Finally joined the Spanish Club today.


Sr. Member
Jun 4, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
Detector(s) used
Minelab E-Trac
At a new spot today. Finds are vary sparce, lots of walking up and down the field swinging. But when I find my first Spanish...a 1721 Phillip V cut 2 reales (Cuena mint in Segovia) it makes all that walking worth it!! Extremely brittle.

Super pumped. Found a 43' Walker in the same field. Was told it had been hit many times before. Guess they missed these. 12-40 high tone on the Etrac. Have an on site pic and couple cleaned up pics.

Going to have to keep swinging out there.

Happy hunting!


Upvote 30
Congrats on the fine Spanish. That's a sweet find.

Thats a find of a lifetime freakin cool put that bad boy in a nice case Well done Tommy

Wow, that's a nice one! Cut silver is so cool. Congrats!


Very Nice!!! Congrats!!!

Beauty. Did you crack it while cleaning? Iโ€™ve done that a few times to older silver. Great find!

Sure did Scrappy. Going to
leave it alone before it goes any further :)

No worries. Yep, it happens. Great find again, Iโ€™ve never found pieces of, nor a whole 2-R

Cool club to be in.

awesome find and congrats, those seem hard to find around my parts LOL

No worries. Yep, it happens. Great find again, Iโ€™ve never found pieces of, nor a whole 2-R

Welcome to the club buddy! I love seeing Spanish come out of the dirt. Donโ€™t feel bad about the break. Some of those coins are pretty brittle. I found a 2 Spanish spill one time and the coins were packed into this concrete like dirt with small rocks. I broke the 1 real right in half trying to retrieve it. If one of us does it to a draped silver then we can feel really bad lol.

Nice job on your first Spanish silver. It's a dig you wont soon forget. I found my first one 12 years ago, and I can remember the details of the hunt like it was yesterday. (And my memory isn't the best anymore) !

You found a half-pistareen the hard way! Congrats! Welcome to Spain, baby.

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