Ever been cut off from a machine?


Hero Member
Feb 22, 2014
West Metro, Mn
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Just wondering if any of you have been cut off from dumping when using a machine you dump the coin into yourself at the bank. So far I haven't had problems dumping but I am using counting machines for all dumps. Don't think I have read anywhere on here(yet) that someone got chewed out for using the machine too much.

When I say cut off I am referring to an employee telling you not to bring your coins there anymore.

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I dumped $140 pennies in a coinstar at a grocery store. We had everyone watching, it seemed like it took forever! lol The cashiers and everyone around had more fun watching us!

Holy crap, that is a LOT of coins. Musta been heavy.

First bank I tried dumping at. The guy didn't like it, and asked me where I got them from. I lied, in hopes I could make a few more dumps, but ended up going to another branch. I told him my Dad paid me in halves, and he informed me that people buy them take out the silver and get rid of the rest. At that one, I told them I collected coins, and asked them if they minded me bringing my coins. They were much more friendly. At one point, that original guy from the first location worked a few shifts at my dump branch. I could tell it bothered him I was there, but he just joked around and asked if I broke the machine when I filled it.
The original dump consisted of $300.00 in cents and $400.00 halves.

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Yes, I got banned at two branches. They were getting pissed about bag changes. My dumps were usually in the $600 to $1200 range as I recall, most of it being dimes. They felt that their machines were for use by people with a jar full of change, not "coin venders" like myself. They never gave me any guidance as to what would be acceptable but just decided to impose a fee, at their discretion, on certain customers dumping "large amounts". They made it clear that any amount of coin I brought would be subject to this fee. I don't pay fees so I don't use their machines. Now in hindsight, perhaps I should have dumped smaller amounts but these girls were pretty cranky and I think the result would have been the same. If the dime bag has $950 in it and I bring $50, guess what, bag change. I still dump on them. With rolled coin. That they dump in their machine. Lol. I tried to come to an agreement with them about some amount that would work for them but they weren't having it. There is a third branch of this bank in my town that still works with me. We agreed on $200 per week with no fees. I only bring them nickels and cents. And usually fill up a bag.

Yes, I've been cut off from using the coin machine at one branch, the manager came up to me while dumping and told me to bring my dumps elsewhere and told me that the coin machine costs them $231 a week to be serviced and to have the bin changed... The coin machine was super nice too, it counted a box of pennies in under a minute and required no bag change. I wasn't even dumping massive amounts of volume on the bank. Remember, in the banking industry, it only takes one person to enhance your banking OR completely ruin it.

We have never been cut off from dumping coins. We mostly use TCF banks. One branch imposed a $500 limit on the amount that can be dumped per day. Eventually the sign they taped on the machine fell off (with a little help from us), new tellers came to the bank and I think they forgot about it. Now there is no limit.

As a side note, If banks want to stop coin roll hunters, all they have to do is impose a $200 limit on the amount of coins we can dump per day. I think that would put a big crimp on a lot of our coin roll hunting operations.

Keep on Searching

Dad and Tanner

Yep, one time a few years back. Just one branch, I guess I pushed too hard with $500 a week.... Branch manager was grumpy. Oh well, I found friendlier branches.

We have never been cut off from dumping coins. We mostly use TCF banks. One branch imposed a $500 limit on the amount that can be dumped per day. Eventually the sign they taped on the machine fell off (with a little help from us), new tellers came to the bank and I think they forgot about it. Now there is no limit.

There is a manager at TCF Bank that doesn't like "collectors." He used to work at the branch near my house and he told me I was dumping too much. He wouldn't set a limit, he wanted me to go elsewhere. He has since moved on to another branch ;). I do see him, if I am across town, but since I dump at his branch less than once a month, it is not a problem.
I usually dump at TCF Bank only on weekends (they're open). During the week I dump at credit unions because they have faster, more reliable machines (especially for dimes).

My cap is about 1k. If i get a bad vibe, I give them a rest before coming back. If I get a lot of crap, I avoid that branch and hope the cranky person gets tired and leaves.

That's very true. When my main dump bank got a new manager, I had to retest the waters before I resumed my usual dumps.
My cap is about 1k. If i get a bad vibe, I give them a rest before coming back. If I get a lot of crap, I avoid that branch and hope the cranky person gets tired and leaves.

Just wondering if any of you have been cut off from dumping when using a machine you dump the coin into yourself at the bank. So far I haven't had problems dumping but I am using counting machines for all dumps. Don't think I have read anywhere on here(yet) that someone got chewed out for using the machine too much.

When I say cut off I am referring to an employee telling you not to bring your coins there anymore.

:laughing9: I'm pretty much under the radar doing my dumps. I only dump $100 in halfs at a time. It does causes a bag change but only 1 & than I'm gone. Only at 1 branch did a employee say I shouldn't dump there because I didn't get the halfs from the bank. The bank I dump at, doesn't order half boxes. She only said it to me 1 time but I still go there & dump. Haven't had any problems yet doing it.

Yup, I got cut off over a year ago and the bank manager came out with a card showing they only allow $1,000 a year. I'm still cut off though. Can't do any unless I want to pay 7%. Sucks. Started rolling and depositing at another bank and they offered to let me turn in coin lock bags which was awesome. That bank then limited me to $2,000 in and out each month. Just found a new spot to dump but now having trouble finding more boxes of halves. Even today I could tell the tellers were sick of getting me dimes. Need to hit up some new spots. It's always a hunt.

Hope I can remain under the radar. Like I previously mentioned there are a lot of banks around here and so far I have been able to successfully rotate banks. I have also noticed with the machines things go a lot smoother when only dumping one denomination of coin, the one time I dumped dimes mixed with nickels it sounded like it was pretty close to jamming up. The reason I started this thread was just to learn about others experiences and try to learn what to avoid doing, I am actually a little surprised so many have been cut off from the machines. The machines I have used so far whip through a box of halves in about 25 seconds, it really doesn't seem like I have made a scene or anything but I am still gonna watch it.

Hope I can remain under the radar. Like I previously mentioned there are a lot of banks around here and so far I have been able to successfully rotate banks. I have also noticed with the machines things go a lot smoother when only dumping one denomination of coin, the one time I dumped dimes mixed with nickels it sounded like it was pretty close to jamming up. The reason I started this thread was just to learn about others experiences and try to learn what to avoid doing, I am actually a little surprised so many have been cut off from the machines. The machines I have used so far whip through a box of halves in about 25 seconds, it really doesn't seem like I have made a scene or anything but I am still gonna watch it.

Pour slowly. Halves wear out the machine, it's not designed to handle a constant stream of large coins. I used to pour them in and I kept getting jams. Also had other people jam the machine up by pouring too many in and I inherit their jam when I try. I find that a slow constant pour is easier on the machine, no jam ups.

This is true, one of my order banks who actually is my best order bank once had the option to get a coin machine and the manager and staff wanted nothing to do with it, so they never got one.
You serious?!?

This is true, one of my order banks who actually is my best order bank once had the option to get a coin machine and the manager and staff wanted nothing to do with it, so they never got one.
Weird. Most tellers I talk to rave about how great the coin machines are, they like not having to haul a 25 pound bag back to a machine, or even worse counting by hand.

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