find of the summer ( maby the year ) for me and the wife

I dont see anything that resembles a bird in the pics, and I am also doubting it is a pipe. I would like to see better pics of it cleaned up though and maybe you could point out the bird like features jeff. I would also mention that I have posted what I thought might be an artifact, which was pointed out to me that it was a concretion also. Some of you may remember it, I posted it under the title "the head". At that time I did not know what a concretion was. My point is that I learned from it, as I have learned many other things from this forum, such as the prevalence of fake modern points. Jeff , if you stick around and keep an open mind I bet you can also learn a great deal here.

The object in question is not an artifact. It is a naturally occurring stone as others have said. Nobody here is picking on the poster, he just needs to understand that there are folks here with years and years of collecting or studying or both of genuine artifacts and others who specialize in rocks and the answers he is getting are correct even though he may not like to hear them. I will likely never understand people who constantly think what they have found are artifacts when they are not and the numbers are growing rapidly. I do understand that I am lucky to live near the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of the American Indian in NYC where I have studied artifacts for over fifty years and took archaeology/anthropology of native Americans at the University of Oklahoma. I do understand that the average person does not have such reference facilities easily accessible. What I fail to grasp is why when told repeatedly that what they have found is not an artifact they can't seem to take learning the truth about the object. Heck, when I was little I must have taken fifty or more items to the museum only to be told they weren't what I had hoped I had found. Was I deflated? Yes. Was I hurt? No. I didn't question the opinion of the experts, I went out and hunted until I did find real artifacts. Jeff, life consists of many learning processes, you are getting a free lesson here, why not learn from it?

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I'm always amazed when people post pictures of something that they claim to be something specific, like this pipe and when they don't get the acknowledgement they want they just pull out and claim everyone here doesn't know what their talking about. They typically don't post more pictures that would better bolster their claims which is what I would do if I was absolutely sure of what I had found. I would love to see some pictures that showed any evidence that this pipe was actually drilled. All it would take is one actual good photo showing this??

If OP thinks his object is a true artifact he needs to have it authenticated. It don't cost much then you will know for sure.

Authentication is good. Sometimes a local museum can do it. They spotted a newly made arrowhead I had purchased I thought was old.

More pics please if you want to convince anyone.

I read more than I post. This thread forced me to reply. This artifact is a documented pipe form. Found from Paleo to post-contact eras. Found across the globe. This rare example is a classic Leaverite pipe.

Everyone on here would have taken that home. Weird and cool no matter what.

Everyone on here would have taken that home. Weird and cool no matter what.

I don’t know about everyone taking it home Fred. Some no doubt would.

I also don’t know of any regular here that would be adamant it was a double barrel pipe with two birds carved into it.

Everyone on here would have taken that home. Weird and cool no matter what.

Fred, I think you have a good point. I think most of us would have stopped to examine it at the bare minimum. It's got a lot of things going on that should catch a field hunter's eye.

Good on the original poster for recognizing those features. The part that comes with a bit more experience being able to dismiss the "it simply has to be something" desire and letting a neat rock/geofact go. (Or keeping it if it's cool enough for you to keep.)

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