Finders Keepers USA Dents Run National Press Release

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No mysterious cover-up. FK posted years ago that they had possibly found human remains in the site.

The FBI recovered human remains (possibly Native American) and are working to identify/classify the remains. Once determined, the associated tribe or families will be notified first before a public announcement is made.

From a news broadcast on the subject, “[FONT=&quot]Hours later, the FBI & DCNR dug up the site and said they were there for a court-authorized excavation of a potential "cultural heritage site."[/FONT]

[FONT=&]March 10 at 11:35 PM · [/FONT]
[FONT=&]OK , Our 16 page story of what went on at the FBI dig , went out to all major News Networks on Wed . The 16 pages are to long to post here so I will post a list of new info . Thank You

[FONT=&]1, The FBI said we could be on site when they dug up the gold, but they made us stay in our car 6 hrs each day. WHY[/FONT]
[FONT=&]2, The FBI told DCNR they could take picture's of the dig , but when they showed up NO Pictures were allowed. WHY[/FONT]
[FONT=&]3, DCNR had to stay in their car for 6hrs on day 2 of the dig. WHY[/FONT]
[FONT=&]4, The FBI shut down the dig on day 1 at 3pm and said they would start back in the morning to finish the gold dig. Every one went home. WHY[/FONT]
[FONT=&]5, The FBI asked the excavator operator to leave the keys in it incase they had to move it. WHY[/FONT]
[FONT=&]6, The FBI returned to the site at 7pm after they sent every one home and dug all night. WHY[/FONT]
[FONT=&]7, The FBI loaded up 15 FBI SUV's during the night dig . The SUV's backed up to the green tent and 6 wheel quads came down the road all night and loaded something into the back of them. Then they went to Hicks Run. What did they load up all night.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]8, 4 Armored Trucks, 4 Military Hummers, 1 Crain Truck was spotted sitting at Sheetz in Falls Creek.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]9, Day 2 of the dig we show up on site 8:15am and sit in our car for 5 1/2 hrs. At the same time the 1st armored truck convoy started from Falls Creek and went to Hicks Run. 2 Military Hummers, 2 Armored Trucks, 1 Black FBI SUV, 1 military chopper over head. They stayed at Hicks Run for 1/2hr and headed to Dubois 1-80. [/FONT]
[FONT=&]10, On day 1 a lot of people went into the green FBI tent , they even had us inside.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]11, On day 2 of the dig , NO ONE was allowed close to the green tent. We were told to stay away from it. A State Trooper came to the area of the green tent but was not allowed close to it. The head FBI agent came out of the green tent and got into the back seat of the troopers car and looked at a video for 20 min. WHY[/FONT]
[FONT=&]12, On day 2 of the dig we were told that water flooded the dig hole and we had to wait until they could pump it dry before digging.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]13, At 2:30 pm the FBI told us we could go up the hill and they would finish the dig but when we got there it was all ready dug 12' deep and we saw no sign of water. WHY[/FONT]
[FONT=&]14, As we were leaving the site the head agent told us to keep quiet, do not post anything or talk about the dig UNTIL THE INVESTIGATION WAS DONE. Since we were the ones asking for the investigation , we stayed quiet for 1yr.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]15, We left the site at 3:15pm and at 4:45pm the 2nd Armored Truck Convoy left Falls Creek and joined up with another Armored Truck that was sitting at Valley Farm Market for 5hrs. They all headed to Dents Run and at 5:45pm the FBI shut down the roads into Dents Run and people were told to stay in their homes while the Armored Trucks were at the green tent. WHY[/FONT]
[FONT=&]16, The FBI told the news reporters they were not on site to dig for Gold but we got emails from DCNR to the FBI that prove they were digging for gold at a size of 3'x 5'x 8' and on the warrant it says they are after 1 ton or more of gold. WHY Lie about this.

[FONT=&]IF the FBI said Nothing was found why didn't they just shut down on the morning after they dug all night.

Why would they bring in 5 Armored Trucks and shut down the roads if nothing was found.

[FONT=&]We believe the 15 SUV's got loaded with gold bars and they ran out of SUV's so they hid the rest of the gold in the green tent and boxed it up until dark until the 2 Armored Convoy could come in and load it up.

[FONT=&]The FBI spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to come to Dents Run and they never called the company they paid $5,000 to scan the site ( Enviroscan ) to find out what went wrong with the gold readings. WHY NOT CALL THEM.

[FONT=&]Ya there is a lot more to this story I can not talk about yet BUT NOTHING ADDS UP. They did remove over 1/2 Billion Dollars in Gold and were did it go.???????[/FONT]

These "why" questions are rhetorical as to you, one and only one answer is sufficient: "Because the FBI wanted to abscond with the alleged gold."

Therefore, with only one answer that would satisfy you, they are only serving to obfuscate a fact based view of the evidence, that allows other reasonable possibilities to these "why" questions, by drowning the viewer in speculation, conspiracy mongering and question begging. Get them going down all those rabbit holes and then we don't have to deal with the reality of the facts, which at this point, are scarce and the few we have post dig, do not support gold being found.

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having watched the entire video, and following this story for some time, it reminds me very much of the world trade center attacks.

Very clear, and obvious evidence is presented, and there are relentless posters, that side with the official story, no matter how absurd it appears.

In a nut shell, you can fight the government, but you will lose, or come up missing.

