Ever stopped and then couldnt quite get started again?


Silver Member
May 15, 2007
Southeast Missouri
Detector(s) used
E-trac, Explorer II, Xterra30, Whites Prizm IV
Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

I have been hunting exactly 4 times this year. I turned my machine on once very early in the year. Then in March a car crash where I was runover by a semi put me out of action for a month and a half.

Been hunting 3 times since then and that is it.

so my question is as stated above. Have you ever gotten to a point where you stop detecting for a while and you just couldn't get back into the grove?

If so how did you get your swinging mojo back???

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

I stopped for a good part of 10 years only doing it on and off a couple times a year.. But is was always in my blood..So I started doing it regularly again... If it's in the blood, it will stay... Go out find a good find and you'll be back....or take a little time off cause abstinence will make the heart grow fonder....Then you will once again enjoy what you have been missing....

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

Actually I am in that same rut right now.
I know I have fun when I go out and hunt. I don't seem to have the fever anymore.
Its kinda sad really. I feel like the hobby is dying for me :'(
I too have only hunted a few times this year. The last one was real fun too, though I did spend too much time in the sun and got a little cooked :P

Link here:
Camp Hunt 2009 Finds

Only time will tell.

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

I think one of my main problems is lack of sites or difficutly finding new sites... :-\

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

Yes I know what you mean. I love to get out and hunt but I really don't like huntng alone. The person that I hunted with for years pasted away so now I am lucky to get out a couple times a month....Matt

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

If it would stop raining, hailing, flooding, out here in Denver, I'd be outside right now. But yeah, occasionally I need to be jump started.

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

every Winter I Stop

and Every spring I Have a hard time starting.
the weather Has to me Exactly right & So Do I
at the same time to get me started again

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

Good morning Master Eagle: You posted --> Have you ever gotten to a point where you stop detecting for a while and you just couldn't get back into the grove?

Yes, various times. once I stopped for years. I had a partner, Sam Hayes, who had a heart condition. We were on the trail of the Gloria Pan mine. Since he had developed this problem, I had to leave him back at El Fuerte, Sin. while I continued on alone with my mule, some 6o miles further East into the back country, no roads. and basically uninhabited then.

After a few weeks, I finally found the sealed up entrance of the mine near the junction of the Balajaque arroyo. I positively identified it through my binoculars, it had distinguishing hand marks left by the Jesuit and was up on a ledge on a cliff.

I heard of new activity at the Lluvia de Oro mine, from a passing Tarahumara Indian, so I decided to return for Sam to open it up together, since the new route was only about 15 miles of mule travel from the Lluvia.

When I arrived at El Fuerte, it was to find that Sam had died the night before in his sleep. They asked me to ice his body for burial the next day, but being so close, and the softie that I am, I couldn't, a Mexican friend did that for me. when they made the cement cross for him, I put one of the 8 Reales coins from a treasure that we had found together, into the junction of the arms.

I was never able to get up enough spark to go back. It still sits there lonely and closed. Years later I finished the search for Tayopa. The Gloria Pan mine was essential in the search in proving the actual existence of Tayopa and is beginning to tickle my curiosity again, perhaps with ORO, my sheep luvin friend? Cactus requires too many luxuries.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. Sam would beat me in chess time after time in two to three moves while reading a Readers Digest. sigh The picture of the 8 Reales is a sister of the coin that I embedded in Sam's cross, same treasure.


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Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

Gracias Don Jose:

I suddenly have a yen to see Humphrey Bogart on the trail to
treasure south of the border.


Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?


I was, unwittingly, detecting next to a boys home,
got surrounded by cops and told to cut it out.
Somehow I felt intimidated, and gave up detecting
for YEARS. :P
Too Bad!

When I went back to it, the old CoinMaster 6000Di was working
perfectly. Just changed the batteries and I was off again.

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

Geeze ME...you just described me.

I bought a brand new Vision back in March when they first came out. Got out maybe...7 or 8 times...then crap hit the fan at work.

We were asked by our customer to take a cut in rates. They let a couple competetors in that are seriously underbidding us. Well...our company refused to back down.

What I think they did was make a deal with the devil. Instead of cutting our rates, they cut our labor...and didn't tell us. What was 3 man jobs are now done with 2, 2 man jobs now 1...etc.
I've been working my tail off, 6-7 days a week, sometimes 10, 12 and even 16 hours a day...and we have people laid off.
My job's very physical and plain and simple...I'm worn out. I'm 53 with arthritist setting in rapidly, degenerative back disease and one lung.

