you will learn the sounds, it tells you everything you need to know. I haven't looked at my screen in years................

Nomad, Minelabs are all about the sound first, then the numbers. Once you get used to that its so much easier. I've had my E-Trac for a few months now: listen, look, and learn. If you're not sure, dig. That will answer your question as to the numbers.


i'm not that technically minded.what is the usb cable intended for with the etrac.can software be upgraded on these or does it just change programs that are stored in it ?does it cost to do this ?this is going to be a whole new ball game with this detector for me ?

The USB port mainly for loading and backing up of program and pattern files (pgm & ptn). The Minelab Exchange app does this. There is also a third party app that allows you to make discrim patterns offline.

As for user firmware updates, I don't know.

No, The E-Trac's firmware can not be upgraded by the user. The USB port is only for uploading and downloading pattern files.

The etrac is no different when it comes to vdi/target deviation than other detectors. It is spot on to about 5 inches in clean ground, but what sets it apart is its ability to sound off on good targets next to junk, and its depth capability. If you are expecting a detector that will have 100 percent accuracy in vdi/tid, it doesn't exist. Too many factors are at play. The Co numbers which is the 2nd set are the most important, and even more important than that is the sound of an object.

No, the E-Trac gives accurate CO readings until it can no longer read the target at all.

Marjam is right...5" to 6" and deeper the numbers jump around a lot , I have got to where I don't pay any attention to the Fer.# at depth, but if you pay attention to the Cond.# you will see that good number pop in and out and that's when I dig....but I only use the TTF program. So I only get two sounds, with the high sound I,ll check the numbers and the low ones to, the iron nulls most of the time, real rusty iron well give you a good sound and no matter what you hear or see, its always a good idea to dig as much as you feel comfortable with. You,ll dig a lot of junk but now and then you get a good find.

Marjam is right...5" to 6" and deeper the numbers jump around a lot , I have got to where I don't pay any attention to the Fer.# at depth, but if you pay attention to the Cond.# you will see that good number pop in and out and that's when I dig....but I only use the TTF program. So I only get two sounds, with the high sound I,ll check the numbers and the low ones to, the iron nulls most of the time, real rusty iron well give you a good sound and no matter what you hear or see, its always a good idea to dig as much as you feel comfortable with. You,ll dig a lot of junk but now and then you get a good find.

I'LL DIG A LOT OF JUNK BUT NOW AND THEN I'LL GET A GOOD FIND.the last sentence is what i was afraid of.i'm so tired of digging junk.i thought with a good detector i could avoid shards of aluminum cans because the guys that cut the grass at the parks are to hung over from the night before to pick up the aluminum cans so they just cut them up with the mowers.UGH!

You will always dig trash. If you don't you might miss something good. I was at an area that had seen activity back to the mid 100 but more recently had been used by a lot of parties as well. I dug can after can knowing what they were but I did it to clear junk. It paid off. I found an 1840s flat button and a silver quarter so far out of it. I still have a lot of junk to clear, but that's what you have to do sometimes.
BTW thanks nomad11 for confirming what I said earlier. I am just trying to pass on anything helpful I can.

nomad 11, best I can say is exactly what Jason in Enid says x2.
Buy an ETrac!
Peace ✌

All i can tell you is when they jump around i hate it .. The reason is when i had my Compass detector i would hit a target it would lock in on that target ….. You would think if they made detectors like that then … They could make them to lock in now .. That Compass would lock in i would pinpoint and bam there was that target … Now a days the numbers jump all over and now every one thinks that is great …WHY ??? I do not know unless they do not know any difference…..

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