The human remains story is a good one, I suppose they are searching for pre-historic dental records.

Why would they bring in 5 Armored Trucks and shut down the roads if nothing was found.

Now it's 5 armored trucks? 3 years ago it was reported as 2 then it grew to 4 and now it's 5? In a case like this, building trust and credibility through an open, honest and accurate presentation of the facts is paramount. Why risk your credibility by being so loose with the facts?

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having watched the entire video, and following this story for some time, it reminds me very much of the world trade center attacks.

Very clear, and obvious evidence is presented, and there are relentless posters, that side with the official story, no matter how absurd it appears.

In a nut shell, you can fight the government, but you will lose, or come up missing.

The human remains story is a good one, I suppose they are searching for pre-historic dental records.

Over the last 25 or so years, the respect and handling of Native American remains has become priority #1.

DNA analysis and matching takes time.

Of course the fbi, “removing $500,000,000 in gold” makes for a better YouTube post....

Open honest and accurate presentation of facts... your funnie Mr deep . Still waiting for you to tell me why the FBI made them leave..

When and will be the next court dates? I will be there with many members to seek the truth. And to put an end to all all these forums.

Over the last 25 or so years, the respect and handling of Native American remains has become priority #1.

DNA analysis and matching takes time.

Of course the fbi, “removing $500,000,000 in gold” makes for a better YouTube post....

What am I missing here? Why under the cover of darkness? Why
Exclude witnesses or any general public?

What am I missing here? Why under the cover of darkness? Why
Exclude witnesses or any general public?

We need only apply a little bit of logic here. If you were on the site of what could turn out to be one of the biggest treasure hoard finds in the history of America, would you keep digging into the night? I would.

So the most plausible and likely reason they continued digging into the night: they were excited and hopeful they were going to find the treasure of a lifetime. So even though they were going to wrap it up for the night, i'll bet after dinner, some of them decided to keep on digging. Witnesses bare this out, that they started up digging again that evening and into the night.

Now the question isn't why did they keep digging, the question is, did they find anything?

As far as closing the scene, the real question is, why did a member of the FBI say he could observe to begin with? Its standard operating procedure when processing a crime scene to not let in civilians or non essential personnel. Make no mistake, this was a crime scene for which the FBI even obtained a warrant to process it. What has got lost is that it would be more unusual for them to allow him to observe, then to not let him observe. They also kicked out the PA DCNR. No one got special treatment.

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Where is the logic in hiding the evidence of an empty hole. ? Mr deep every time you post all you do is prove my point. NOW let's have an open honest and accurate presentation of the facts....

Over the last 25 or so years, the respect and handling of Native American remains has become priority #1.

DNA analysis and matching takes time.

Of course the fbi, “removing $500,000,000 in gold” makes for a better YouTube post....

Yes. But if the FBI was digging an American Indian site then wouldn't they want somebody from the archeological community to document that event? It's not like you can go out and just dig up and Indian mound. So the question remains- why dig in darkness?

I would think if it was a native American site there would be a whole crew there from the archeological community. And they would still be scratching and digging with their tooth picks and paint brushes.

I would tend to agree. Plus, it would be hard to properly dig at night for human remains. I think we can safely assume that their primary search was for treasure. It's the main reason they were notified of the site by FK in the first place and why they did the ground scans.

It's also safe to say they dug at night to continue the search for Gold, (some think it was also to "hide" the dig, maybe, but they already sealed the site and had been digging during the day and even the PA DCNR wasn't allowed at the dig site so whether they found something digging at night or during the day, same outcome) the pressing question was and still is, did they find any Gold?

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Some think it was to hide the dig. ? Mr deep they have been hiding the dig for THREE years..if nothing was found why can't they show the proof. ? Safely assume is purely double talk and all you deliver .why won't you answer my question...WHY DID THEY BOOT FK FROM THE SITE .there is only one reason they hide the truth and you know it...

WHY DID THEY BOOT FK FROM THE SITE .there is only one reason they hide the truth and you know it...

What i know is that i've answered this question no less then 2 times in this very thread, and what i also know is, being a former LE officer, SEALING a crime scene during processing is standard operating procedure.

Here's a good read about securing the crime scene for anyone who thinks kicking out Fk and the PA DCNR is somehow nefarious, when point of fact, it is standard operating procedure of ALL law enforcement across this nation.

In pertinent part:

"A crime scene can be cordoned off using crime-scene tape, barricades, automobiles, or even by police officers standing guard. Only personnel who are absolutely necessary for processing the scene are allowed in".

What crime?

Alleged stolen civil war payroll gold? But that's an assumption, We'd have to see the warrant the FBI obtained to process the scene, which i understand FK has been trying to get.

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What crime seen ...prove it was a crime seen all that was ever shown was an empty hole . A crime seen PROVES you found the gold. like I said Mr deep every time you post you prove the fact that they found what they were looking for ...

What crime seen ...prove it was a crime seen all that was ever shown was an empty hole . A crime seen PROVES you found the gold. like I said Mr deep every time you post you prove the fact that they found what they were looking for ...

Every time you post, you prove you have very little knowledge of the law and law enforcement. Excavating a scene for potential crime(s) DOES not prove anything was found, let alone gold. Sorry. And yes, it's well established fact already that the FBI considered this a crime scene and even obtained the proper warrants necessary to legally process it. The question is and still remains, did they find anything?

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