FEMA & DHS trying to buy up Emergency Food Sups, why? What do they know that we dont


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2013
East Tennessee
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FEMA & DHS trying to buy up Emergency Food Sups, why? What do they know that we don't

I don't know if anyone has picked up on the stories going around about FEMA and the DHS trying to buy up Emergency Food Supplies to be delivered ASAP but something is amiss! They have contacted My Patriot Supply Survival Store to buy up as much food as possible to be delivered as soon as possible. Rumors are going around that FEMA and DHS have also contacted the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saint's Food Pantries in an attempt to purchase all of the food storage food stocks that they have and even requested the names of all LDS Church members that have stockpiled food. So what is amiss that our' Government is not telling us? Has anyone heard rumors of some natural disaster, war or direct hit from an Asteriod, Meteor or even a Comet? If so, please post anything that you have heard or seen online or elsewhere, so that we all can be aware of what is going on.


FEMA Scrambles For Storable Food, Contacts Patriot Company For Emergency Delivery - :

Smoke and mirrors to take your eye off the ball. If they were really that worried about something we would never know. Besides they got MRE's.

my guess they know the Eastern Pacific hurricane season began May 15th and
doesn't end till November 30th.
and IF a Hurricane hits us again & they aren't prepared again,
They will catch a whole lot more crap then they caught the last 2 times.
(re: katrina & Sandy)

& Enviro-Terrorists who Publish this crap
2013 hurricane season predicted to be worse than 2012 - Video on NBCNews.com
don't help things.

They predicted 70's here all last week,
it hit 90 almost every day
. if they can't predict the temps
the same day they happen, how can they predict hurricanes ?

of course if they get lucky & we get nailed
so will
FEMA & DHS for dropping the ball :laughing7:

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That prediction is just preseason hype to pacify the whining MMGW crowd of chicken littles.

If you read more recent NOAA and other estimates ... they were quietly ratcheted down earlier this month (see my post about it in the "global warming" forum here on Tnet).

As Mad Machinist said: Smoke and mirrors. I would have called it something else, but this is a family friendly forum.

The current group of wannabes in DC are hoping to create a crisis with food as they did with ammunition. They make it public in the hope of creating a panic that what's his name can use to ... wait, I can't talk that much politics here. Don't want to get the thread locked.

The current group of wannabes in DC are hoping to create a crisis with food as they did with ammunition. They make it public in the hope of creating a panic that what's his name can use to ... wait, I can't talk that much politics here. Don't want to get the thread locked.


The best way to create a food crisis is for FEMA to buy supplies of it from My Patriot Supply's survival store.

buying food in bulk will get you on a watchlist. i once bought 1000 cans of sardines at a shop in the pacific northwest and everyone was staring at me.

you gentlemen may like to venture up to the Second Amendment Watchdog Forum area of everything else.
This, and other issues are being discussed in a few threads. Feel free to join in.

first, the information comes from a blog...second, the information comes from a never heard of survivalist food supplier, over an alleged request from FEMA.
notice not one documented fact is involved in this thread?
thanks for the giggle...

first, the information comes from a blog...second, the information comes from a never heard of survivalist food supplier, over an alleged request from FEMA.
notice not one documented fact is involved in this thread?
thanks for the giggle...

You missed my statement about NOAA and MMGW. Documented by U.S. Government.

I always do bulk shopping. When it's on sale and I have coupons, I stock up.
I can't stand to run out of something and have to pay full price! (I'm due for stock-up right now on some things)
One time I stocked up on non-perishables, was when tinfoil was on sale $6.99 (from 11.99), and I had a handful of $1.00 off coupons.
Needless to say, I haven't had to buy tinfoil in about 4 years now, and still got enough for another 4 years.

Where I come from, they call you smart and frugal for that, not label you a survivalists. :laughing7:

Has anyone heard rumors of some natural disaster, war or direct hit from an Asteriod, Meteor or even a Comet? If so, please post anything that you have heard or seen online or elsewhere, so that we all can be aware of what is going on.


FEMA Scrambles For Storable Food, Contacts Patriot Company For Emergency Delivery - :

Yes, I have HEARD many RUMORS. They all turned out to be a bunch on nonsense.
Just keep on fishing, detecting, and enjoying your life.

Yes, I have HEARD many RUMORS. They all turned out to be a bunch on nonsense.
Just keep on fishing, detecting, and enjoying your life.