The few hours I don't work are spent recovering in pain and exhaustion.

I have deliberately avoided T-Net because it drives me crazy reading about finds and stuff, wanting to go out...but the excitement has dwindled.

It's not lack of sites for me....it's just not caring right now. I want to enjoy the hobby...not swing a machine that's gonna be painful, even tho the Vision is very light...still gotta bend and dig.

I finally took a vacation...9 glorious days off. This is day 2 and I feel almost human and functional again...but I look at my detector by the front door, feel how warm it is outside and honestly....have no desire to move from my couch. I'm just overwhelmed by things I need to do at home, on the house, in the house...my desire to get out and play is compromised by guilt by what I need to do.

And now that were approaching midsummer...I don't like the parks full of people, chancing burning lawns with holes...etc and so on....just a bunch of lame excuses not to go detecting.

A funk I guess.....you're not alone.


Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

Al my friend: sheehs, I feel for you. I am just as bad in getting moving again, but fortunately am still in excellent condition. I have tons of wonderful places and caches to look at, with no competition, with permission readily given to none needed, from pirate treasure to gold placers with large nuggets, but -----. As I have matured, I find the airconditioner over the desk far more comfortable than 100+ weather. I need someone to just kick my lazy butt back into action again.

Don Jose de La Mancha (El lazy Saint)

p.s. Isn't there any thing that can stop the progression of your physical problems?

p.p.s. You posted "bend and dig ??? Isn't that the feminine part's job???

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

mastereagle22 said:
I think one of my main problems is lack of sites or difficutly finding new sites... :-\

I think you nailed it mastereagle. I spent most of the winter researching old sites and asking for permission....was turned down by all of the owners. I've not hunted much this year due to lack of new sites, plus being coaxed out of retirement to work for four months starting in March. But I did get my detecting mojo back two weeks ago when I found an 1828 LC at a site I've hunted many times...now I'm going to hunt the entire complex again. Should take most of the remaining year. :icon_thumright:

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

Sometimes I lose my drive to get out to detect, but once my wife hits me with the honey-do list, or threatens to take me shopping, I head for my detector. ;D
I hope to see you back in the groove soon. :icon_thumleft:

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

Bull: a broken leg?? did a crane or a stork get you?

Don Jose de La Mancha


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Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

Hey ME22,

I can't say that I have ever experienced your problem. There were some dry spells for me at times but the fire has been burning for over 20 years!

I think what you need is a GOOD find. :laughing7: That's what always lights my fire when I start to get down...

You remember what it feels like! I live for that moment....next good find, and it does come, usually when you least expect it! That makes it even better. :icon_sunny:

Just try to remember what it felt like when you found your last great find. Then go for it.

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

I got out of it for about 7 years due to being crazy busy renovating a 150 year old house. Well, was the icing on the cake anyway. But...truth is, I was also getting pretty discuraged trying to find decent places to hunt. Now that the internet is as huge as it is, this has become a much smaller prolem than it used to be, and I am back at it again.

do some "googling" and look for historic sites, ghost towns, old abandoned amusement parks, etc.......I have come up with enough lately that I am good for a couple of years, and I get out every weekend. I was at a place today just looking. I left the detector in the truck to get a chance to speak with some people and get some permission before appearing pushy.

I found it on the internet. It is a "hollow" which contained an entire town in the 1820's. There were 6 saloons, a brothel, and 4 mines there. It was occupied by miners, and outlaws, or men that were both. In the hollow, I found 4 old houses, all totally renovated. I found that 3 of these house were 3 of the 4 saloons. There is a barn still standing with a pasture fenced with a stone wall fence. It was the mule barn for the "mine mules" that pulled the cars out of the mines. There were "company shacks" where the miners stayed. Those were in what is now a wheat field.

Today produced permission from 2 property owners to come back and hunt, and from a 3rd after the wheat is cut.

I only bored you with my longs story in a hope to inspire you....that there are still great sites to hunt.......just go look for them!

Good luck


Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

Yes all the Time ! No - money - N0 - gas - No - Job - No Detecting...But we Did Get Some Rain .. ;D :( :( :(

Re: Ever stopped and then couldn't quite get started again?

Thanks for the words Don....
I'm stuck with the genetic cesspole of my ancestors. But, as I hate to iterate the words of my father, "I'm a tough old bird"
Day 4 of my vacation.......actually feel somewhat okay...cut grass and stuff yesterday.

I think responding to this thread is my kick in the butt. So...now it's raining....go figure. ::)


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