And you'll still be saying the same thing sitting on your little FEMA camp bunk wont yeah JB:sign10:Enjoy

Yes, I have HEARD many RUMORS. They all turned out to be a bunch on nonsense.
Just keep on fishing, detecting, and enjoying your life.

Well, I will keep on detecting but as for enjoying life to it's fullest, how can you with the ominous dark cloud of uncertainty that's overhead? There is something wrong and everybody knows it. Only a few will acknowledge it.

There is something wrong and everybody knows it. Only a few will acknowledge it.

They hide behind a facade of normality,soaked in denial and reeking of normalcy biased life.

I love these sky is falling stories. This is their job to supply emergency assistance to the disaster hit areas. The gov been doing it for years. There are still people struggling after the last big east coast hurricane did anyone ever think that's where the food is going? If the Midwest has extras why not send it where it's needed? Just like the bullet thing, you know how many rounds they fire in training everyday? Hundreds of thousands. Just read the book from the guy who was in act of valor. He talks about the thousands of rounds he shot everyday. Times that by 2 training squads over sometimes up to 6 months of daily shooting and that's a crap ton of bullets. I'm not a bleeding heart for the gov I'm just tired of everyone panicking over nothing and making the world on edge. The USA is the only country that acts like a bunch of paranoid but jobs in the world! Everything is doom and gloom for us. If everyone would stop being lag like that and commit as much energy and money as they do to the so called end of te world prepping we'd be outta debt, unemployment would be close to nonexistent and we'd all be happy and a lot better health. So come on guys quit hoping for the sky to fall so you can play mad max and get a life!

Just like the survival store owners do you think there turning away them from buying the food? And the stores turning away ammo buyers from the gov? Nope their cashing them checks and living it up. If it all is such a terrible thing why sell to them? That's like our local sporting goods store, every month it's doom and gloom sales. Now there selling survival kits that come with the latest s&w handguns. Do you see my point. Every other market crashes because of greed, this bubble will do the same.

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buying food in bulk will get you on a watchlist. i once bought 1000 cans of sardines at a shop in the pacific northwest and everyone was staring at me.

sure, they wanted to make sure they were upwind of you

I don't know if anyone has picked up on the stories going around about FEMA and the DHS trying to buy up Emergency Food Supplies to be delivered ASAP but something is amiss! They have contacted My Patriot Supply Survival Store to buy up as much food as possible to be delivered as soon as possible. Rumors are going around that FEMA and DHS have also contacted the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saint's Food Pantries in an attempt to purchase all of the food storage food stocks that they have and even requested the names of all LDS Church members that have stockpiled food. So what is amiss that our' Government is not telling us? Has anyone heard rumors of some natural disaster, war or direct hit from an Asteriod, Meteor or even a Comet? If so, please post anything that you have heard or seen online or elsewhere, so that we all can be aware of what is going on.


FEMA Scrambles For Storable Food, Contacts Patriot Company For Emergency Delivery - :

stories? and rumors? you worry too much.
If I worried about stories and rumors I would believe the guy BB and his tales of coming catastrophe

I love these sky is falling stories. This is their job to supply emergency assistance to the disaster hit areas. The gov been doing it for years. There are still people struggling after the last big east coast hurricane did anyone ever think that's where the food is going? If the Midwest has extras why not send it where it's needed? Just like the bullet thing, you know how many rounds they fire in training everyday? Hundreds of thousands. Just read the book from the guy who was in act of valor. He talks about the thousands of rounds he shot everyday. Times that by 2 training squads over sometimes up to 6 months of daily shooting and that's a crap ton of bullets. I'm not a bleeding heart for the gov I'm just tired of everyone panicking over nothing and making the world on edge. The USA is the only country that acts like a bunch of paranoid but jobs in the world! Everything is doom and gloom for us. If everyone would stop being lag like that and commit as much energy and money as they do to the so called end of te world prepping we'd be outta debt, unemployment would be close to nonexistent and we'd all be happy and a lot better health. So come on guys quit hoping for the sky to fall so you can play mad max and get a life!

Just like the survival store owners do you think there turning away them from buying the food? And the stores turning away ammo buyers from the gov? Nope their cashing them checks and living it up. If it all is such a terrible thing why sell to them? That's like our local sporting goods store, every month it's doom and gloom sales. Now there selling survival kits that come with the latest s&w handguns. Do you see my point. Every other market crashes because of greed, this bubble will do the same.

Whats funny Nickleanddime is that whats coming doesnt care if anybody believes it or not.Its still going to happen like it or not.

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